The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 238 - Failed Rejection

Author's note:

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Marcy couldn't snap out of her daze that was muddled by the excitement of her wolf. Marcy didn't feel her wolf in some time, yet now she was coming back. Did that mean she was not having a nightmare and the guy in front of her was real?

"George, this is my daughter, Marcy. I was just praising your abilities."

George's eyes didn't leave Alpha Edward. "You flatter me, Alpha."

Alpha Edward bobbed his head in approval. He noticed that whoever saw Marcy, their gazes couldn't stop roaming her body, after all, werewolves are licentious creatures and Marcy is a good-looking she-wolf, yet commander George knew that Marcy is forbidden fruit. This confirmed Alpha Edward's previous assessment that George is the right person to escort Marcy.

"This is what I like about you. Always humble", and you know your place, "no matter how high you reach.", Alpha Edward said to George and then spoke to Marcy who was still gaping at the newcomer like someone stuck two invisible fingers in her mouth.

"George is undefeated among commanders, and he can get any benefits he wants, yet he always volunteers for missions, stays late at the training grounds to work with warriors, and he even helps with cleanup. Despite his young age, he is one of the pillars of the Red Moon pack, and also a great role model for James."

"It's my honor to personally train the future Alpha.", George responded.

"James is lucky to have you. We all are." Alpha Edward turned to Marcy. "George will keep you safe. I trust his abilities, and you should as well."

Marcy nodded absentmindedly while trying to wrap her mind around this bombshell. What the hell?

Is this Greek God with a head full of brown hair and gorgeous chocolate eyes the same George who she identified as her mate at her welcoming party a few weeks ago? The same one she rejected?

But… wasn't he an Omega? How did he turn into the highly-praised commander? And why did he smell so delicious? She couldn't stop staring at him. The man was simply too handsome.

Marcy wanted to ask if he is the same guy, but her father was there, and George barely spared her a glance. He was standing ramrod straight with his arms behind his back, and Marcy was struggling to maintain her composure.

"Marcy… Marcy!"

Alpha Edward's stern voice pulled Marcy out of her thoughts.

"Aren't you going to greet George? Where are your manners?"

Marcy blinked at her father in confusion and then she plastered a smile on her face while extending her hand for a handshake.

"I am Marcy. It's a pleasure to meet you, commander."

George looked at Marcy's hand for a moment before returning the gesture.

"Call me, George.", he said, and his eyes flashed with something unfathomable when their hands connected. His lips lifted into a half-smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Trust me, the pleasure is mine."

The handshake lasted only for a second, but Marcy clearly felt the sparks. How was that possible? Didn't she reject him? She had so many questions, but she couldn't ask any of them in front of her father. Oh, and James and Nora were there also, watching them carefully.

Marcy saw Nora standing on the side while ogling at George and Marcy felt fury stirring inside her as she wanted to gouge Nora's eyes out. How dares she look at George in such a way!?

George is mine!

Marcy quickly stopped those words from spilling out of her mouth before she causes a catastrophe. What's wrong with her?

She needed some time to process all this and to come up with a plan because things were spiraling out of control.

After finding out that Nora is sleeping with Alpha Edward, Marcy was convinced that she was ready for whatever that duo had in store for her, but this... was unexpected.

"That's better.", Alpha Edward said to Marcy and turned to George. "Plan to spend at least a week at the Dark Howlers pack, maybe longer. I don't expect that anyone will cause you trouble, but until Marcy settles in her role as the Luna of the Dark Howlers pack, I will entrust her safety into your hands."

Marcy swallowed a mouthful of air. Did she hear that right? George will be guarding her? If she had any doubts if George is the same man she rejected as her mate, the sparks during the handshake dispelled any doubts. He is the same guy.

"Dad, can we have a word?", Marcy asked.

"Sure.", Alpha Edward gestured for Marcy to speak.

"In private, please."

Alpha Edward frowned a bit. "If this is something about your upcoming visit to the Dark Howlers pack, Nora, James, and George should hear about it. After all, you are all going together. And if it's not about it, it can wait."

Alpha Edward's impatience was obvious, and Marcy backtracked. "It can wait."

"Good. Then, I suggest that you and George get to know each other. Why don't you take a walk in the garden? …"

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Marcy and George walked in silence through the garden.

Marcy inhaled a sharp breath and turned to George, "Geroge, about what happened..."

"Your father is still watching us."

George's stern tone sent shivers down Marcy's spine. Was it wrong to say that through all that guilt and confusion she was also excited? No, no… the excitement was coming from her wolf.

Marcy gave a small nod of understanding. She already confirmed that George is not a simple man. Of course, he was aware that her father was watching them. "Is there a place where we can talk?"

Without a word, George gestured toward the path on the right and Marcy followed after him.

A minute later, Marcy stood in front of the door that led into a storage house. George was inside already.

It was a good place because it provided privacy, but at the same time, Marcy was reluctant. What if George does something despicable? Marcy dispelled that thought. George was obviously loyal to her father, and he wouldn't dare to harm her.

On the other hand, George's loyalty to Alpha Edward meant that George is another person who will make sure that Marcy behaves according to Alpha Edward's wishes.

"Are you coming or not?", George asked with impatience in his voice from the storeroom that looked unusually dark, even with the unobstructed windows.

Marcy was dejected. Why did she come here? Was there a point in saying anything? George will probably parrot everything to her father, but there was something she wanted to know.

Marcy got inside and closed the door behind her.

She observed George who stood ramrod straight with his arms behind his back and his legs slightly parted, and she took in a deep breath that filled her lungs with the stale air of the storehouse and delicious scent of the sweet clover that definitely came from George.

"Why did you say that you are an Omega?", Marcy asked.

"I didn't.", George said curtly.

"But…", Marcy paused while recollecting their brief conversation that happened right after she kissed him and before she rejected him.

Marcy's brows came together. George was right. He said that he is a nobody who cleaned training grounds and she assumed the rest.

"Why didn't you clarify it?"

George sneered. "Clarify, what exactly?"

He took a step closer to Marcy and she swallowed hard while wishing that he maintained his stony unreadable expression because his vicious gaze scared the shit out of her. Even her wolf whimpered while covering in fear.

"What did you expect to hear from a man who is supposed to be your other half while you reject him?"

He was so close that she could feel his hot breath fanning her face. It smelled of sweet clover. Delicious.

"I rejected you. How come I feel the sparks?", Marcy asked.

When he didn't respond, Marcy tried to touch him, but he stepped away to avoid her and Marcy realized… "You can feel them also. Why?"

George narrowed his eyes at her. "Because I didn't accept your rejection."

Marcy was not sure what to think about it. Her wolf was happy, but what about Marcy?

The memory of George's strong arms around her and his flavors seeping into her system were still vivid, and Marcy really wanted to get closer, touch him, kiss him, and much more, but if she does that, everything related to her becoming the Luna of the Dark Howlers pack will be voided and her father will skin her alive.


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