The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 244 - Talia’s Friend (2)

Talia remembered Mindy's words from the Summer Solstice festival, and how she disliked the idea of being mated to an Alpha.

Mindy didn't want to fit into a mold that someone else created for her, even if that someone else is her mate. After all, Mindy is a confident she-wolf with many accomplishments behind her and many dreams ahead.

For Mindy, being a Luna would be like cutting off her wings and forcing her to stay in one place.

Sure, Mindy might be able to do other things also, but considering how busy Lunas are with managing the pack and hosting (and attending) parties and other functions, there wouldn't be much time left for anything else. After all, being a Luna is a full-time job, and a mate bond will make Mindy wish to submit to her mate and she might neglect willingly the things she currently holds dear.

However, Talia was different. Until a few weeks ago, she didn't have any dreams, and the ones she created so far were definitely achievable, assuming that Damon won't obstruct her, and so far, he was supportive.

How Talia saw this, any aspirations she develops in the future, will include Damon. He is already an indispensable part of her life.

Will their situation change in the future for the worse? Maybe. But Talia didn't want to think about it because no one knows what lies ahead and she already jeopardized her relationship with Damon by giving importance to things that were irrelevant or unlikely to happen.

"I am not thinking that far ahead.", Talia said. "Damon and I agreed to take this one step at a time. I'm still getting used to the reality that we are mates, and the idea of being a Luna and how that will work out is vague. I know that Damon won't force me into anything. He wants me to complete my education and he is not stopping me from trying new things, like working in the kitchen, or studying medicine."

Mindy thought how that was novel. It all sounded great except for... "Why didn't you announce your relationship?" It is common knowledge that when an Alpha finds his mate, he can't wait to announce it. It's a big reason for celebration because Alpha found his mate, and the pack got their Luna, and there is a belief that when the pair are fated mates, the Moon Goddess will bless them and the pack.

"I asked Damon to take this slow, and he agreed. Only a few people know we are mates, so I hope you can keep it a secret. It's for my safety also."

"If people knew you are their future Luna, the whole pack would protect you.", Mindy voiced her thoughts.

"That would be the case if my background is impressive, if I am powerful, or if I have some achievements. However, I am nobody. I'm confident that even though we are mates, there will be people who won't approve of me as their Luna. I don't think that anyone will openly rebel because they respect Damon, but if we recklessly announce my new status, some powerful people who are against Damon will fan the flames within the pack, and that can quickly get out of control."

Mindy understood the reasoning, but she didn't approve. "So, how long will you maintain this status and allow others to see you as Damon's plaything?"

Talia didn't like Mindy's choice of words, but she appreciated Mindy speaking her mind. Isn't that what friends do?

It was the truth that unless people know Talia is Damon's mate, they will see her as his plaything.

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"I want to keep the type of our relationship a secret at least until he deals with Marcy from the Red Moon pack.", Talia explained.

"If Alpha Damon tells Alpha Edward that he found his mate, Alpha Edward will take care of his daughter."

Talia shook her head, indicating how that won't work. "Alpha Edward is the one pushing Marcy in Damon's bed with the goal of two large packs forming an alliance through marriage. Do you think he will care about Damon finding his mate? If he finds out, he will probably target me first. With me out of the way, Damon will be mateless again."

Mindy pressed her lips into a line. Talia had a point.

"So, what will you do?", Mindy asked.

"I might need your help with something."

"To deal with Marcy?", Mindy guessed and when Talia nodded in confirmation, Mindy's imagination exploded. "Are we going to sneak into the Red Moon pack, drug her, shave her head, take embarrassing photos of her and some guys groping her, and post those photos online with all faces blurred out except Marcy's?"

Talia was flabbergasted. That was oddly specific. "Where did that come from?"

Mindy shrugged. "You are behind Cassie losing her hair, and I added the rest."

Talia facepalmed. She forgot about Cassie.

Talia thought how only Damon forgets about females that are not important, but it seems it's contagious!

"No. We won't shave Marcy's head and take embarrassing photos while she is drugged with some guys." At least I hope not. "But she will be here, and I will need your and Lina's help. Nothing excessive. Mostly to keep an eye on her."

Mindy thought that her ears malfunctioned. "SHE will be here? Are we still talking about Marcy? And where is that HERE you are talking about?"

Talia realized that it sounds bad, but it was the truth. "Marcy is coming here. To this packhouse. She will arrive with her party tomorrow evening probably, no later than the next morning."

Mindy needed a moment to process this information. "Why the hell is she coming here?"

"I asked for it."

"Why the hell are you welcoming into your house the woman who is coveting your mate? You know that Marcy will throw herself at Damon. What will happen if she jumps on him, and he fails to avoid her?"

Talia didn't want to imagine that visual.

The truth was that Talia was not confident about this, not even a little bit. But her wolf demanded this ridiculous thing and Talia knew that her wolf was not willing to compromise.

Sure, Talia could explain to her wolf the situation, but Talia felt the disgust of her wolf at the thought that Damon was intimate with some other woman. Assuming that Talia could come up with an explanation that would work, it would have the desired effect of pacifying her wolf only if her wolf is willing to listen and not make a mistake that can't be fixed before Talia can convince her otherwise.

Talia was terrified of facing Marcy, her bully. But she hoped that with Mindy, Kalina, and Damon by her side, she can overcome her fears and face Marcy without falling apart.

"That's why I need your help.", Talia said. "Damon will deal with her. I want him to do it without disclosing that I am his mate because if he does that, Marcy will use me as an excuse for why her engagement failed."

Before Mindy could come up with more reasons why Marcy shouldn't come to the Dark Howlers pack, Talia spoke again.

"Marcy is not the only one. I can't keep an eye on Damon all the time, and that's why I'm expecting that he will deal not just with Marcy but with every woman who comes at him. If he fails to do so… it's better if he fails now than a few years down the road."

Mindy released a long breath before pulling Talia into a hug and patting her back.

"I guess since you will be the Luna of the largest pack in North America, it's useless to ask you to be my assistant.", Mindy said while trying to lighten up the mood.

Talia smiled. "Look at it from the bright side. It will be easier for you to get donations from Damon."

Mindy hummed in agreement. "You made a good point. Having as a friend a Luna with deep pockets will be beneficial for my business."

Talia and Mindy laughed at this.

"Thank you, Mindy."

"Remember this and repay me when you get a chance.", Mindy said with a wink. "Alright! Let's get ready for the nightclub! I've got everything we need here. Just get your dress…" Mindy's voice trailed when she saw that Talia's expression was not good. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure what to wear."

Mindy didn't think that's a problem. "How about we ravage your closet first? I'm sure we will find something. I would give you something mine, but you are a few sizes smaller." Mindy gestured at her chest area and Talia made a face but the truth was that Mindy was much more curvaceous compared to Talia.

"I will be happy if you help me pick something. How about you get your things, and we get ready in my room? I will call Maya to see if she wants to join also."

Mindy refused. "I'm assuming that you are sharing a room with Alpha Damon. I am not going to spend here more time than necessary. In this room, we won't be disturbed, and you are welcome to invite Maya to join us."

"There are plenty of other rooms that are unused."

Mindy paused. "Is any of them set up to be used as a dressing room?"

"Well, no."

"Then we will use mine." Mindy didn't leave Talia time to respond as she was stuffing boxes in Talia's hands. "Let's take these since it's on the way…"

Talia helplessly watched as Mindy piled up boxes for Talia to carry, and she smiled. She was happy.


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