The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 250 - Back In The Shifters Nightclub (3)

Damon was leaning backward on the sofa with both of his arms spread over the backrest and his eyes were trained at the bar where Talia, Maya, and Mindy were. Of course, his attention was on Talia.

Three young women were sipping cocktails and chatting enthusiastically, occasionally bursting into laughter and Damon wondered what they were talking about because he could feel Talia's happiness mixed with excitement.

Damon wanted to go there and join Talia, but he suppressed that urge because he knew that she was having a good time with her girlfriends. He will get her later, and he comforted himself with the fact that Talia was in his visual range.

A new sense of fulfillment filled his chest. Talia was enjoying thanks to him.

Damon's heart ached at the thought of how Talia had a rough time before they met. The truth was that he had no idea what she went through, but he knew that she was a gentle soul who craved company, yet she was hiding in the attic out of fear that she will be bullied.

Talia was smart and kind and wonderful in every way possible, but others suppressed her light and treated her like trash. They harmed her body, her mind, and even her wolf.

Well, not anymore.

Damon was determined to give Talia everything she missed so far; from simple things like food and a comfy bed, to luxuries like designer clothes and jewelry.

Will his support alone be enough for Talia to gain the confidence that should have been hers from the beginning? Damon was not sure, but he hoped that with the help of friends like Mindy, Maya, and Kalina, Talia might get there. Someday.

Damon's mission in life became to pamper Talia and spoil her rotten, and he had no doubts how that's the right thing to do because she deserves it.

"Is it OK for Talia to drink that much?"

Caden's voice got Damon's attention, but he didn't understand what Caden was getting at.


Caden hesitated before explaining. "Based on what happened during Summer Solstice, it doesn't seem that Talia handles alcohol well. The girls had cocktails here, and this is their third round at the bar."

Damon needed a minute to realize what Caden was talking about. The last time Talia was here, she drank too much, and Damon started a massive fight when some sleazeball approached her.

"If things get out of hand, I will take care of it.", Damon responded. Talia was having fun and he had no intention of telling her to stop.

Caden's eyebrow twitched. That's what he was worried about. When Damon takes care of things, usually someone gets hurt badly.

"It seems you are making up for all those years of not caring for a girl.", Maddox said with a chuckle.

"It's not like that.", Damon responded.

"And how is it?"

Damon shrugged. He was not sure how to respond to that question other than with, "When she is happy, I am happy." Damon saw Maddox rolling his eyes dramatically and Damon gestured toward Caden. "Ask him if you don't believe me."

Caden shook his head, indicating that he doesn't want to talk about it. "There is no point explaining this because Max won't get it. Only when you find your mate, you will discover a new array of emotions, and at that point, you will realize that before finding your mate you were just horny."

Maddox frowned. "And mate will make me less horny?"

Caden chuckled. "It's the opposite. Mate will make you hornier, but that will be an itch that only a mate can scratch."

Maddox's frown deepened. He was horny most of the time, and Caden said it will be worse and that only one woman can satisfy him? "Are you trying to convince me that finding a mate is a good thing or not?"

"It's the best thing ever!", Damon exclaimed. "But Caden is right. Explaining now is just wasting words because you won't get it." Damon turned to talk to Caden. "Let's not throw pearls in front of a swine."

Maddox's expression darkened. "Did you just call me a pig?"

"I don't know. Do you feel I was talking about you?", Damon teased.

And another banter between guys began.

Luckily, the VVIP booth was veiled in darkness, and the loud music covered up voices from reaching the crowd because if others saw how childish Damon and Maddox were, they might stop thinking about them as two intimidating and dignified Alphas who are leaders of the younger generation.

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At the bar…

Talia was having fun with Maya and Mindy, and the trio enjoyed the special service Katya provided by serving them the best cocktails the Shifters nightclub can provide.

The ladies were discussing drinks, clothes, guys, and plans for the next few days.

Mindy approved of the morning in the spa that was a female-only event scheduled at the time when guys will be training. And there was also an afternoon at the beach that included everyone.

Maya was explaining how the beach is on the lake, about half an hour drive from the packhouse, and it has a good stretch of sand so they can play beach volleyball, relax in the sun, and swim. That event will end in the evening with beer and roasting marshmallows over a campfire.

Talia listened to this attentively because she never went there. The outing on the beach was totally Maya's idea and it sounded fantastic.

Talia was imagining her and Damon on the beach, and she was not sure how that will work. Will they be able to keep their hands off each other considering that they will be scarcely dressed, without privacy? And it's a public beach, mid-July, so there is a strong possibility that many people will go there to cool off on the hot summer afternoon, and not only their group.

Damon is cheeky, and he will definitely try something funny… assuming that he allows her to wear a bikini.

Wait! Does that mean Damon will wear only swim trunks? This didn't sit well with Talia.

She could imagine Damon coming out of the water, with drops glistening on his perfect body, and he will be exposed, on full display, for everyone to see! Not acceptable!

Suddenly, the idea of going to the beach with everyone didn't sound so good.

Unaware of Talia's emotional turmoil, Maya finished her beach-talk with, "There are several stores nearby so we can get food and drinks without dragging it with us from the packhouse. We have spare swimwear, but there is also time tomorrow for shopping. Boutiques in Darkbourne will have something for everyone."

Mindy bobbed her head in approval. She liked that Maya thought of everything.

At some point, Maya assessed the state of her bladder.

"I am going to the ladies' room. Anyone wants to join?", Maya asked.

Mindy stood up from the barstool, silently accepting the invitation, and Talia waved at them. "I will watch your seats." She didn't feel like going.

When Mindy and Maya were out of the visual range, Katya approached Talia to collect empty glasses.

"Do you want another drink?"

"Yes, please. Can you give me one more like this one?", Talia gestured to the tall empty glass in front of her. "It's tasty, and I love that it comes with fruit."

Katya smiled. She liked that Talia praised drinks she made personally. "Thank you."

Talia observed as Katya expertly poured various liquids into the shaker and she remembered her previous visit to this nightclub and how Keith was making drinks for her.

"How is Keith doing?", Talia asked.

Katya's movements paused. "I'm sure he is fine."

"You don't know?"

"During survival training, they are not allowed contact with the external world."

Talia didn't know that. "I see."

"Don't worry about Keith. He is strong and has a good head on his shoulders."

Talia agreed with that one. Keith left the impression of a smart person.

"He will be happy you asked about him.", Katya said.

"Of course. He is my coach.", Talia responded without missing a beat. "I am training diligently and I look forward to showing him my progress when he returns. I'm confident he will be pleasantly surprised." And he might praise her also.

Talia and Keith had only a few training sessions, but Keith always had plenty of words to encourage her to keep going. She missed that.

It's not that Damon didn't encourage her, but their sessions usually ended with making out, and then in the shower... Talia blushed while thinking about it. Naughty thoughts.

Katya wanted to ask Talia how she ended up with the Alpha, but she kept those questions to herself. It was not appropriate, and everyone heard Maya's and Caden's warnings.

"Here you go.", Katya said while giving Talia a tall glass with the cocktail that had a pinkish hue and was decorated with a wedge of an orange.

Talia took a few big gulps, finishing half of the glass in one go.

"It's very tasty." Talia smacked her lips.

"I'm not familiar with your tolerance to alcohol, but I need to warn you. These are sweet, and you don't feel them sneaking on you. Be careful when you stand up."

Talia was touched by Katya's concern. "I will keep that in mind."

Talia had no plans to get up from that barstool until Damon comes to fetch her, and after that, he will be holding her, so she didn't need to worry. Besides, she was feeling fine. Happy, but fine. Was Katya exaggerating about the effect of those drinks? Or maybe with her wolf awakening, Talia became immune to alcohol? Anything was possible.


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