The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 269 - Heaven Collapsed (1)

Maddox fed Tatiana and listened to her talking about herself.

His hunger was long forgotten, and he couldn't register his empty stomach because his heart was full.

Tatiana's voice was melodious, sounding like a song of a nightingale, pulling him into a dimension where colors shone brightly, spring breeze caressed his cheeks, and everything smelled of strawberries.

Maddox heard something about a catwalk, fashion shows, Paris, Milan, New York, and London, but even though he focused mightily on what she was saying, her words refused to register as meaningful sentences in his mind because his attention was on Tatiana's enchanting lips that moved as she spoke, and he really wanted to taste her again.

The memory of their kiss and Tatiana's tongue expertly flicking his in inexplicable ways made him hard. Everything about Tatiana made him hard.

Seeing Maddox's goofy expression and that he was stuffing food into her mouth in the middle of a sentence, Tatiana had a feeling that Maddox didn't hear most of the things she said.

Tatiana didn't talk more than a few minutes, but she saw that her words were being wasted as the super-hot male specimen in front of her was obviously somewhere else… in bed probably, naked, with her (hopefully).

She wondered if his problematic attention span was something permanent. Surely, as an Alpha, Maddox should be able to focus on the person he is conversing with.

But Tatiana would be lying if she said that she didn't want to jump on him and ride him wildly.

The pull of the mate bond was impossible to resist, and it made her needy for his touch and for his addictive taste of coffee.

Tatiana is a passionate coffee lover, and she tasted many hedonistic brands, but the Maddox brand was at the top of her list because it was the only one that could stimulate every cell in her body.

The sparks upon their touch created tingles that made her feel alive and she wondered how will an orgasm feel when powered with the energy of their bond.

"What's on your mind, Max?"

Maddox's smile widened. His nickname sounded sexy when it rolled off Tatiana's tongue laced with an Eastern European accent, making it exotic. And he wanted her tongue to roll around a certain part of him that was standing in attention, eagerly waiting to be introduced and to prove its worth.

Maddox took Tatiana's hand into his and kissed the back of her palm.

A low hum formed deep in his throat as he savored addictive sparks that danced over his lips. The mate bond was fantastic!

"I am thinking that we should finish food and find some privacy.", he admitted his thoughts after running them through the no-lust filter because saying how he wanted to be balls deep into Tatiana didn't sound appropriate at that moment.

"I am done with food."

Maddox's eyebrows shoot up and he stared at Tatiana while processing her words.

It took him a moment to spring up to his feet.

He winced when his erect cock smacked into the table as he stood up, and he swiftly put his free hand there to press on it with the inside of his wrist while controlling his facial muscles not to grimace.

The searing pain came a second later, making him tear up a little. Maddox gritted his teeth and showed an ugly smile while chanting internally how it wouldn't be appropriate to cry. Not in front of Tatiana.

Damned shorts! If he knew that this would happen, he would wear jeans that are firmer and more effective in keeping his erection from sticking out.

But who would guess that after exhausting himself with two she-wolves for hours, his guy down there would still be eager to explore a woman? And this was not just any woman. Tatiana was a Goddess.

Luckily, his Alpha healing worked fast to soothe the piercing pain.

But… did Tatiana spot anything odd? Was she thinking of him like a horny teenager?

Well, he was horny, for her, and he hoped that she didn't notice because he wanted to appear cool.

"We can go to my room.", Maddox said in a deep voice, and he smiled when Tatiana responded with a nod.

Maddox was all giddy from excitement and Tatiana appeared composed, but her fiery gaze told him that there was a storm brewing inside her. Seductress!

He didn't let go of her hand as she stood up in slow motion, and Maddox's free hand moved around her waist as they walked into the packhouse.

That curve of her body under his palm felt just right and he gave her a little squeeze while pulling her closer to him as they walked side-by-side, and Tatiana didn't resist when their hips connected.

Maddox felt like howling in anticipation of what's coming. He just knew it, they will have sex! And lots of it! And it will be amazing!

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Maddox and Tatiana were two steps from the door that will grant them access to the packhouse, when…

"Max! MAX!"

Maddox's face fell when he realized that Damon was calling.

He turned in one swift move and hissed at the unwanted third party, "What?"

Damon sashayed toward them with a big smile on his face, obviously enjoying this.

"Did you finish your meal? We are about to head to the training grounds."

Maddox frowned. "What does that have to do with me?"

Damon blinked innocently. "Don't tell me you forgot. We will be training, and you volunteered to show Tony and his people some moves. That's why you are here, freeloading on my food."

Maddox silently cursed Damon and if a look could kill, Damon would be sliced into a million pieces.

Maddox couldn't understand what Damon was doing. It was obvious that Maddox was going with his mate inside to get frisky.

Maddox picked up many girls with Damon as a witness, but Damon never interfered. Why did Damon turn into a third wheel now when it was important?

He wanted to tell Damon to scram, but Damon was the host, and bickering in private was one thing while being disrespectful in public was another. Not to mention that Damon's temper can flare at the slightest provocation and Maddox is not the one to let it pass, but if they end up in a fistfight, Maddox can forget about having sex with Tatiana... unless she visits him in the hospital and... no, no, that's not an option. He wanted her in his room, two minutes ago!

This required finesse.

"I will join you later.", Maddox responded with a stiff smile.

Damon tilted his head and eyed Maddox with amusement. "Don't take too long. This is our first day and we will be checking the equipment and solidifying the plan. You don't want to miss it."

Maddox's nostrils flared in anger, and he squeezed through his teeth, "I said I will join you. Later."

Damon raised his arms defensively. "Now, now. There is no need for violence. I am just reminding you of the work that we all gathered here to achieve." He glanced at Tatiana. "I understand you just found your mate, but…" Damon lowered his voice and looked at Maddox with concern. "You don't want people saying how finding a mate made you forget your duties or worse..." Damon inched closer before continuing, "...turned you into a wuss."

Hearing the word, 'wuss', made Maddox suddenly realize why Damon was obstructing his path to Heaven.

Damon was getting back at him!

Maddox realized that Damon was sitting there and watching them, waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and he caught Maddox off-guard. Well, it's not that Maddox had any guards up while feeding Tatiana, but he was on his way to the bedroom, only a few steps away from tasting his strawberry-flavored bliss, and Damon got in the way!

Was it because Maddox wanted Talia to come to the Blue River pack during the Summer Solstice festival? At that time, Maddox knew that Damon was interested in Talia, but he didn't know they were mates! Or was it because Maddox teased him last night? How can Damon be so petty?

Maddox would give Damon a piece of his mind if Tatiana was not right there, watching. He needed to leave a good impression. It was important!

Unfortunately for Maddox, he was too aroused and upset to think straight and come up with a solution to ditch Damon without ruining his image in Tatiana's eyes, and Damon's smug smirk told Maddox that Damon won't give up easily.

How can he get out of this pickle?

Cold sweat appeared on Maddox's forehead as he and Damon were engaged in a silent staring contest, no one willing to back down. Actually, Maddox would back down in a heartbeat, but that wouldn't be cool, and he knew that Damon got on his case and the bastard was enjoying it!

Maddox felt like crying. How can he get this nasty Alpha off his back?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration hit Maddox and he glanced behind Damon. "Lia is calling for you."

Damon swiftly turned to see where Talia was, and he frowned when he realized she was not there. Of course! She went to talk to Stephanie in the kitchen!

"You…", Damon's curse was cut short because Maddox was not there either!

Damon gritted his teeth. Maddox used the moment of Damon's attention slipping and he disappeared with Tatiana in tow.

Damon let out a low growl. He will get Maddox for this. Later.


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