The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 278 - Maddox’s Apology (3)

Facing Tatiana's determined expression, Maddox frantically searched his brain for the right move, a gesture, a speech, anything... to win over a woman. He read about so many on the internet, but now that he was in a sticky situation, everything was jumbled up and nothing made sense.

With no other choice, Maddox steeled his will, like he was about to face several dozen rogues on his own, and spoke solemnly.

"You are right. I was thinking about myself."

Maddox paused while observing Tatiana's expression that didn't crack, but her eyes told him that she was surprised by this blunt way of speaking and he hoped that was a good sign.

He braced himself and continued, "How do you expect me to care about you when I never cared about anyone in my life? From the moment I laid my eyes on you, the only thing on my mind was to get closer, to inhale your scent, to touch you, and I forgot about anything else, but even if I didn't, I wouldn't know from where to start."

Maddox spread his arms before gesturing toward himself. "This is me. I bedded more women than I can remember, and I never cared for any. Until now. I am willing to learn and change my ways, if you allow me. We both know we are mates. My stance is clear. I want to make this work. However, it seems that you still didn't decide if you will reject or accept me. Which one will it be?"

Seeing that Tatiana just looked at him, Maddox continued, "I know that your pride got hurt this morning and I came here to apologize. Since this is not enough for you to accept me, I need to know what else I need to do. State your conditions."

In the face of Maddox's determination, Tatiana's respect for him rose.

As a businesswoman, she appreciated the no-nonsense approach and if she could pick a man to spend her life with, it wouldn't be a heartless playboy, but it wouldn't be a softie either.

Unfortunately, as much as she liked Maddox's little speech, Tatiana didn't have a solution. If she tells him what steps to take and he follows through, it wouldn't be from his heart and she wanted to see what he will do for her, as his mate.

"I appreciate your honesty, and I will be frank in return.", she said. "Your first impression was bad and if you want me to drop my guard, I need to believe that it won't happen again. If you want to show your sincerity, just one bouquet of flowers won't suffice."

"How many will?", he asked without missing a beat.

Tatiana was not sure if she should laugh or cry. "It's not about the flowers, Max. It's about showing that you care for me."

"How do I do that?" He needed ideas and he needed something that will produce quick results.

Tatiana exhaled helplessly. Maddox's speech from a minute ago was promising, but now he confirmed that his EQ is negative.

"That is something you will need to figure out yourself. Now, if you will excuse me, I have things to do."

Maddox realized that Tatiana was chasing him away. And she still didn't accept the flowers!

"What things?", Maddox asked stiffly.

"There are some matters in the company I need to take care of."

"What company?"

Tatiana rolled her eyes. "If you paid attention to what I was saying during breakfast, you would know that I own a company."

Maddox pressed his lips into a line guiltily. She was right. He was not paying attention because he was mesmerized by her enchanting visual and distracted by his hard-on. He couldn't say that, but he didn't want to leave either.

Damon said that the more time they spend together, the bond will strengthen, and then Tatiana will give in.

OK. Maddox added this last part, but the rest was Damon's.

"Do you mind if I stick around?", Maddox asked.

"Suit yourself. But don't bother me. I have important matters to deal with.", Tatiana responded and sat back on the chair before focusing on her emails.

Maddox pulled a chair from the side and sat next to her happily.

He gazed at her elegant fingers that danced over the keyboard. Every part of Tatiana was seductive, fingers included. He licked his lips while imagining those fingers in his mouth. He would suck each of them thoroughly.

Maddox shifted a bit to adjust his hard-on and he wondered if Tatiana was impacted by his proximity how much he was impacted by hers.

He frowned a bit when he saw that she was totally focused on whatever was on the screen.

He was right next to her!

What could it be so important?

Maddox's frown deepened when he looked at the header of the email Tatiana was responding to. There was that name again. "Who is Mario?"

"My assistant.", Tatiana responded.

"A guy?"


"Is he… handsome?"

Tatiana's fingers paused above the keyboard and her lips lifted into a smile. "You wanted to ask if he is more handsome than you."

"That also.", Maddox said stiffly.

Tatiana stifled a giggle. "I wouldn't know. When I hire people, I look at their abilities, and not at their appearance."

Maddox was not happy with this response. "But now that I asked, you are thinking about how handsome he is. Right?"

Tatiana shook her head and refused to answer. If any of them should worry about Mario being interested romantically, that would be Maddox because Mario is openly gay, but Tatiana didn't want to reveal that to Maddox. Let him simmer in jealousy.

It took Tatiana only a few seconds to acknowledge that being with Maddox was natural, like it was supposed to be that way.

He was stubborn and irritating, and she was not sure if that clashed with her willful personality, or it complemented her, but she had a feeling that if they could smoothen things out and work together, they will be unstoppable.

Tatiana shot a side-glance at the messed up bouquet that Maddox kept on the table, next to her laptop, and she struggled not to smile.

As a successful good-looking young woman, Tatiana has her share of admirers who are regularly sending her gifts and that messed-up bouquet of flowers was probably the most horrific thing she received in a long time, yet it warmed her heart.

She reminded herself to focus on work because she was on the verge of giving in to the charms of the Alpha whose scent made her dizzy.

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Two minutes later…

"Do you need to be so close?", Tatiana asked stiffly. Maddox was inching toward her steadily while making sniffing sounds and she could feel his heat splashing on her skin.

With his scent muddling her mind and knowing that he was right next to her, it was impossible to focus on work.

"You are beautiful.", he responded in a deep voice that shook her insides.

"I am trying to work."

"So am I."

"What's your work? Distracting me?"

Maddox chuckled. "I am not trying to distract you."

Tatiana snapped to look at him irritably. "And what are you trying to do?"

"To get to know you."

Tatiana's heart skipped a beat at his words.

He reached to touch her cheek with the tips of his fingers, and he was happy that she didn't move to avoid him. The sparks shot up his arm and went straight to his heart and the way she leaned into his touch told him that she could feel the sparks also. And she liked them.

"Do you accept my apology?" Maddox was so close that his breath splashed on her lips.

"I didn't hear one."

"You are a smart woman, Tatiana Wilkov. I am confident that you know me being here is my way of saying that I am sorry for what happened."

"Will it hurt you to say it?"

There was no way he will say it. They were close, and the sparks were there, and he knew that she was on the verge of caving in. Just a bit more. "Do you forgive me?"

Tatiana inhaled a shaky breath that was filled with the delicious scent of coffee. She really wanted some, but she fought mightily against that urge.

"I am thinking about it.", she responded. "Don't you need to get ready for the beach?"

Maddox's eyes lit up. Tatiana already said that she was going to the beach, and this question definitely implied that he should come also. Score for Maddox!

"I can be ready in five minutes.", he said.

"How about you start now? There is no need to rush."

"I will be back once I'm ready and we can go there together."

Tatiana refused. "I will see you at the beach."

Maddox observed her for a few seconds in silence before saying, "Don't blame me if you see me sooner."

He took her hand into his and before she could react, he kissed the back of her palm.

"Mmm…", Maddox hummed lowly while his lips rested on her skin, and he relished the sensation of the sparks that made him feel alive.

"I will see you soon, Tanya.", Maddox said with a boyish grin and walked out with a spring in his step.

When the door closed behind Maddox, Tatiana reached to touch her hand where addictive sparks still danced.

Tatiana didn't want to admit it, but she missed his presence already.

Will she be able to smoothen out those rough edges around Maddox or will she cave in first? Tatiana was not sure, but she was determined to see what will happen.


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