The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 284 - At The Beach (3)

A wave of excited murmurs swelled at the beach when two cars pulled onto the parking lot and eight impressive guys emerged.

Caden and Axel were well-known figures, Tony, Kai, and Tyler came next when ranked by popularity. Only a few recognized Paul, Nate, and Greg, but since they came with Caden and Axel, it was obvious that they were important.

Maddox and Tatiana were with Damon and Talia at the table.

Maddox was absolutely focused on Tatiana as they were playing some type of hot-cold game. Maddox was trying to get closer to Tatiana by putting food on her plate, offering to pass her drinks and fruits, and 'accidentally' touching her hand, and whenever he crossed some invisible barrier, Tatiana would give him a sour look which made him retreat a bit.

It was obvious that Tatiana enjoyed seeing this prideful man bending and twisting to please her, and Talia hoped that Tatiana won't push it too far. Luckily, Kalina, Meg, Maya, and Mindy were busy with their chatter, like nothing unusual was happening at the neighboring table.

Mindy was secretly paying attention to Maddox and Tatiana. She wanted to talk to Maddox and to tell him that she was sorry and that she will do better, but she didn't want to interrupt them. Maddox seemed to have a hard time with Tatiana and Mindy feared that by going there she will only make things worse.

Damon acted like he didn't notice Maddox's predicament. In private, Damon was eager to tease Maddox, but now they were in a public place, and Damon didn't want to make Maddox's situation more difficult than it is. Damon couldn't help Maddox, so the best thing was to not pay attention to them.

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When excited murmurs surrounded them, Damon glanced in the direction of the parking lot to see what caused the commotion, and when he confirmed that it was just the group with Caden, Damon continued focusing on food.

Damon wanted to feed Talia, but she told him how that's not necessary. With so many eyes on them, she didn't want to be served by Damon. They compromised by Talia allowing Damon to fill her plate with food, and she ate herself, but the sneaky devil would still manage to stuff food in her mouth with, "You got to try this…", like every next pastry was better than the previous one.

Talia knew what he was doing, and she could only resign herself to her fate. Damon was a doting mate, regardless of who was watching, and she loved every minute of it. He was cheeky and sweet and caring, and she couldn't be happier.

Talia had a mouthful of pastry that came with spinach and feta cheese, when her attention fell on the table where Maya, Mindy, Meg, and Kalina were. Talia nudged Damon with her elbow and Damon immediately understood what got Talia's attention.

The previously noisy table was now silent, and everyone looked at Meg who was standing and staring without blinking in the direction of the parking lot, and her expression was lit up like she saw the object of her greatest desires.

That could mean only one thing.


There was only one question: who is it?

They all turned to look at the parking lot and it didn't take much to see which of the guys was frozen and staring back at Meg. It was Kai.

Talia excitedly squeezed Damon's hand.

From her short interactions with Meg and Kai, Talia liked them both and she was really happy for them.

The girls told Talia that witnessing the moment mates recognize each other is unique and special and rare, yet this was the second time in the same day! And it was barely midday!

Meg and Kai didn't break eye contact as they moved toward each other until their bodies nearly touched, and it seemed that the whole beach turned silent.

"Kai", he said, and she immediately followed with, "Meg."

Their lips lifted into smiles that were identical, creating an image like they were looking into a mirror.

It was fascinating to see two people who just met act like they knew each other forever. Soulmates.

Kai reached to hold Meg's hand and they both jolted upon contact. The sparks of their bond surprised them, and Meg giggled before grabbing Kai's hand and their fingers interlaced.

Axel released a short high-pitched whistle, and without looking that way, Kai raised his free hand and grabbed a small flying object that was on the path to collide with his shoulder. Car keys.

No words were spoken as Kai moved toward the parking lot and Meg followed while holding onto Kai's hand with both of hers, like she was afraid that he will slip away.

Talia was a bit disappointed that she didn't get to see the rest, but she also knew that the couple was looking for privacy because the rest will be X-rated.

Talia saw that Axel and Tyler followed the departing car with satisfying smiles on their faces.

Axel's Beta found his mate, which means that Meg will be a high-ranking member of the Midnight Guardians pack, the most mysterious pack among werewolves!

Talia remembered that members of the Midnight Guardians pack are saving themselves for their mates, and considering the electricity between Meg and Kai, it was obvious they will have sex.

Talia's cheeks flushed at the thought that it will be Kai's first time, and she thought how Meg is a lucky girl because she won't need to worry about Kai's exes.

With the newly mated couple gone, the excited chatter filled the space and Talia noticed one sullen face. It was Tony.

"What's up with Tony?", Talia asked Damon softly, only for Damon to hear.

Damon thought for a moment before responding, "Tony hoped that Meg will be his Beta. Considering the identity of her mate, she will not stay at the Lightclaw pack, so he can forget about it."

Talia nodded in understanding. Tony lost a person he thought he can rely on, however… "Tony and Meg are friends. He should be happy for her."

"He will be. Once he gets out of the self-pity."

"Hmm?", Talia hummed questionably. It was one thing to be sad for losing an important person, but Damon's words sounded like there was more to it.

Damon smiled at the little woman who was so eager to find out what was going on that she leaned on him completely, forgetting that they have an audience. Damon welcomed Talia's proximity by adjusting his position so that she was more comfortable, and he rubbed her shoulder gently with his hand.

Damon planted a small kiss on her temple and spoke in a low voice, "Their training went as I expected, and Tony faced the reality where he is not the mighty Alpha he believed to be." Damon knew this because Caden was mind-linking him as the training progressed. "Our bloodline gives us potential, but we need to work hard, or it will be useless…"

Talia listened attentively to Damon explaining how for werewolves, the human mind and body need to be strong and healthy for the wolf-part to show its full potential, and she connected that with her situation. After she came to the Dark Howlers pack, with proper food, rest, and care, her wolf started waking up.

Damon mentioned how every Alpha starts rigorous training from their early teens that is not limited only to fighting. A good Alpha needs to know how to manage a pack, deal with foes, establish alliances, and do many other things that are usually done outside the public eye.

Damon ended with, "Alpha Magnus didn't want to have competition, so he neglected to raise Tony as his successor which resulted in Tony being no better than an average Beta. Tony has a long way to go if he wants to stand on equal footing with Alphas of other packs. He never doubted his father and he gave in to a leisured lifestyle. Today was an eye-opener for Tony and it's up to him if this will crush him or he will rise to the challenge. If he takes over the Lightclaw pack as he is now, other Alphas will eat him alive and I won't help him."

Talia's brows came together in concern. "You won't?"

"I can help him once or twice but I won't be there all the time, and I can't fight his battles for him. Unless he can stand on his own confidently, my protection will only delay the inevitable."

"Tony's father didn't prepare him, and Tony allowed it to happen.", Talia summarized and Damon confirmed. Talia's eyes lit up. "But it's not all bad. Luckily, Tony has you to help him become a great Alpha to his pack."

Damon opened his mouth and then closed it. He wanted to say how this training was only a one-time thing, and considering Tony's weak body and mind, this week will only create a dent in the overall amount of work needed. Damon had no intention of taking Tony under his wing. Damon agreed to train Tony for the purpose of improving the relationship between the packs, with the goal to show Tony the ropes and the rest will be up to Tony.

However, Talia's confidence in Damon's abilities combined with her gaze full of admiration made Damon unable to say anything else other than, "I will do my best."

"I know you will.", Talia responded with a smile that made Damon's heart skip a beat.

He inched closer and pecked her lips once, twice, and then he put a pastry in her mouth because if they continued kissing he might lose control and do something that's not appropriate for the current setting.


Author's note: Check in the comments pic of Kai and Meg!


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