The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 306 - Maddox Needs A Drink (4)

"Max? Why are you drinking here?"

Lisa stiffened at the sound of Damon's voice. It was a good thing that her back was facing the door, and she prayed silently that he doesn't recognize her. Maybe he will say hi and leave.

Maddox glanced toward the door to see Damon, Talia, Mindy, and Tatiana standing there.

At the sight of Tatiana, Maddox's insides tightened. Right. That's why he was here, drinking.

Maddox wanted to embrace Tatiana and drown in her presence, but the thought that she didn't want him was excruciating. He turned his attention back to the glass in front of him. Maybe they will all go away and leave him alone.

Tatiana exhaled a sharp breath. She should have known. She didn't want to come here in the first place, but she thought it would be rude to refuse Damon's request. And now she got to see Maddox with another woman.

"I see that I'm not needed here, so I will head back.", Tatiana turned on her heel and left the bar without giving anyone a chance to stop her.

She didn't speak loudly but everyone heard her, Maddox included.

Maddox squeezed the glass in front of him while chanting internally to stay put. There was no point in going after Tatiana.

He didn't understand. Why did she come? Did she want to see him? Why did she leave without saying anything? Did Tatiana think that there was something between him and this Omega (aka Lisa)? They were just talking! If that can be even considered talking...

Maddox was confident that Tatiana wouldn't listen to his explanation, so there was no point in going after her and wasting words. If he does that and she doesn't like it, he might end up being slapped again, but even worse than a slap were her words which told him that she doesn't need him. He didn't want to go through it. Is it possible that she doesn't feel the bond?

Talia's eyes moved around the bar to confirm that the only female present was next to Maddox. Was that Lisa? It definitely smelled like Lisa. Well, other than being irritating, Talia didn't see Lisa as a threat.

After confirming that there were no she-wolves who would stick to Damon, Talia decided, "I will go with Tanya. Stay here with Max."

Talia was about to dash out, and she quickly stopped when she nearly bumped into Mindy. Talia forgot that Mindy came with them. But it didn't matter because Mindy was Maddox's sister, and she was aware that Talia and Damon were mates.

"Take care of the guys.", Talia told Mindy and rushed after Tanya.

Damon wanted to tell Talia to wait, or to join her, but he knew that she was right, so he shouted after Talia, "Don't wander alone!" And he hoped that she won't end up in trouble, or with some random guys sticking to her.

Talia turned and blew Damon an air kiss before dashing to catch up with Tatiana.

Damon made two steps toward Maddox, when he realized, "Lisa? Why are you here?"

Lisa squirmed uncomfortably. Why didn't he just leave? But Damon was here already, and she turned to face him.

"This is a public bar. Are there some restrictions on who can come here for a drink?"

Damon's brows came together in a frown. Well, there are no restrictions, but they came to check on Maddox and they didn't expect to see him in a company of a female. Actually, a female company was not so unusual, but… why Lisa? Where did she come from? This was too much to be a coincidence.

"Does Steph know you are here?", Damon asked.

"I am here with friends. They are on the beach and I came here to get a drink.", Lisa responded stiffly and gestured toward the bottle of hard lemonade. "I didn't know that Alpha Maddox will be here."

Mindy was already at the bar. "Is she with you?", Mindy asked Max.

"Who?", Maddox responded with a question and Mindy took that as a no.

Mindy looked at Lisa with disapproval. "You got your drink. Now move along. If you want to sit here, I suggest one of the tables further away."

Lisa pressed her lips into a line. She didn't want to leave, not like this. But that was Mindy, and there were two Alphas and Lisa ended up lowering her head.

"Yes. I am leaving…", Lisa mumbled and grabbed the bottle of hard lemonade before scurrying out of the bar.

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Mindy looked at Maddox who was refilling his glass. "Max…"

"Why are you here?", Maddox growled.

"I am worried about you.", Mindy said.

Maddox sneered. "Don't you think it's too late? I don't need your pity."

Mindy knew that she had a lot to make up to him. "I know I messed up, Max. Many times. And apologies won't fix anything. I reflected on my actions, and I want to tell you that I will do my best to be the supportive sister you deserve. I won't meddle in your business. If you need help, let me know."

Maddox didn't know if he should believe her. Mindy was known to talk without a filter, but she was his sister and it's not like he would beat her up or put her in a dungeon.

"OK.", Maddox said. "I don't need help. You can leave."

Mindy glanced at Damon who shrugged, silently telling her that it was up to her.

"Alright. I will sit there…", Mindy said and sat at the other side of the bar. She knocked on the bar counter to get the attention of the bartender. "Give me something cold."

Mindy didn't really want to sit in that dingy bar, but Mindy already failed on so many levels that day, and she felt that she should at least do her best with the task Talia gave her, to take care of the guys (aka to make sure they don't do anything stupid).

Damon took a seat that Lisa vacated, and he leaned over the bar to fetch a glass for himself.

Without a word, Maddox poured the amber liquid into his and Damon's glass.

"Ugh…", Damon grimaced after tasting the drink. He had all kinds of liquors, but this was horrible. Damon kept the glass on the counter with a frown. "Max, why are you here?"

"And where should I be?"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Maddox pursed his lips. "Tanya doesn't know what she wants, and I am not willing to crawl until she figures that out. I said what I had to say, and if she wants to talk, she knows where to find me."

Damon nodded in understanding. "What will you do now?"

"I will drink."

Maddox grabbed the bottle and Damon blocked him from refilling his glass. "Does it need to be this poison?"

"It doesn't compare to how I feel on the inside."

Damon sighed. "Let's have one more and then head to the packhouse." Maddox frowned in disapproval and Damon explained, "I have better drinks there, and the AC is on."

After a second of considering Damon's words, Maddox nodded in agreement and refilled both his and Damon's glass.


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