The Bastard First Prince Doesn't Want to Die

Chapter 51

[Translator - Jjescus ]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]

Chapter: 51

The effects of the acupuncture were undeniable. A warm sensation began to spread from the pressure point. It felt like my blood was heating up.

My previously unnoticed pulse now enveloped my entire body, making my blood boil. The warm sensation flowing through my veins continued to spread.

Just as I thought the heat, spreading further and further through my blood vessels, might make my whole body feverish, my heartbeat intensified, pounding in my ears.

The tinnitus that had become a part of my daily life was drowned out by the sound of my violently beating heart.

"What's your name?"

I asked, suppressing the heat. The opponent hesitated for a moment, then answered boldly. It seemed to think that a pampered brat like me wouldn't be much of a challenge.

"My name is Ma Ryang of the Jo family."

"How long have you been a warrior in Wolhan Fortress?"

"It's been almost four years."

"You don't look that old, but it's been quite a while."

I said as we moved to an empty space. Jo Ma Ryang followed me. He was still cautiously observing me.

Just then, suddenly, someone intervened.

"Your Highness. First Prince."

It was Heo Seokgyeom. He had been quiet, but suddenly he jumped in and positioned himself between me and Jo Ma Ryang.

"I apologize, Your Highness. But this, this matter..."

His complexion wasn't good. He looked like he hadn't been to the bathroom in three weeks. I was about to ignore him due to his pale, deathly face, but I responded anyway.

"You caused trouble without knowing how to apologize?"

Those who had followed me from the capital. Even though their circumstances were different, the people here considered them my subordinates. If they had been humiliated because of that, it was only right to make them pay the price.

However, that didn't mean Heo Seokgyeom had done well by causing conflict with the Wolhan Fortress soldiers. He had just created another problem for me to deal with.

Heo Seokgyeom bowed his head and then raised it again to speak.

"This is something I started, so I will take responsibility. Please allow me."

He placed his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and I glanced at Heo Seokgyeom's embarrassed face.


"Your Highness...!"

Commander Heo even knelt on the ground.

"Your Highness does not need to get involved in such a trivial matter. I beg you. Please retract your words and give me a chance to make amends!"

This was the first time I had seen Heo Seokgyeom so desperate. I hadn't even declared any punishment, so why was he so desperate? But my mind was made up.


Then, Yoo Geung also rushed in and blocked my path.

"I apologize."

Yoo Geung knelt beside Heo Seok-gyeom. Seeing the two heads lined up side by side, I almost burst out laughing.

"Please give me a chance to make amends for the mistake on behalf of Your Highness."

It wasn't a situation where I could laugh. Even a tyrant knows when to laugh and when not to.

"I beg you, Your Highness. I don't even deserve to ask for forgiveness, but I dare to ask for a chance."

It wasn't just Yoo Geung following Heo Seokgyeom's lead. Others also started kneeling before me one by one.

Seeing them all lined up, kneeling with their heads bowed, starting with Heo Seokgyeom and Yoo Geung, I couldn't help but let out a hollow laugh.

Why are they going this far?

Is there a reason they have to do this?

...Is it such a big deal for a prince to wield a sword?

It seems the tyrant didn't do any sword dances. That's strange. Why didn't the tyrant do a sword dance?

I briefly entertained the absurd image of the tyrant wielding a sword and causing havoc, then returned to reality.


They were disappointed. They seemed to have judged that they couldn't stop me anymore, so they stepped back, but they didn't seem to have given up. It was more like they were doing it because they had no other choice.

Once again, only the man named Jo Ma Ryang and I were left in the open space. When I drew my sword first, Jo Ma Ryang followed suit.

Both mine and his were real swords.

The Wolhan Fortress Lord said in a worried tone.

"It's dangerous."

I ignored the Fortress Lord's words.

"Who goes first?" I asked Jo Ma Ryang instead.

Jo Ma-ryang yielded the first move without hesitation. One of the good things about being a prince is that you almost always get to attack first.

"Alright. I'll go first."

Without delay, I charged at Jo Ma Ryang. There was no need to exert much force. It was obvious he underestimated me.

My feet felt light. It was like a fully drawn bowstring, ready to spring in any direction.

I lightly leaped and swung my sword. It was a straightforward strike that even a beginner swordsman could block. But he was wrong. It was a feint meant to deceive him.

Jo Ma Ryang's eyes widened. I pulled back the sword I had swung without much force and struck down Jo Ma Ryang's sword, which he had extended to block my attack. Then, I quickly spun my sword.


I struck him right on the top of his head.


Jo Ma Ryang's large body crashed to the ground.

His eyes rolled back, and foam flowed from his open mouth. Even though I hit his head, there was no sound of bones breaking, so he should be fine. I made no misjudgment. I was well-versed in the art of not killing people.

I lifted my sword and rested it on my shoulder. The cool metallic touch of the blade pleasantly cooled down the heat.

Then, I turned around and looked at the Wolhan Fortress soldiers.

They all had dumbfounded expressions on their faces. There were no murmurs.


As I watched the speechless Wolhan Fortress soldiers, I spotted one who was looking at me instead of the fallen Jo Ma Ryang. I pointed my index finger at him.

"What's your name?"

The other soldiers around the one I pointed at subtly distanced themselves from him. On the other hand, the one who became the center of attention stepped forward on his own.

"My name is Oh Chungeon."

He didn't avoid my gaze, so it seemed he wanted to have a match with me. If I were a soldier, I wouldn't refuse the chance to fight one-on-one with a prince either.

I nodded towards Oh Chungeon.


Oh Chungeon walked forward without a word.

"How long have you been a warrior?"

"If this month passes, it will be a full six years. It's been five years since I joined Wolhan Fortress as a soldier."

He had a bit more experience than Jo Ma Ryang. I nodded once and lowered the sword from my shoulder, holding it upright.

"Warrior Oh, come this way."

This soldier also stepped forward as my opponent without any complaints. Aside from the fact that my companions from the capital were being ignored, he had a straightforward personality.

"Who goes first?"

"Your Highness should go first..."

I kicked off the ground before Oh Chungeon could finish his sentence.

First clash. Clang. The two swords met with a loud impact.

Second clash. Whoosh. Oh Chung-eon's sword cut through the air, leaving a wide arc. The arc was blocked by my sword before it could complete a semicircle.

And the third clash.


Oh Chungeon rolled on the ground. My arms tingled. Knocking down a grown man with a single blow wasn't an easy feat yet.

In the past, something like this would have been a piece of cake.

My heart raced. Not from exertion, not from fatigue, but purely from the rush of blood. This is how existence is proven. I am alive. A mad laughter leaked out of me.

Seeing this, it seems I was indeed suited for fighting. Was it my destiny to spend my life on the battlefield?

If that was my life's purpose, I would gladly accept it.

I turned my head again towards the Wolhan Fortress soldiers. Now, instead of confusion, I could sense an air of curiosity about me.

"Next? Anyone?"

Amidst the silence, a footstep sounded.

The one who walked out had a more refined aura than the two soldiers I had defeated earlier.


A smile formed on my face without me realizing it.

This was a challenge. What else could a challenge be?

"What's your name?"

"My name is Jo Sun Ryang."

Hearing his answer, I looked at Jo Ma Ryang, who had been dragged away and was still out of it. Noticing my gaze, Jo Sun Ryang added.

"I am Jo Ma Ryang's brother."

"You're not seeking revenge for your brother, are you?"

I laughed.

"Please retract your words. I have no such impure intentions."

Jo Sun Ryang looked into my eyes.

"As a citizen of this nation, how could I dare intend to harm the First Prince?"

His eyes were challenging. It was both laughable and ridiculous, but at the same time, I was pleased. It was proof that he saw our duel as a duel and nothing more.

The thought that someone born as a swordsman should live and die as a swordsman kept coming to mind.

I might not know about others, but my path was clearly set from the moment I was born.

"Will you also yield the first move to me?"

"With all due respect, Your Highness has already achieved two victories."

"And so?"

"With your permission, I would like to request the first attack."

Gasps of astonishment could be heard from the surroundings. But it was a refreshing statement. I laughed heartily.

"Alright. Go ahead."

Jo Sun Ryang raised his sword.

"How many years have you lived as a warrior?"

"I've spent seven and a half years as a soldier in Wolhan Fortress."

"I see."

I nodded.

"It's an honor."

Immediately after, Jo Sun Ryang charged. He was about the same height as his younger brother, Jo Ma Ryang, but bulkier, yet his movements were surprisingly agile.

If this were a life-or-death battle instead of a sparring match, I would have taken off Jo Sun Ryang's head in one strike.

That's the only way to deal with a fast opponent.

I stepped back and aimed my blade as if to pierce Jo Sun Ryang's chest.

Jo Sun Ryang's sword clashed with mine, letting out a chilling metallic screech.

My ears tingled. My senses, heightened by the acupuncture, naturally included my hearing. With the thought that my eardrums might burst, I kicked Jo Sun Ryang.


"Not much for your size, are you?"

I taunted Jo Sun Ryang, but the reaction came from the group of soldiers instead.

Scoffing at the soldiers' snickers that grazed my ears, I smacked Jo Sun Ryang's temple with the flat of my blade.

One of the soldiers couldn't hold back and blurted out his thoughts.


I had the leisure to reply.

"I know."

Jo Sun Ryang, properly hit, staggered and then collapsed. His large body made a thud as he hit the ground.

I looked back and saw the Wolhan Fortress Lord, unable to hide his interest, and the captain, staring directly at me.

I spoke to the captain.


[Translator - Jjescus ]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]

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