The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 155 - My Theia - Part【5】

"What the actual fuck?!" Deimos roars his voice saturated with unbridled rage and shock and I shrink into myself my body shuddering to the wrath he holds as he glances from Lumina to me and then back to her finally putting all the puzzle pieces together. "What is the meaning of this?"

My eyes return to my male who stands there at a distance his captivating face an emotionless mask I cannot analyze, his composed piercing blues anchored on my flesh. All he sees is me.

"Goddamnit speak to me either of you!" Deimos bellows with a ferocious snarl and tears of guilt rush to my eyes whilst I blink them away striving to reign them back. He is seething he openly displays his emotions it is uncomplicated to understand him but with Phobos, I cannot feel or see anything from him. He is like a block of ice that one cannot penetrate to get through to its core, not even his female.

"There is nothing to say, Deimos. What is it that you wish to hear?"

"Were you a part of this? Did you hide her here?" Deimos looks betrayed and Lumina balls her hands into quivering fists at the transition of his expression.

My breath comes out in frenzied pants for I sense the fiery heat of my male's gaze that sears my skin to the point it burns. To the point, it is too disheartening for me to endure. He has not uttered a single word indifferent and controlled as always, all he is doing is keenly scrutinising me with a slightly tilted head. I am an open book, he can read me effortlessly and find all the answers he needs to his questions without me even opening my mouth.

"I had no choice, she is family."

"So it is true then. You assisted Phobos's female in deserting him. Do you have any idea what the fuck you have done?"

"Do not raise your voice at me. I will make you bleed." She bares her razor-sharp teeth at him accompanied by a disapproving growl for she does not like the way he is addressing her.

"You think you are in a position to give me orders or threats, Lumina?"

"I only did what was right. Betrayal is betrayal no matter the form. I built a house away from you after you hid the tradition of the chosen from me. Your brother there kissed another female in front of his moon blessed and she wished to leave. Don't you dare tell either of us that it was wrong of her to do so." Deimos freezes to the malice in her voice his eyes consumed by hints of guiltiness as she dictated their past with the chosen. It still seems to haunt him.

"Whatever happened was none of your goddamn business. It is between my brother and Theia. But you went behind my back, you lied to my face and you acted so innocent when I questioned you of her disappearance when all along you sought Gio's aid to obscure her from Phobos." With each word he spits out his bitterness grows and his chest heaves as he endeavours to retain his overflowing rage.

"Yes that is true I will admit it. But Theia is one of my females, I will do what she desires and will protect her."

I am unable to face Phobos, I do not know what kind of expression I hold upon my face at this moment. Guilt? Utter shame? Longing?...Love?

"I ask forgiveness for my female's actions, brother. I am to blame and I shall take whatever punishment you will deliver to her on her behalf." Deimos twists to speak to his brother and lays his right fist over his chest right upon his beating heart. An informal oath.

"Let him dare punish me or you for this and I will make it so he will never see his nephew again. Families do not discipline each other, they understand, forgive and love one another. Your brother is not innocent he is the cause of all this." Lumina states with her spine straight and her head held high not a single crack is seen in the strength she portrays. Deimos gives her a warning look asking her to keep her mouth shut and not worsen the situation.

When Phobos takes an abrupt step forward towards where I stand the sky thunders and the gloomy expectant clouds are brisk to birth an unyielding downpour that mercilessly pounds the earth. Deimos, Awan and Phobos stand there getting drenched each holding a different expression on their faces except for my male who holds none. Lightning strikes and I recoil taking another step backwards for it speaks to me of his inner turmoil and madness even though his face does not give anything away. Our marks awaken from hibernation and erupt into flames to unite as though meeting their long lost lover.

My moon blessed carries the ruthless storm with him as he saunters ahead with purpose and I let out a gut-wrenching sob unable to conceal the tremors of my body from his all-consuming blues that notices everything.

Lumina takes a curt step to the right and shields my body with hers as I weep loudly weak to stifle my cries anymore. There is a blend of emotions that clash within me and I am being torn apart by his unforeseen appearance. This is what he does to me that no matter what he does or what I do I am bound to him. Body and soul.

Phobos halts in his unwavering path to me his unfeeling eyes still rooting me down to my spot. I cannot run from him anymore he has found me. He brought hell to earth in his hunt for me and now I am his. Forever. He will never let me go, never let me out of his sight ever again.

"Deimos." His fierce yet gruff voice that haunted me morning and night during the last ten months resonates in an unperturbed manner out of his chest and I shudder to the goosebumps it spurs over my skin. "Your female.. If you do not want my claws in her throat remove her from my way this instant."

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