The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 455 Abrupt Arrival

Chapter 455 Abrupt Arrival

During the drive to the airport, Scarlett intensely yearned to scold Zara for her abrupt arrival in the country. However, as she saw Zara, sympathy swept over her. It was the first time Scarlett had witnessed such deep sorrow in Zara's eyes, and it deeply affected her.

"Where's your luggage?" Scarlett asked, surprised to see that Zara only had a cabin suitcase with her.

"I only have this one," Zara said. She thanked Logan, who helped her put her suitcase in the trunk then she entered the car, and joined Scarlett in the back row.

"I see. So you're planning on staying here just for a few days?" Scarlett glanced at her.

"No, I intend to stay here until he allows me to meet him," Zara shifted her gaze outside the car, hiding her teary eyes.

Zara didn't want Scarlett to witness her overwhelming sadness at this moment. She couldn't explain it; she just had an intense longing to see Carter, even if only for a brief moment.

Her sudden decision had been made upon her arrival in LA. She was grateful that she didn't need a visa to enter the country. However, she had no choice but to board the fastest flight available. It made her arrive here past midnight.

Scarlett was left speechless.

'Gosh, Zara! How could you rush to come to this country without warning and without any preparations!?' She wanted to scold her, but she held her tongue upon seeing Zara's teary eyes.

"I won't stop you this time, but you can't see him immediately. Remember, he's undergoing surgery and treatment starting tomorrow and won't be available for visits for a while..."

"Yes, I understand."

"Grandpa Robert mentioned that Carter could receive visitors after a week if his condition improves," Scarlett added.

"I'll wait. Thank you for letting me know, Scarlett. Tomorrow, I'll ask Cruz to book a hotel for me," Zara replied.

"What about your work?" Scarlett asks. Despite owning the company, she wasn't involved in management; Tyler handled those responsibilities. Recently, she mainly assisted with programming in the RAS Games division only.

"I asked Tyler for a two-week leave, and he granted it,"? Zara explained, her voice tinged with sadness and worry. "...And if Carter needs more time, I plan to take an unpaid month off."

Scarlett didn't reply immediately. Instead, she turned her gaze to the window, lost in thought as she absorbed Zara's words. She tries to find a way to help Zara in her difficult situation.

After a few more minutes, Scarlett slowly turns her gaze to Zara. "You don't have to use your annual leave. I'll call Tyler in the morning and ask him to transfer you temporarily to the RAS Royal City branch," she suggested, her tone comforting.

Zara's sad expression slowly dissipated upon hearing Scarlett's words. The possibility of temporarily transferring to this city while Carter recuperated felt like a promising relief.

Her gaze remained fixed on Scarlett, a mix of disbelief and hope flashing through her eyes as if she were trying to confirm the sincerity of the offer. After a minute passed, she reached out her hand and took hold of Scarlett', "A-Are you serious, Scarlett?"

"Hmm, I'm serious sis. I believe this is the most fitting solution for your current situation," Scarlett replied, offering Zara's hand a reassuring pat.

A grin spread across Scarlett's face as she added, "Furthermore, I've been feeling rather lonely here, sister... I need you around so I can have a girlfriend to hang out with. I've been staying a while in this city, and my interaction has mostly been limited to Theodor, Cruz, and Logan. Having you here would definitely make it less lonely."

"Thank you so much, Scarlett. I genuinely appreciate it," Zara's voice trembled with gratitude and delight. The thought of being in the same town as Carter during his critical time and recovery makes her happy.

It wasn't long before their car arrived at the Royal Garden. After settling Zara in the living room, Scarlett immediately returned to the second floor, in her bedroom. She felt exhausted, and her eyes felt heavy.

She fell asleep not long after.


Next morning.

Scarlett woke up with painful stomach cramps that persisted longer than usual. The discomfort was becoming unbearable, prompting her to reach out to Doctor Tiffany, her OB-GYN.

"Good morning, Scarlett," Doctor Tiffany greeted cheerfully. "It's been a while since you last called me. Why did you call me suddenly, dear?" she asked calmly but with apparent concern.

"D-Doctor Tiffany, can we meet today?" Scarlett's voice was low and hoarse as she struggled to manage her persistent stomach cramps.

"Of course, dear. I can make time for you," Doctor Tiffany's tone gradually shifted to seriousness. "But, can you tell me what's wrong? Why the urgency?"

Scarlett took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as she began to explain, "Lately, I've been experiencing frequent stomach cramps. However, the cramps have become particularly intense and lasted quite long..." She detailed her recent discomfort and answered several of Doctor Tiffany's questions.

"You made the right call, Scarlett," Tiffany responded calmly, though a growing tension could be heard in her voice. "You can come in at eight, and I'll be ready for you."

"Thank you, Doctor Tiffany. I'll be there on time. See you soon," Scarlett said before ending the call. She promptly makes a call to Logan. She asked him to prepare the car and also instructed the butler to prepare her breakfast ahead of schedule.


At seven o'clock, Scarlett entered the dining room and was surprised to find Zara already seated and waiting.

"Good morning, Zara. How's your sleep?" Scarlett asked with a smile despite the persistent cramps causing her discomfort. She aimed to conceal her pain, not wanting Zara to worry unnecessarily.

"Never better. I woke up feeling quite energized," Zara replied, helping Scarlett set up her utensils. "Oh, by the way, Logan mentioned it. Are you planning to visit the obstetrician today?"

"Hmm, I have an appointment at 8 in the morning," Scarlett responded as she began eating her breakfast.

"Scarlett, may I accompany you?" Zara inquired, noticing Scarlett's furrowed brow. She hastened to clarify, "Please don't misunderstand. I just want to be there for your first ultrasound scan..." Zara's concern was that Scarlett might think she intended to visit the hospital for Carter.

"Of course." Scarlett smiled.

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