The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 290 Meeting Xander's Best Friend (1)

When Scarlett looked at herself in the mirror, she could see her pale face. Surprisingly, she noticed parts of her body were covered in love bites from Xander. 'Gosh!' she thought to herself while checking her body.

Xander leaned against the door frame and watched Scarlett as she brushed her teeth. He couldn't help but notice the faint bruise on her collarbone area. Instantly he felt guilty leaving traces there.

After she finished, Xander pulled her into his arms and pressed her close.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett," he whispered in her ear. "I accidentally hurt you last night. I couldn't hold myself..."

Scarlett blushed, realizing the whole meaning of his words. "It's okay," she reassured him. "But please, in the future no marks on my neck. It would be hard to hide. Luckily, it's winter, so I can cover up with a turtleneck." She smiled, grateful for the chilly weather.

"Hmm, I promise," Xander replied, taking a deep breath before grabbing his toothbrush and joining Scarlett at the sink. Once they were both finished, he reminded her of their plans to visit her friend this afternoon.

Later, Xander stepped out to order breakfast for them. While Scarlett immediately looked for her cell phone. She wants to know if Nine sent her the DNA test results. 

However, as Scarlett checked her phone, disappointment flooded her. There were no new messages or emails from Nine. 

"Looks like what Xander said is right," she muttered, "...chances are the results will come out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!" She placed her phone on the table. When she wanted to change her clothes, she only realized that she had forgotten to bring her clothes from base camp.

Scarlett found herself really funny for being so forgetful. She tightened the silk robe she had been wearing since the night before. And decided to recheck her phone and sat on the comfortable sofa in the corner of the room — waiting for Xander.


Before long,

Xander entered the bedroom and frowned upon seeing Scarlett still wearing her silk robe. "Why haven't you changed yet?" he asked as he approached her.

Scarlett sighed. "I don't have anything to change into. I forgot to pack my clothes. Xander, looks like we'll have to wait until my clothes are dry." She smiled bitterly because last night her clothes were wet — Xander couldn't wait for her to take off her clothes.

"Actually, I already thought of that," Xander said with a smile, walking over to the wardrobe. "I asked Ben to get your clothes ready. They're right here." He pulled open the doors to reveal Scarlett's neatly arranged clothes. 

"Xander, did you buy all of this?" Scarlett asked, delighted to see the beautiful clothes from various well-known brands neatly arranged in the wardrobe.

"Yes, it is," he replied before gently stroking Scarlett's hair. "I know you didn't take anything with you when you ran here, so I asked Ben to prepare your clothes before I flew here."

Scarlett almost choked at his words. She felt guilty towards him again. "Sorry, Xander, and thank you for always spoiling me!"

Xander chuckled and urged her to get changed as their room bell rang. He knew it was Logan or Ben coming to deliver their breakfast.


When Scarlett left the bedroom, the smell of food immediately aroused her appetite. 

She hurried to the dining table and sat right beside Xander. However, just before she could eat breakfast, she noticed Logan standing at the end of the room with a gloomy expression.

"Logan, you look terrible. Are you feeling sick?" she asked. Worry was clear in her tone.

Logan was surprised to hear Scarlett's voice and immediately shook his head. "No, ma'am. I'm fine," he replied with a big smile. "I'm glad to finally see you again. And I'm sorry I didn't guard you for the past two days."

Scarlett's face turned stiff at Logan's words. She felt guilty for running away from his watch. He must have been severely scolded by Xander for what happened.

"Logan, I appreciate your dedication, but please don't take your duty too lightly," Xander warned him with a tense tone.

Logan immediately straightened up and apologized, "Yes, sir. I'm very sorry."

Scarlett sensed the tension between the two men and tried to lighten the mood. "Come on, let's not ruin the breakfast. The food is getting cold," she said with a smile.

Xander relaxed a bit and smiled back at her. "You're right. Let's eat." They both began to enjoy their breakfast, chatting and laughing.

As for Logan, he excused himself and quickly left the room.


At 2:00 PM, Xander and Scarlett left their presidential suite. They headed to a restaurant in the same hotel Alex was waiting for them. And as usual, she wore a dark blonde short wig and contact lenses to cover her authentic appearance. 

Scarlett was excited and nervous about meeting Xander's best friend for the first time. 

Xander who walked beside Scarlett noticed her anxiety. He reassured her by squeezing her cold hand and saying, "Babe, don't feel pressured. Alex is a kind person."

"I know. But I'm just a little tense because it's the first time I'll meet your best friend." 

"Oh, you're right. I never introduced you to my best friend," Xander said regretfully. "But babe, I don't have many friends, and you already know my two friends..."

"Hahaha, you're right. I met Tyler and Rex. Well, they're both your ex-friends, right?" Scarlett can't help but chuckle. 

"Yeah, they are my ex-friends. But, we are good now...thanks to you, I guess…." Xander could only take a deep breath, remembering his past.

"I'm glad you and Rex are good now," Scarlett said softly, sensing the pain in Xander's voice. "And I'm looking forward to meeting Alex. What's he like?"

"He's a great guy. You'll like him," Xander replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 

As they approached the restaurant, Scarlett couldn't help but feel nervous. She adjusted her wig and took a deep breath. Xander gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, and they stepped into VIP door #001. 

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