The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 319 Freedom

Scarlett arrived at her house just as the sun was starting to rise, casting a soft glow on the horizon. With delicate steps, she entered the dimly lit bedroom. Silently, she removed her clothes and slipped into a comfortable nightgown. Slowly and carefully, she climbed into the bed, settling herself beside Xander, who was still sound asleep.

A sense of relief washed over her, knowing her husband hadn't awakened while waiting for her. 

The day's tiredness weighed on her, and her eyelids grew heavy. Within minutes, Scarlett was in a deep sleep.


Two hours later, Xander awoke from his sleep, his eyes widening with surprise as he saw Scarlett sleeping peacefully beside him. A gentle smile graced his handsome face. 

Throughout the night, he had been filled with worry and unable to sleep, consumed by thoughts of her safety. It was only with the arrival of morning that sleep finally claimed him.

Xander's gaze lingered on Scarlett's untouched and naturally beautiful face, devoid of any makeup. 

It was rare for him to witness her true self like this. He yearned for the day when she could freely show her face to the world without needing to hide it. 

He gently caressed her soft cheek with a silent smile, "What a beautiful creature…." He muttered and slowly kissed her forehead.

After several minutes of admiring her beauty, Xander slowly rose from the bed. He covered his wife with the blanket, ensuring she was warm and comfortable. Then, wearing only his black night robe, Xander quietly left the room, taking his cell phone with him.

As he closed the door behind him, Xander dialed Ben's number to place an order for breakfast. It was nearing 9 in the morning, and he anticipated that his wife would wake up hungry.

After he called Ben, he stayed in the living room reading the news.

Later, just as he was about to freshen up, his cell phone vibrated, startling him. He was surprised to see Theodor's name on his cellphone screen. 

"Tsk! Did he know I was about to call him?" Xander muttered, picking up the phone. He had planned to call Theodor this morning to arrange dinner together.

"Morning Xander..." Theodor's voice sounds lively and makes Xander smile hearing his voice. "You didn't come to my place this morning. That means you will come for dinner, right?" he tried to hide that he already knew their return was delayed.

"Good morning, Theo," Xander responded warmly, a smile gracing his lips upon hearing his friend's cheerful voice. "You're right. We didn't leave this morning, which means dinner is still on. We'll be looking forward to it," he confirmed, not wanting to reveal the reason for the delay.

"Fantastic! I'll make sure my best chef prepares a delicious meal for you and my sister-in-law," Theodor exclaimed enthusiastically. "By the way, what is your wife's favorite food?" he inquired curiously.

Xander smiled as he remembered Scarlett's eating habits. Clearing his throat, he responded, "Well, my wife isn't a picky eater. She can enjoy any kind of food you prepare for her. However, it's best to avoid serving alcohol..."

"Oh, so my sister-in-law can't drink alcohol? Not even wine?" Theodor expressed surprise upon discovering that Scarlett, who had seemed badass during their earlier conversation, actually had a weakness—she couldn't handle liquor. He found it amusing to learn this about her.

"That's right! It's better not to provide any. Just have some juice or milk available for her," Xander clarified.

Theodor nearly choked on his own laughter upon hearing Xander's request for milk. "What on earth, Xander Riley? Do you think your wife is a child?" he couldn't help but laugh.

Xander's expression twitched upon hearing Theodor's response. "I'm serious, Theo! My wife can't consume alcohol..."

"Hahaha, all right! I'll make sure to have milk ready for her. Anything else, my man?" Theodor asked enthusiastically.

"Nope! Just don't invite anyone. I'm not keen on meeting new people!" Xander warned him. He was well aware that Theodor, much like Rex, enjoyed partying and bringing people together for social gatherings.

"Sure thing, my man! Don't worry, I haven't invited anyone," Theodor agreed. He knew Scarlett disliked socializing and had explicitly warned him about discerning her identity.

That's why tonight, he had even planned to send his workers home when Xander and Scarlett arrived, ensuring that only a select few he trusted would remain.

Theodor didn't want his now-good relationship with Scarlett to become strained again. He couldn't afford to jeopardize his position as her loyal servant.


After Xander ended the phone call with Theodor, he returned to the room. He smiled as he watched Scarlett, still fast asleep. He silently walked into the bathroom to clean himself.

A few minutes later...

Xander emerged from the bathroom, looking fresh and handsome in his casual attire—black pants and a turtleneck that matched the trousers. Not wanting to disturb her beauty sleep, he settled on the sofa at the end of the room and picked up a book from Scarlett's mini library.

Moments passed, and Xander finally saw his wife stir awake. 

"Good morning, my beautiful wife!" Xander placed his book on the coffee table and gracefully made his way toward her. She looked like a goddess, even with her wavy red hair tousled and messy. 

"X-Xander, good morning!" Scarlett rubbed her face gently and smiled at Xander, who sat at the edge of the bed. "You look handsome, hubby!" She compliments her handsome husband.

"You too, babe! You look beautiful as ever..." Xander chuckled.

Scarlett giggled as Xander pulled her into his arms and buried her head against his chest. Closing her eyes, she smiled blissfully, feeling relief after a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. No longer afraid of Theodor's pursuit, she felt liberated after a year of living in fear, constantly hiding like a fugitive.

'Gosh! So this is how a beautiful morning feels! There is no more danger lurking, and the fear of my identity being discovered…' Scarlett whispered to herself, savoring the newfound freedom.

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