The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 366 Theodor Parker Identity

"Sister-in-law, don't mind me. Continue with your breakfast..." Theodor casually said, expressing his gratitude to Albert as the butler placed an English breakfast before him. "Thank you, Albert!" He smiled at the butler.

While Scarlett and Theodor exchange words, Xander observes Theodor keenly. He was at a loss for words, observing how Theodor seemed to feel more and more at home in their house, appearing so relaxed.

Just as Xander was about to scold him, he saw Theodor speaking to Scarlett. He paused.

"Sister-in-law, why do you appear like this again?" Theodor raised an eyebrow, looking puzzled.

"I have my reasons," Scarlett responded indifferently. "Hurry up and eat. We can leave once you're finished!" she continued.

Theo stopped talking and started to eat, not wanting to put his boss in a bad mood this early.

"Babe, I'm sorry, but I can't accompany you. I happen to have a meeting this morning," Xander said apologetically.

"It's okay, Xander. I just want to see that place. Nothing important and I won't be there for long. I'll head to the office afterward. Mmm... we can still have dinner together. How about we eat outside?" She suggested. 

"That's a great idea, babe. What do you want to eat? I can  ask Ben to find a fancy restaurant in this city..." Xander can't hide how happy he was.

"Xander, how about you guys have dinner at my new restaurant? I will show you guys my new restaurant..." Theodor chimed in, looking at his best friend.

"Since when did you get into the restaurant business?" Xander asked curiously. He knew for a fact that Theodor had never been interested in the Food and Beverage business.

Teodor casually wiped his mouth with a napkin and said, "Since I know my sister-in-law owns many restaurants." He glanced at Scarlett, who was looking at him with surprise in her eyes.

"Hahaha, sis, I bought a restaurant that you might like. Well…I followed Cruz's preferences... we should go there for dinner. How about it?" Theodor eagerly awaited her reply.

Scarlett was rendered speechless. This man was becoming a source of headache for her. Not only was he overly nosy and wanting to know every detail about her life, but now he was also getting involved in her hobbies. It was becoming too much.

She regretted ever getting involved with him in the first place. Dealing with him was starting to tire her.

"Sorry, Brother Theo," Scarlett politely addressed him that way, "...but I just want to spend my dinner with my hubby, just the two of us," she said with her forced smile at Theo, then she looked at Xander. Slowly her affectionate smile appears on her face. "Right, hubby?" Xander nods, feeling happy.

Scarlett tried to calm Xander's anger. She could feel his aura dropping to zero degrees, and his gaze was fixated on Theodor with the same expression he had when he was mad at Rex. He knew Xander was easily jealous of other men she was close to.

Not wanting these two friends to have a dispute, Scarlett quickly changed the subject. "Theodor, you look neat in that suit. Did you have a meeting in your office? It's okay if you don't follow us to the old town..."

"No, I don't have a meeting today. I wear this kind of outfit every day," he smiled.

Scarlett just realized that it was indeed rare to see him in casual clothes, as she had only witnessed it a few times. 

Scarlett could only let out a deep sigh since there was no reason to ask Theodor not to join them. She finished her breakfast and urged Theodor to do the same.


Soon, Scarlett and the two men who sat in the front seats began their trip to the old town. 

The Old Town is located quite a distance from Royal Garden, so they need to drive there for almost two hours. 

Scarlett remained quiet throughout the trip. She wasn't interested in hearing Theodor talk about his country, as she already knew about it before coming here. However, when Theodor started discussing the royal family, she became interested.

Information about the Kingdom of M was scarce on the internet, indicating a high level of secrecy. 

Scarlett struggled to uncover classified details about the kingdom as if a skilled hacker, or even a team of skilled hackers, blocked her access. 

She could only find standard information from media sources and the internet, with no updated photos or information about the royal family other than King Simon Gilwynn. It struck her as peculiar how this kingdom differed so significantly from others in Europe.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Scarlett decided to question Theodor about the royal family. "Theo, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the current King Simon Gilwynn?" 


"Then, why is your last name Parker? And I've heard that you also hold the title of prince," she asks.

Theodor's face lit up as he enthusiastically explained, "Well, obviously, I can't use the Gilwynn name because my father was not Gilwynn but my mother. She is the younger sister of the previous King, King Roland Gilwynn. And the current King is my cousin..." Scarlett attentively listened to his explanation, processing the new information.

"Ah, I see," she responded, gaining a better understanding.

Theodor chuckled, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Well, sister... If you're interested in meeting the King, my cousin, you should attend the upcoming party. It's a private event, only for family members and close friends," he suggested, hoping to convince Scarlett to attend.

Although tempted by Theodor's invitation, Scarlett couldn't help but feel uneasy about attending a private event as an outsider. "Theo, I appreciate the offer but feel it wouldn't be appropriate for me to attend. I don't want my identity to be questioned," she explained apologetically.

"Sister, let me assure you that Xander is considered family by me and my parents. They always meet whenever Xander visits our country. So, there's no need to worry about your identity being questioned!" Theodor reassured her earnestly.

"I'll let you know later," Scarlett finally replied, unsure about attending the private affair.

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