The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 401 Interrogation

Chapter 401  Interrogation 

As Scarlett and the rest entered the corridor bathed in bright light, she abruptly halted her steps.

"Xander, I have a private room here. You can wait for me there," Scarlett gazed, shifting to Rex. "Brother Rex, could you escort Xander to the room? I'll handle the interrogation of the assassin on my own," She added.

Scarlett didn't want Xander to witness when she torments others.

"Of course!" Rex nodded slowly, signaling for Xander to follow him. However, as soon as Rex took a step forward, Xander remained unfazed, seemingly ignoring Rex. "Come on, man!"

"Baby, I want to accompany you..." Xander ignored Rex entirely, his gaze fixed upon Scarlett.

"I don't need someone to accompany me. I can handle it on my own..." Scarlett replied with an apologetic tone.

"Please!" Xander's voice grew firm, conveying his unwavering desire not to be turned down. Scarlett secretly took a deep breath, observing the resolute expression on Xander's face. She knew she couldn't deny him.

"Fine," Scarlett finally relented. "But I want you to just observe without interfering," she said.

"Sure, babe!" Xander beamed with happiness. Although he was curious to witness his wife confronting her enemy, his primary objective was ensuring her safety. He couldn't bear the thought of Scarlett getting hurt during the interrogation process, and that's why he insisted on following her.

"Scarlett," Rex called. "Casey and I will accompany you..." He said. He immediately joined Scarlett and Xander as they walked towards the detain room.

Before long, they reached the detain room — a room even larger than where Theodor had been held in New York.

Scarlett noticed two men and one woman securely bound to iron chairs at the far end of the room.

Before approaching them, Scarlett removed her coat and shawl and gave it to Xander. She then instructed Xander and the others to sit in the seating area across the room. Scarlett didn't want them to get too close and potentially interfere with her investigation.

"Sis, don't forget this..." Rex handed Scarlett a Glock, a firearm. She accepted the weapon in silence.

On the other hand, Xander began to feel a sense of unease upon witnessing his wife wielding a gun. However, he couldn't quite pinpoint the reason for his growing concern.


Scarlett approached the Withers assassin, pausing in the middle, a few steps away from them. With sharp eyes, he observed them one by one.

A silent smile graced her lips as she saw their current wretched state. Their heads hung low, fixated on the floor. It appeared that either they had failed to detect her presence or were too afraid to meet her gaze.

Even though their faces were hidden, the dried blood on the floor testified to how bad their injuries were. Luckily, they all managed to survive.

Scarlett's gaze fixated upon the girl in the center.

"Do you recognize me?" Scarlett asked.

Scarlett purposely met these people without using her disguise, which was useless because these people had her most recent photos.

The woman in the center raised her head, locking eyes with Scarlett. Shock washed over her as she beheld the sight of a young woman donned in a black turtleneck and jeans, standing merely a few steps away. She recognized her distinctive red wavy hair and realized that their target, Scarlett Piers, stood before them.

"You... How did you get here?" The woman's voice trembled, prompting the other two of her colleagues to also turn their attention towards Scarlett.

Their expressions mirrored that of the woman, brimming with confusion and curiosity. How had this young girl ended up here? Meanwhile, they find themselves captured by an enemy they are unaware of.

"Good, I'm glad you recognize me!" Scarlett's smile persisted as she took a few deliberate steps forward, halting a mere three paces away from the tattooed man, whose robust physique stood out amongst them.

"Alright, big guy," Scarlett's tone turned cold and commanding, her demeanor transforming alongside her shifting aura. Her eyes lost all traces of warmth, replaced by an unwavering intent to kill.

"Enough with the confusion. Now, tell me why you've been tailing me. What is your mission?" Scarlett continued, her gaze sharpened on the man who returned her gaze with a smirk.

"Hahaha, you bitch!" the tattooed man on his neck laughed, spitting before continuing his words, "Who do you think you are bitch? How dare you address me in such a manner? Don't you know who I am..."

BANG! Gunshots echoed across the room, quickly followed by howls of agony and curse words pouring out of the tattooed man's mouth.

"What the fuck..."


"Keep spewing nonsense. My bullet will not be at your feet anymore but will find its way into your temple," Scarlett warned, slowly aiming at the man's temple. Her eyes shone with intensity, fixated on him without hesitation. An unsettling grin plastered on her face as she uttered, "You can try!"

"You bitc..."


In an instant, the tattooed man slumped heavily in his chair, his head hanging lifelessly. The sound of blood dripping onto the floor formed a crimson pool, seeping around the chair.

As Scarlett changed her next target to the woman in the middle, Casey and Rex couldn't help but smile.

"It's been a while since I've seen her like this. Little sister still has her ruthless side, huh?" Casey said in a hushed tone, didn't want to distract Scarlett.

"Yeah, she's even more ruthless than you," Rex replied without tearing his eyes away from Scarlett. He had sorely missed embarking on missions with her. Still, in recent years, they hadn't had the opportunity due to her active involvement with Seven.

Not only Casey and Rex were stunned to see Scarlett, but also Xander. He watched in shock when Scarlett took someone's life. He had never witnessed Scarlett kill her enemy before; this marked his first experience with such a sight.

The intensity of Scarlett's aura, shrouded in darkness, alarmed Xander deeply. However, he remained silent because he had promised her not to interfere.


Scarlett's gaze sharply into the two individuals, sending a chill down their spines.

"I don't have much time for idle chit-chat," Scarlett stated, her voice as cold as an icy glacier, causing the pair before her to tremble to the core. "Answer my question; What is your mission?" Her expression remained the same, laced with killing intent.

She swiftly added, "...don't try to deceive me. I already know your mission. I was merely wondering if you would tell the truth or... No!"

"Miss," the man with a wound on his face spoke up first. "...Our mission was to track your movements, but we were never instructed to cause you harm."

"Yes, miss... Our task was never to harm you. You can trust us," the woman responded, her voice hoarse and slightly trembling.

She was still shocked to know that the people who arrested them had something to do with Scarlett. The people who caught them were very professional and stronger than them. They were unable to escape their ambush. Even two of their comrades had to die when they tried to escape.

"Darn it!" Scarlett cursed at the two stupid assassins. She rubbed her forehead, feeling a throbbing headache building up as their stupid answers began to frustrate her.

"I already asked you about your mission! Why do you persist in lying to me? Do you both truly wish to join that man in hell?" Scarlett said while pointing toward the tattooed man's lifeless body.

The pair of assassins shook their heads in response.

"Miss, this is truly our mission..."


The room echoed with the agonizing cry of the man with the wound on his face.

"Miss... I'm sorry! I will tell, I will tell you, please don't kill me," the man pleads for his life.

"As I warned you before, I have no patience for your meaningless babble. I simply want to know one thing: What is your mission?" Scarlett repeated her question, observing the horror-stricken expression on the man's face as he tightly pressed his lips.

"Our target isn't you," the female assassin finally responded, observing her partner's momentary freeze. "...but Rosalie Withers!" she continued.

Scarlett felt a sense of relief wash over her upon hearing this woman speak the truth. "I already knew that," she replied, finally starting to regain her composure. "Now, tell me everything you know about Rosalie Withers."

Scarlett yearned to uncover any information they possessed regarding her mother. It could potentially lead her closer to finding her long-lost mother.

As the weight of the conversation settled upon her, Scarlett stood frozen, contemplating the wealth of new knowledge that could potentially unveil her mother's whereabouts. However, she found herself grappling with a conflicting decision—whether to release these people or eliminate them altogether.

After deep contemplation, Scarlett resolved to eliminate both of them. They had served their purpose and held no further value for her.

However, Scarlett heard footsteps echoing from behind before she could execute them.

Instantly she turned around and was surprised to see Xander standing behind her.

"Babe, you must read this!" Xander said, extending his cell phone toward her.

Scarlett's complexion drained as if all her blood vanished under her skin. Her eyes scanned the short message displayed on the phone's screen. Her trembling hands threatened to betray her stability, but Xander's support prevented her from falling.

"X-Xander..." she whispered, her voice shaking with fear.

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