The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 409 Finally, Meet Roland Gilwynn (2)

409  Finally, Meet Roland Gilwynn (2)

Scarlett discreetly gulped, recalling how she had consistently declined to address him as "Uncle."

"Hahaha, well, let's sit down..." Roland said, leading them to sit on a dark brown leather sofa set.

Somehow, witnessing Grandpa Robert and Roland sharing laughter put Scarlett's mind at ease.

Scarlett took her seat, her mind buzzing with questions she yearned to ask Roland Gilwynn, yet she didn't know where to begin. Seeing Roland in person has shattered all the well-organized queries in her mind. His charisma alone was enough to render her speechless and thoughtless. How frustrating!

She didn't say much as Robert recounted their past encounters with Roland. She could barely muster a response when Robert asked if he had forgotten anything.

"Robert, you are indebted to Scarlett indeed," Roland nodded slowly, impressed by Robert's story. Now, he held a newfound admiration for this young girl. "Thank you, Scarlett, for helping my friend..."

Scarlett could only respond with a smile and a nod.

"Of course, I am indebted to her. If Scarlett hadn't helped me in the past and brought me out of that conflicted country, I might have been just a name..." Robert smiled affectionately at Scarlett. He knew he could never repay her kindness; he owed her his life.

"Scarlett, now that you are Robert's granddaughter, you should call me 'Uncle' from now on!" Roland's unexpected request left Robert and Scarlett momentarily speechless, exchanging glances as they struggled to determine how to respond.

"Roland, you can't ask Scarlett to do that. She is your daughter, not your niece..." Robert desperately wanted to voice his objection, but the words remained trapped on his tongue. He swallowed hard, trying to find the proper excuse to decline such a request.

Something caught Robert off guard amid the confusion, causing him to startle in surprise. He looked at Scarlett, his brow furrowing in concern.

'So, this girl wants to talk to Roland now?' Robert wondered, worried about the lack of proof they had. Would Roland believe her just based on their resemblance?

"You want to talk to me?" Roland Gilwynn asked, his eyes filled with confusion as he stared at Scarlett.

"Yes, Your Highness, can we talk for a minute?" Scarlett's voice trembled slightly, but she fought to maintain a composed expression, not revealing anything that might arouse Roland's suspicion. "If you don't mind, alone..." Her voice trailed off when she heard Robert urgently calling her.

"Scarlett," Robert chimed in frantically, "Can we talk for a minute?" he asked, his concerned gaze prompting Scarlett to nod immediately.

Robert rose from his chair and motioned for Scarlett to follow him to a corner.

As Scarlett stood by his side, he drew her closer, speaking in a barely audible voice. "Little girl, you can't ask him directly," he cautioned. "We need proof before revealing your relationship to him. Trust me, he won't believe you. He might think you're a scammer!" Worry flickered in his eyes.

Scarlett could only smile, looking at Robert and his evident panic.

"Grandpa, I've known about my connection with him for a while, and I have strong evidence to prove it..." Scarlett reassured him.

"Evidence? You... Do you have evidence? Really!?" Robert's eyes widened with intensity.

"Hmm, have you forgotten how I came to this party?" Scarlett calmly inquired. Seeing him nod, she continued, "My husband is Theodor Parker's best friend. When we first met, Theo became suspicious of me. Then, he conducted a DNA test on Roland's and my DNA sample without my knowledge. The test results confirmed our blood relation..."

Robert's worries vanished instantly, replaced by a joyful smile.

"That's great, Scarlett! Okay, you can talk to him now," Robert encouraged, patting her gently on the shoulder. "But, are you sure you want to speak to him alone?" he was still worried that Scarlett would be overwhelmed talking alone with Roland.

"Yes, Grandpa," Scarlett replied. "I want to talk to him alone. Just the two of us...there's something I want to ask him," She couldn't allow anyone else to know about her mother, not even Robert.

"I'm afraid..." Robert hesitated, his sentence trailing off as he worried about hurting Scarlett's feelings. Nonetheless, he needed to express his thoughts for her own well-being.

"Scarlett, no matter what the outcome of your conversation with Roland, remember that I will always stand behind you, even if Roland chooses not to acknowledge you as his daughter!" Robert said.

Scarlett felt a warmth upon hearing Grandpa Robert's sincere words. Although they were not blood-related, this elder had positioned himself as a grandfather she had never met before. Scarlett had held a place in her heart for him for a long time, just like Grandfather Morrison. They were both her grandfathers.

"Don't worry, Grandpa! I only want to inquire about my mother. As for claiming my status as her daughter, I have no intention to do so!" Scarlett stated seriously.

This decision had been discussed with Xander; she wanted to keep her distance from the royal family. She knew her life would be fraught with complications if her identity as Roland Gilwynn's illegitimate child were to be exposed to others.

"Y-You..." Robert struggled to form words, but they couldn't quite make it out. However, he understood what Scarlett meant, and he agreed with her. It would be better for her to avoid getting involved with the royal family.

After concluding their brief discussion, Robert and Scarlett returned to join Roland.

"What were you both discussing?" Roland smiled, observing Robert's expression—tense yet accompanied by a mysterious smile. Curiosity danced in his eyes as he awaited their response.

"Your Highness... I mean... My friend, Roland," Robert began, meeting his gaze. His calm demeanor gradually grew tense. "As Scarlett mentioned earlier, she wishes to speak with you alone. She has something important to ask," he paused, assessing Roland's reaction. "If you're willing," he added.

Scarlett sat in her chair, visibly anxious. Her hands clenched tightly in her lap, fearing Roland would refuse her request. Moreover, she noticed several guards in the room, appearing shocked at her request.

"Your Highness, if you're concerned, you can ask your guards to perform a body check on me," Scarlett spoke up when she saw Roland fall into silence, seemingly deep in thought and not responding to Grandfather Robert's suggestion.

After a few seconds passed by, Roland smiled and shifted his gaze towards Scarlett. "Alright," he acquiesced, motioning for his bodyguards to leave the room.

Robert also rose from his seat, preparing to exit the room. However, a gray-haired man suddenly appeared, approaching Roland with a concerned expression. His sharp gaze locked onto Scarlett before he whispered something to Roland.

Even though the gray-haired man whispers, Scarlett can hear their conversation.

"Your Highness, please don't agree to her request. This is very dangerous. We can't leave you alone with someone you've just met. Your safety..." The gray-haired man halted his words when Roland motioned for him to stop.

"No need to worry," Roland reassured his butler loudly, deliberately ensuring Scarlett and Robert Lewis could hear his words. He continued, "If this girl intended to kill me, Robert wouldn't have needed to bring her here. He could have simply poisoned my medicine, right Robert?" Roland's narrowed eyes shifted towards Robert and Scarlett.

"Hahaha, indeed, Your Highness! Don't worry. Scarlett only wishes to talk to you," Robert responded, chuckling before leaving the room. It felt as if he couldn't bear to remain there any longer. Otherwise, he would have revealed to Roland that the girl was his daughter, not a killer!

Soon, the room fell into silence. Only Scarlett and Roland remained. They sat facing each other with a coffee table between them.

As time slipped away, Scarlett found herself unable to utter a single word. Her tongue felt stiff, rendering her speechless. She cursed herself for losing her confidence in the presence of this man.

Helplessness washed over Scarlett, causing a frown to crease on her face. She fought to suppress her nervousness, but her efforts seemed in vain. She couldn't bring herself to ask him the question she desperately wanted to know: Did he know Rosalie Withers?

"Scarlett," Roland gently called out her name. "You can speak now..." he reassured her, attempting to ease the tension in the air. He sensed her discomfort after Robert's departure and wanted her to feel at ease. "Tell me what you would like to ask me?" he asked.

Gazing into Roland's gentle eyes and witnessing his warm smile, Scarlett began to feel slightly more at ease.

"Your Highness..."

"Scarlett, please call me Uncle or Sir. There's no need to be so formal," Roland interjected, gesturing for her to continue speaking.

Scarlett silently swallowed, moistening her dry throat.

"...Sir, before I ask my question, I would like to apologize because my question concerns your past. If you find it too personal, I am really sorry. But this I got to ask." Scarlett stated, finally gathering her confidence.

Roland was taken aback by her words but remained silent. He instead offers a reassuring smile.

"Have you ever known a woman named Rosalie Withers?" Scarlett asked, a sense of relief washing over her as she finally voiced a name that had been weighing on her mind all this time.


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