The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 428 Revenge (4)

428  Revenge (4)


Gunshots echoed in the room, and at the same time, Noah's body jolted slightly, then lay motionless.

Instantly, the room fell silent. Nobody spoke. They didn't even move, as if everyone was shocked to see Scarlett shoot the defenseless man on the floor.

"What happened, Seven?" a soft voice sounded in Seven's ears as he stood staring in disbelief at Scarlett. "Why did she shoot her uncle? Isn't the man who was arrested the real Noah Withers?" asked Rex, confused, as he watched the live video recording on his cell phone.

Rex could see and hear what was happening inside the house from video footage captured by the small cameras embedded in Scarlett and Seven's clothes.

Seven couldn't answer Rex; he also wanted to know why Scarlett shot the real Noah Withers. But he couldn't ask her; he just stood alert, ready to respond if anything threatened Scarlett's life.


"Hahaha..." Jude Withers' laughter instantly broke the silence. He slowly walked over to Noah Withers' lifeless body on the floor. Seeing his own face, pale and motionless, seemed to amuse him.

'Thank you, little brother. Your sacrifice will not be in vain. I can use your identity to continue our family's glory, ' he smirked. 'Even though our family name is tarnished out there, I'm sure Withers' name will be back to be respected because of you.'

Jude touched Noah's neck to check for a pulse to ensure he was dead. When his hand confirmed the lifelessness, a satisfied smile appeared at the corners of his lips, feeling relief at finally getting rid of this man.

After hiding his happy expression, he slowly stood up and turned to face Scarlett.

"Scarlett, he dies," Jude said while putting on his gloomy but relieved expression. "Your father and everyone he killed in the past can now rest in peace. Now, you don't have to worry about him anymore..."

She didn't answer but slowly walked over to Noah's motionless body, staring for a few minutes with a calm expression, though inside, she felt wanted to end all of this, but she still needed to expose Jude Withers.

She needed him to confess to everything he had done. She would use his confession to ensure he receives a severe punishment.

After a moment, Scarlett finally turned to face Jude, "Uncle, now I feel relieved," she said with a smile. "Finally, this man will no longer chase my mother, right?"

"You're right, Scarlett..." Jude said with a smile, he gestured for her to sit again on the couch, but she didn't move.

Scarlett stood in her place, "Do you think my mother will come out soon?" Her eyes locked onto Jude's, wanting to see his expression.

There was a glint in Jude's eyes before he spoke, "That's what I wish for, Scarlett. I believe your mother will definitely come back. Now, you don't need to worry anymore about your mother... But," suddenly his expression changed, from gentle to sharp, she could feel pressure from his gaze.

" should worry about yourself, Scarlett," he continued, his voice sending a chill down her spine. Slowly, he stood from his seat, placing his hand behind his back as he walked towards Scarlett with measured steps.

"W-Worry?" She stammered, pretending to be confused, though she could guess what he was implying. "W-What do you mean, uncle?" Her voice slightly trembled as she faced his icy gaze.

Jude didn't rush to answer her. He closed the distance, stopping two steps away from her. Seven, who could feel the tension, remained on high alert. Meanwhile, Rudy, who stood not far away from Scarlett and Jude, wore a nasty smirk on his face staring sharply at Scarlett.

In the car, Rex felt the tension, too, and whispered to Scarlett, "Little sister, if you don't end this now, I will go in and kill him with my own hands!" He seemed eager for a dramatic resolution.

Upon hearing Rex's warning, Scarlett could only chuckle inwardly, maintaining her confused expression as she looked back at Jude Withers' sharp gaze.

"Everything is under control outside. Your dear husband and the special forces have cleared things up. End it now!" Rex urged again.

'Tsk, this person! Why does he sound so impatient?' Scarlett scolded Rex in her mind, ignoring his words and regretting bringing him here.

"Worry because your life will be mine now," Jude paused for a moment, savoring the look of shock and fear on the girl's face. "From now on, you will become a tool to make my dreams come true."

Scarlett listened silently, her gaze slowly changing to one of fear.

"You will obediently stay by my side to bring your cowardly mother out of hiding!" Jude's voice gradually changed; he was no longer speaking in Noah Withers' tone but in his own. This shift made Scarlett's face turn pale — carry out her plan.

"Y-You, who... who are you? Why are you..." she stammered, taking a few steps back to put some distance between them.

"Bwahahaha…" An unruly laugh suddenly resounded in the room. "You are slow, my dear niece, Scarlett Piers...too stupid to realize it." His laughter ceased, and a murderous glint now appeared in his eyes. "I'm not your foolish Uncle Noah, but your Devil Uncle Jude Withers! Thank you for fulfilling my dream to get rid of Noah!"

"W-What the hell are you trying to say? That man..." Scarlett quickly glanced at the motionless body on the floor to make him remember that she had already killed Jude Withers.

"Scarlett, oh Scarlett, that dead body was your dearest Uncle Noah. He wore a mask, just like my face," Jude's devilish smile remained. "Did you know Noah and I have similar bodies? You could assume I purposely kept my body the same as his to carry out this kind of plan," he added, enjoying Scarlett's shocked expression.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Jude slowly reached for his neck and pulled the mask off his face, revealing his true identity as Jude Withers. "Hello, Scarlett Piers..." His devilish smile sent a shockwave through her.

"Little sister, you still have six minutes... No, five minutes to help Noah, or he will die forever!" Suddenly, Nine's voice sounded in Scarlett's ears. Her body froze, and she knew she had to end this drama now.

Scarlett appeared, with her face as pale as paper.


"Okay, Rudy! Catch this little girl and that guy..." Jude's laughter disappeared when he didn't see Without hesitation, she made sign language to Seven while maintaining her pretending-terrified expression looking at Jude in fear.

"Bwahaha," Jude laughed, breaking the tension in the room once again, amused at how frightened Scarlett appeared, with her face as pale as paper.

"Okay, Rudy! Catch this little girl and that guy..." Jude's laughter disappeared when he didn't see Scarlett's assistant, who had vanished from his sight a few seconds ago, now standing in the corner with a gun pointed at Rudy's head.

Jude froze, puzzled by how fast the man had moved. He turned his gaze back to Scarlett, shocked to see her terrified expression replaced by a sharp, knife-like gaze, and her smile now resembled that of a demoness eyeing her prey.

"Y-You, Scarlett, you..." Jude was too shocked by her strange expression. He no longer enjoyed playing games with Scarlett. It was time to end this and make her his tool.

"Come in! Catch this girl!!" Jude shouted loudly, calling out to his invisible bodyguards outside. However, after a few seconds, there was no movement to be heard from outside. He felt his whole body freeze as he realized something was going on outside.

Scarlett's eyes narrowed as she took a step closer to him, "Jude Withers, you won't make me your tool. Instead, I will send you straight to hell..." she said with a nonchalant expression, yet her voice was as cold as ice.

She tucked her silver gun under her coat and quickly took out her black gun.


Without hesitation, she shot Jude Withers in the leg, causing him to crash hard to his knees on the floor. "Argh, what the fuck... Why? Why are you shooting me?" A loud scream escaped Jude's mouth.

Scarlett ignored the man's cries as she walked quickly toward Noah Withers. She tore his clothes open across his chest, revealing multiple wounds. Her heart ached at the sight. Pushing her emotions aside, she took out two syringes from her pocket. She injected their contents into Noah's chest, acting swiftly and firmly.

"Good girl!" Nine's voice sounded in Scarlett's ear. "He'll be breathing normally again in a few moments. Don't worry, he'll be fine. Now, can you just kill that scumbag? I need to go home and sleep..."

Scarlett's worried expression vanished upon hearing Nine's assurance. She stood up and gazed at Seven. "Kill him!"


Another gunshot rang out, and Rudy's lifeless body fell hard on the hard floor as Seven pushed his body away.

Jude, who witnessed everything that happened before him, was shocked. 'What's going on here? Why is this girl suddenly taking control of the situation?' he helplessly spoke to himself, his eyes staring in horror at Scarlett.

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