The Bloodline System

Chapter 1326 We Need To Go Now!

Chapter 1326 We Need To Go Now!

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"Universal Merge!"

The split second disk began to join back together as incredible telekinetic energy spread forth from Endric's frame.

It was almost like a pair of gigantic invisible hands had wrapped itself around the second disk and began pressing it together to rejoin.

Dark tendrils began to phase out of the poker faced Death Angel's split body but before it could restore itself...

"Not so fast," Endric stated before snapping his fingers.

Dhiinn~ Dhiiinn~

Two telekinetic prisons instantly materialised and trapped the seperated bodies parts within, preventing them from merging.

Endric's finger tips were coated in a silvery blue glow at this moment. When he noticed another Death Angel closing in on him, he thrusted his index and middle finger forward.

One part of the split body slammed into the death angel with a laughing expression, ripping straight through its belly like a spear.

Endric didn't stop there, he casually flicked both fingers downwards.


Both halves of the Death Angel streaked downwards with intensity, breaking through the ground of the second disk and getting lodged in its core.

The two seperate halves of the Death angel got trapped in different parts of the second disk unable to rejoin.

The other two death angels had their claws ripping at Endric's figure, leaving him unable to dodge the dark calamities that could easily split a normal planet in two.


Endric vanished before they could touch him and reappeared behind one of them.

-"Careful, you're expending a lot of energy with these large scale attacks. If you're not careful you will run out soon," Husarius voice cautioned in Endric's mind.

'I need to deal with them as soon as possible and get big brother out of here,' Endric responded internally as he thrusted his right palm forward.

A telekinetic wave blasted the third death angel forward, and kept pushing it across the second disk till it slammed into the wall of light on the other end.

Sizzling sounds rang out across the second disk.



Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"It's killing everyone in sight, we have to help," Matilda voiced with a bothered look.

"No one is going out there. Grand Commander Shion said he will take care of it, let's trust him," Aildris stated with a strong tone as they stared at the footage projected.

Everyone was currently within the spacecraft, helping other people in while on the outside, a battle had ensued between one of the death angels and MBO officers alongside the Handlers.

"We have less than five minutes left, we have to go," Yonda voiced with a troubled tone.

"What about Gustav, Endric and Miss Aimee?" Fildhor said from the side.

"My hubby is still out there," Sheila cried.

"They said they'd get out safely... guess who won't get out safely if we remain here? Us!" Yonda yelled with a tone of annoyance.

Elevora was about to berate him when Aildris spoke, "He is right. If we don't leave now, we risk putting them in jeopardy as well,"

At this point, they had helped everyone around into the spacecraft and it was piled with other species besides earthlings.

"I'll tell the space captains to start the engine," Aildris stated.

On the outside, the MBO officers engaged the Death Angel, stopping it from nearing the spacecraft multiple times.

Bang! Bang! Boom!

They made sure to rain multiple long range attacks on it so as to maintain their distance. More than twenty MBO officers had already perished at the hand of the death angel.

Anything and anyone would perish at the slightest touch so long range attacks were their best bet but they also had to make sure it didn't make contact with the spacecraft or they would have no means of escape.

A huge chunk of the ninth disk had turned into a pile of ash and completely disintegrated due to the attacks. The entirety of Planet Ozious was looking desecrated at this point.

The MBO officers and Handlers had managed to deal uncountable fatal damages on the Death Angels but no matter what they tried, it was futile.

Now they understood why they were called DEATH ANGELS... the concept of death was theirs to manipulate.

-"Grand Commander we have to go!" A voice rang out through the comms.

'I didn't want to use this but it seems like I no longer have a choice...' Grand Commander Shion said internally as he landed fifty feet away from the spacecraft.

He straightened his fingertips and placed them on the diamond glued to his forehead.

Grand Commander Shion's eyes emitted a bright glow similar to the one the diamond on his forehead gave off. He proceeded to point his fingertips in the direction of the Death Angel like a gun.

Fwwhiii~ Fwwhiii~ Fwwhii~

The Death Angel who had an expression of gloom on its face kept swerving across the air at very high speed to dodge the attacks of the MBO officers in the vicinity.

This made it a little difficult to lock onto it but Grand Commander Shion was an alpha so this was a speed pattern he could follow and predict to an extent.

Grand Commander Shion pointed his fingertips a little further towards the left before firing a diamond colored energy dart.


It moved at light speed and directly collided with the Death Angel's left shoulder.

"Siiiiihhhhh! Earthling!" The death angel screeched as it spotted Grand Commander Shion up ahead.

It raised its right hand and gathered a bolt of black swirling energy around it, ready to send it in Grand Commander Shion's direction when something unexpected happened.


The Death Angel turned into a streak of silver light and got dragged into the chunk of diamond embedded into Grand Commander Shion's forehead.

"Wow..." Everyone around was astounded by what had just happened, especially the few handlers around.

-"He just trapped it in that diamond?"

-"Why couldn't he have done this before?"

Grand Commander Shion who looked to be in his fifties rapidly aged before everyone's eyes after trapping the Death Angel.

He seemed like he had aged by another twenty twenty years. Despite this being the case Grand Commander Shion was ten times older than that.

This wasn't the time to dwell on him rapidly aging since around five minutes were left.

"Get in!" "Get in!" "We need to go now!"

Yells were heard from the Earth IYSOP Candidates spacecraft. Everyone around quickly moved towards the entry point of the spacecraft and moved in as the engine started.

"Come on Gustav, Endric... where are you two?" E.E voiced with a worried tone as he stared at the projection which pretty much displayed a deserted ninth disk with countless corpse scattered across the place.


'It's time to go Endric,' Gustav voiced in Endric's mind after blasting another Death Angel far away.

He knew this was an endless battle since the Death Angels were incapable of death. If such a battle continued on, not only would they run out of energy, they would also get consumed along with the entirety of Planet Ozious.

"No one is going anywhere!" The smiley faced Death Angel voice rippled across the second disk loudly.

"Outworldly, Time candidate you have shown us today that you two will become a major threat in..."

"Shut up," Gustav stated before tapping on the dimensional bracelet strapped to his left wrist.

"Let's go," Gustav said to Endric before grabbing his shoulder.

"As I have said before, no one leaves!" The moment the Death Angel said this a strange phenomenon occurred.

He stretched both his arms sidweays and every single Death Angel around turned into liquid black goo, before flying towards him.

fwwwhiiii~ Fwwwhiii~ Fwwwhiii~


Even the Death Angels Endric had managed to trap broke out from the core of the second disk and floated upwards swiftly before merging with the Smile Faced Death Angel.


The smiley faced transformed right before their very eyes becoming even more grew to a height of eighteen feet and seven faces with different expressions protruded out of his back. Horns grew out of the head area on these faces and an unfathomable dark energy began to surge around it.


Gustav and Endric were taken aback after witnessing this swift transformation but at the moment it turned into this unrecognisable monstrousity, the dimensional bracelet had finished counting down.


A bright blue glow encompassed their figured and just when they were about to vanish a dark arm appeared before them.


All three of them vanished together and reappeared within the Earth Spacecraft that had lifted over the ground on the ninth disk.

Weeee~ Weeee~ Weeee~ Weeee~ Weeee~

Blaring alarms instantly went off within the spacecraft upon the appearance of Gustav, Endric and the combination of the Death Angels.

"Damn it, he followed us here," Gustav cursed.

"What the hell!?"

"Gustav?! Endric?!"

E.E and Matilda voiced consecutively.

"They have company," Elevora voiced out upon spotting the presence of the sixteen feet tall dark monstrousity in the spacecraft passanger isle.

"I told you, nobody leaves!" Multiple voices with different pitches merged, rang out loudly as the Dark tendrils shot out from the body of the massive death angel.

At this same moment, Gustav charged forward...



Author's Note: I apologise for the lack of Chapters these past few days. I am ill and been on medications. I am slowly getting better but I still feel like shit so please bear with me.

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