The Bloodline System

Chapter 1371 Optimistic Geezer

Chapter 1371 Optimistic Geezer

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav sat on one of the beds in the vicinity and thought about everything Commander Ergril mentioned.

'All these still don't feel real,' He said internally.

("What part? The henchman or the Divine Tablet?") The system inquired.

'Everything… it's not like they had much to tell me about the henchman anyway. Except for the fact that he appeared to their ancestors nearly eight years ago and handed them the tablet, I know nothing else of this henchman. This would have definitely been a good time to remember something,' Gustav responded internally.

("You're still in the process of becoming unbound. Just because you have no further information about it right now doesn't mean you won't in the future,") The system stated.

'Yeah… One thing that stuck with me is how the Divine Tablet didn't seem sure of my coming at first. Commander Ergril said the tablet mentions that if I come, they need to show their support for the salvation of their species. That "if"… bothers me,' Gustav held his chin with a bothered expression.

("What do you plan to do now?") The system inquired.

"Leave here first thing tomorrow. Although they have offered us shelter and protection from the alliance, I still have my work cut out for me. The Xelios Tower awaits," Gustav stated with a decisive tone.

Gustav spent the rest of his night channeling his bloodline while Endric was busy looking into the fates with Husarius. Sersi slept like a baby in their cozy shelter.

The next morning they were ready to leave the Tarks territory.

"Great Outworldly, are you sure you cannot stay? We could provide you with as much support as you need from all corners of our twenty-seven planets," Commander Ergril Livat said with a tone of reverence.

"No. I still have a lot to do. If I need any assistance in the future I'll find you," Gustav said while stepping into the new spacecraft that was provided for them.

"I cannot assure you that news of your visit won't eventually spread but one thing I can assure is the Tarks are at your command, anytime," Commander Ergril voiced while getting to his knees.

'I don't think I'll ever get used to a scene like this,' Gustav said internally before turning around and waving.

"Bye," He said flatly.

Commander Ergril remained in place as Endric and Sersi along with a red-haired young girl he hadn't noticed before, stepped into the spacecraft as well.

This spacecraft was the same size as their previous one but with many more differences. It had the emblem of the Tarks and was shaped like a pentagon. It was a standard military-issued spacecraft with high speed, tenacity, defense, and attack capabilities.

The spacecraft was much better than anything Gustav gave birth to before this. One thing known about a lot of space pirates was how most of them tended to avoid spacecraft with the Tarks Emblem.

The Tarks were just as feared as the leading planets of the alliance. Commander Ergril knew this would definitely deter the approach of assailants with nefarious intent.

Surprisingly, Commander Ergril didn't do it out of concern for Gustav, he did it for the sake of the others who wouldn't be spared if they crossed his path.

"One last thing, Great Outworldly… I almost forgot," Commander Ergril appeared within the spacecraft like a phantom.

Gustav wanted to ask how he got in here just like that but was more curious about what he had to say.

"Go left…" Commander Ergril stated.

"What do you mean?" Gustav asked.

"That was the last message the Time Candidate from our planet had for you," Commander Ergril responded.

"Hmm? But go left where?" Gustav questioned with a confused expression.

"I don't know. I asked him at the time but that was all he had to say and that was all he told me to tell you. He said you would understand when the time comes," Commander Ergril voiced out.

Gustav squinted his eyes for a bit before responding, "Alright."

Commander Ergril proceeded to get off the spacecraft after they bid their final goodbyes.


The spacecraft lifted into the air and disappeared into the morning sky.





Within an unknown MBO research center, Grand Commander Shion stood beside Dr Markle as they engaged in a conversation.

"They asked me personally about the progress of the research. I am not sure we can continue to keep things from them," Dr Markle said to Grand Commander Shion who was seated before a large screen that displayed one of the Death Angels in captivity.

"You have to keep stalling them till we find an alternative," Grand Commander Shion responded with a tone of seriousness.

"For how long, Grand Commander? What you are asking of me and the team right now is almost impossible," Dr Markle rubbed his eyebrows with a fatigued look while speaking.

"Almost… but not quite impossible, is it?" Grand Commander Shion stated with a hint of hope in his voice.

"You are being a little too optimistic for an old man who has seen countless battles and deaths. Even if we were to succeed who knows how long it would take? Do you think we can keep stalling the rest of the Grand Commanders for that long?" Dr Markle questioned feeling as though the Grand Commander was getting a bit delusional.

"And do you know how long it would take to create an army that could be ten times more powerful than Jack and Mark if we were to go through conventional means? It could take centuries or millenniums… do you think we have that much time?" Grand Commander Shion's response caused the room to descend into quietness for a bit.

"I cannot guarantee anything," Dr Markle finally broke the silence.

"Try everything you can to make this experiment a success… no matter how high the funding needed, everything will be provided," Grand Commander Shion said with an assuring tone.

"You should have led with that hehe… now I am more motivated than before," The middle-aged-looking man in a laboratory coat had a newfound zeal after Grand Commander Shion's assurance.

"Just make sure you don't take it too far," Grand Commander Shion suddenly had a bad feeling as he cautioned.

"Eh… I can't hear you," Dr Markle put one of his fingers in his left ear and rubbed it with a straight look while walking away.

"The only thing I heard was to try everything. Your wish is my command, Grand Commander Shion," The doctor soon vanished out of sight.

Dr Markle was one of the very few people who could speak to Grand Commander Shion that way since he was a leading scientist with numerous scientific breakthroughs that had helped the MBO in so many ways. He was one of the top scientists under the MBO and now more than ever his expertise was needed.

If not for his continuous research on the Death Angel, Grand Commander Shion would not have been aware of the information that was currently at his disposal. He could only hope that Dr Markle wouldn't do anything too crazy while trying to achieve the objective he was given.

[Plankton City]

E.E. sat within a boardroom of sorts, amid a couple of officers. They seemed to be holding a meeting and all eyes rested on the man that seemed to have all the answers they needed.

"If you doubt the credibility of my information, then you could send some spies over there to gather information," E.E. suggested with a look of certainty.

"That is not it, Officer E.E. I am astounded by how you came to this conclusion just from calculating Gustav Crimson's personality and what you assume he would do next," One of the generals within the room stated.

"Gustav had always been the type to put his loved ones first so if my guess is right he must be heading there now. He won't get there in one full swing so I assume he made a pit stop at the Tarks territory," E.E. responded calculatively.

"Hnm… the problem that lies here is the inability to exert MBO authority in Tarks territory. Even if we were to come into contact with a full-blooded criminal there, we wouldn't even be able to touch them or we would be immediately kicked out," A commander voiced from the side.

"Which is why it is truly the most perfect place for him to hide out just as Officer E.E has stated," The general said once more.

"What do we do sir?" Another commander questioned.

"We can only send spies there to keep tabs on him and inform of the moment he leaves Tarks territory so we can finally catch him," The general stated.

"Then let us not waste any more time and make use of the information we have."


Within one of the silent hallways in the MBO tower, E.E. stood before General Dikstrat. They seemed to be in the middle of a conversation.

"I am just concerned like any other person would be. We faced these creatures first hand so we know just how dangerous they are," E.E. said with a look of interest.

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