The Bloodline System

Chapter 1484  Sudden Capture

Chapter 1484  Sudden Capture

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter.


The Traken, a powerful machinery, was activated within the Alliance spacecraft. It beamed up and emitted a bright glow, creating an unreadable force.

Ria, sitting at the control panel, pushed the hyperjump button. At the same moment, a blinding light enveloped him, and he was teleported out of the spacecraft, reappearing within one of the Alliance ships.

"No! Ria!" Aildris shouted, reaching out as their spacecraft turned into a streak of light and zoomed off, leaving Ria behind.

Ria struggled against his captors, but they quickly overpowered him and secured him in restraints. The stern-faced leader approached, a cold smile playing on his lips.

Ria tried to use his bloodline but noticed he couldn't channel.

"Damn it!" He yelled in frustration.

"I'll advice you to let go of me now because you won't get away with this," Ria threatened.

"Oh, but we already have," the leader replied, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "You are now a prisoner of the Alliance Corps."

Back in their spacecraft, Endric, Aildris, and Falco were filled with a mix of relief and dread. They had escaped the immediate threat, but Ria's capture weighed heavily on their minds.

"We have to go back for him," Endric said firmly.

"I agree, we can't just abandon him," Aildris agreed. "But we need a plan."

Falco clenched his fists, his dark energy swirling around him; "They better not harm him."

"I don't think they will. I think they will use him as bait to lure out the one person they've been trying to capture this whole time... Gustav."




                   [ Earth ]

Within a grand and imposing board room, a discussion seemed to be taking place. The space was dominated by a long, oval table made of polished dark floating glass, around which the MBO higher-ups sat in their respective places.

The walls were adorned with holographic screens displaying live feeds and data, casting a cool blue glow across the room.

The ceiling, a dome of transparent material, offered a breathtaking view of a very modern city.

General Chell, a broad-shouldered man with a stern face and a perpetual scowl, sat at the head of the table. His dark hair was cropped close to his scalp, and his uniform was immaculate, decorated with numerous medals signifying his long service and accomplishments.

Beside him sat Commander Xanatus, with his yellow hair was slicked back, and an analytical gaze.

Elevora, with her striking azure hair tied back in a practical yet elegant style, stood at the front of the room. Her presence was commanding, her black uniform contrasting sharply against the room's cool tones.

E.E, sat beside her, his dark eyes scanning the room for any signs of dissent or disbelief.

Elevora began with a steady and confident voice. "We have new information regarding the Gustavo Alliance. Sources have indicated that the true leader of the Alliance Corps is not Gustav Crimson but someone else operating from the shadows."

General Chell's scowl deepened. "This is absurd," he barked, his voice carrying the weight of his authority. "Only Gustav could be behind this. He is the face of the Alliance and has caused untold destruction across galaxies. Who else could command such loyalty and fear except the infamous planet destroyer."

"I understand your skepticism, General," Elevora replied, maintaining her composure. "However, my source is highly credible and has provided information from within."

Commander Xanatus nodded in agreement. "We cannot dismiss this information outright, General. It is very possible that Gustav is being used as a figurehead while the true leader remains hidden. This tactic would sow confusion and divert attention from the real orchestrator."

General Chell's eyes narrowed. "And who is this source of yours, officer? Some nameless informant with a vendetta? You are putting too much faith in unverified information."

Elevora met his gaze unflinchingly. "The source is reliable, General. I cannot reveal their identity for their safety." Nôv(el)B\\jnn

'Who knows the spies we have in our midst,' She said internally.

Commander Xanatus added, "We have to consider all possibilities. If Gustav is not the true leader, we need to find out who is and dismantle the Alliance. Dismissing this out of hand because it does not fit our current narrative is shortsighted."

The room fell into a tense silence as the officers absorbed the implications of the new information. Some nodded in agreement with Elevora and Xanatus, while others seemed swayed by General Chell's forceful disbelief.

"Elevora, what evidence do you have that suggests Gustav isn't directly involved?" asked Major Reva, a tall woman with piercing green eyes and a reputation for her keen strategic mind.

"Besides the provided information from the source, we have also intercepted communications that hint at directives being given to Gustavo Alliance operatives that do not match Gustav's known patterns of behavior. Added with the alliance corps occasional run in with Gustav Crimson engaging in acts that highy contradicts with that of the Gustavo Alliance." Elevora explained.

General Chell slammed his hand on the table. "Hearsay and conjecture! We need hard evidence, not speculation. Gustav has been at the center of every major conflict. Until there is irrefutable proof, the planet destroyer remainsthe primary threat."

"General, with all due respect, clinging to a single narrative could blind us to other threats," Commander Xanatus countered calmly. "We must investigate all angles. The intelligence Elevora has brought forward is worth pursuing."

Gradier Oria, a petite but formidable officer with short red hair, leaned forward. "I agree with Commander Xanatus. We should at least explore the possibility that there is someone else pulling the strings."

Colonel Voss, a muscular man with a shaved head and a booming voice, sided with General Chell. "Our resources are stretched thin as it is. Diverting attention to chase shadows when we have a known enemy in Gustav is not a wise use of our efforts."

Elevora stepped forward with clear determination. "We are not chasing shadows. This could lead us to the true leader of the Gustavo Alliance. If we are wrong, we lose nothing by investigating. But if we are right, we could cut the head off the snake and end this threat for good."

As the tension in the room eased slightly, E.E, who had been silent the whole time, spoke up. "I agree that we need concrete evidence. We should deploy our best intelligence agents to gather irrefutable proof of who is truly behind the Gustavo Alliance."

General Chell, still visibly reluctant, sighed and finally gave his go-ahead. "Fine. Elevora, you have a limited time frame to prove your claims. Gather your evidence, but know that if you fail, we will shift all our focus back to Gustav as the main threat."

"Understood, General," Elevora replied, her voice steady.

Just as the argument seemed to be reaching a conclusion, General Chell suddenly paused. His eyes glazed over slightly as he pressed a small button glued to the left side behind his ear. The room fell silent, the tension mounting once more.

General Chell's expression hardened as he received the information. He then proceeded to inform the room, "We've just received new intelligence. One of Gustav's companions has been captured."

E.E and Elevora exchanged a quick glance, both doing their best to maintain an expressionless face.

 Inside, however, their minds raced with worry about who might have been captured. The implications of this could be severe, both for their current operations and for Gustav himself.

"Who was captured?" asked Major Reva, her curiosity piqued.

"Reports indicate it's one of his close allies," General Chell replied. "We don't have all the details yet, but the captured individual is being transported for interrogation."

E.E's heart pounded in his chest but he had to remain composed. "Do we know which companion it is, General?" He asked without portraying the inner turmoil he currently felt.

"We're working on confirming the identity," General Chell said. "But given the nature of the capture, it's likely someone high up in Gustav's inner circle. Perhaps one of your little former teammates."

Elevora's mind was racing. Who could it be? Falco, Aildris, Endric, Ria? Any of them captured would be a significant blow.

She needed more information. "General, may I suggest that the security be enhanced around the prisoner transport facilities? If Gustav learns of this, he will undoubtedly attempt a rescue."

"Already in motion," General Chell replied curtly. "The alliance is taking no chances and should he try anything, he will be captured."

As the meeting continued, General Chell received another update. "The identity of the captured individual has been confirmed. It's former MBO Cadet Ria."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the room. Elevora and E.E exchanged another glance, their worry deepening.

"This is an opportunity we cannot squander," General Chell said, his tone steely. "I will make sure every bit of information is extracted from Ria. This could lead us directly to Gustav."

Elevora nodded, masking her concern with a determined expression. "We need to ensure the interrogation is handled with utmost care."

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