The Bloodline System

Chapter 1486  The Alliance Leaders Rejection

Chapter 1486  The Alliance Leaders Rejection

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Within the vicissitudes of space, a platform shaped like a syringe floated imposingly in place, giving off an aura that seemed to pierce the very fabric of the cosmos.

Lines of white light surrounded it on all corners, radiating in an indescribable manner. Spacecrafts flew into the perimeter and vanished as soon as they got bathed in the white lines of light it emitted.

This was the heart of the Alliance's command center, a beacon of authority and power in the vast expanse of the universe.

Inside the Alliance command center, a grand chamber housed five leaders currently present, each an alien from a different planet, with the exception of General Chell.

The room was circular, with a high domed ceiling that shimmered with the same white light as the platform outside. The walls were adorned with holographic displays showing various parts of the universe under the Alliance's jurisdiction.

General Chell stood in the center. His uniform, a deep blue adorned with gold accents, matched the intensity in his eyes. Across from him stood four other leaders, each unique in their appearance.

The first was Zil'kar, a being with multiple limbs, each one ending in a sharp claw. His skin was a deep emerald green, covered in star-shaped patterns that glowed faintly. His eyes, six in total, were a piercing yellow, always scanning the surroundings with suspicion.

Beside him was Viara, a lithe and elegant figure with silver skin that shimmered like liquid mercury. Her eyes were a deep violet, and her hair flowed like a cascade of water, seemingly defying gravity. She had an ethereal presence, and her movements were fluid and graceful.

Next was Xanas, a hulking figure with obsidian skin and horns protruding from his forehead. His eyes glowed a fierce red, and his voice was a deep rumble. His body was covered in a dense, rocky hide, giving him a menacing appearance.

The last was Xandar, a being whose body was composed of a crystalline structure. His skin was translucent, and light refracted through him.

His eyes were the color of sapphires, and his voice had a melodic, almost musical quality to it.

"I demand custody of Ria," General Chell's voice echoed through the chamber, filled with authority and frustration. "He is an Earthling and falls under my jurisdiction."

Zil'kar's multiple limbs shifted as he spoke, his voice hissing with disapproval. "Earth has proven incapable of managing such a matter. Look at what happened with Gustav."

Viara nodded in agreement, her silver skin shimmering. "Ria will remain imprisoned within the Alliance. He will be questioned here."

General Chell's eyes narrowed, his fists clenching. "Ria is not Gustav. We have protocols in place to ensure he is properly detained and monitored."

Xanas's deep rumble filled the chamber. "Your protocols failed once. They can fail again."

Xandar's voice was calm but firm. "The Alliance cannot afford to take any more chances. Ria stays."

General Chell took a step forward, his voice rising. "This is unacceptable! As a fellow alliance leader, you cannot just strip us of our authority over our own people!"

Zil'kar's yellow eyes glowed with intensity. "It's the decision of four alliance leaders against one. Majority rule. Besides, the Earth will lose him just like they lost Gustav. It is better for everyone if Ria remains here."

General Chell's face turned red with anger. "This is unacceptable!"

Xanas crossed his arms, his rocky hide scraping against itself. "We have made our decision, General Chell. Ria stays."

General Chell stormed out of the chamber, his mind racing with frustration and anger. He knew the odds were against him, but he couldn't let this go.

After the heated discussion with the Alliance leaders, General Chell made his way to the holding cells to visit Ria before his departure.

The holding cells were located deep within the bowels of the platform, a structure designed to house the most dangerous and high-profile prisoners.

The cells were fortified with layers of energy barriers, each one more powerful than the last.

The walls were constructed from a rare, virtually indestructible alloy, and the floors were lined with runes that suppressed any supernatural abilities.

Each cell was monitored by an array of surveillance systems, ensuring that no movement went unnoticed. The air within the holding area was heavy, almost suffocating, a constant reminder of the oppressive security measures in place.

General Chell approached Ria's cell, his stern expression betraying the frustration simmering beneath the surface.

Ria, dressed in a plain grey jumpsuit, sat on the floor with his back against the wall. Despite his circumstances, Ria's eyes held a defiant spark as he looked up at the General.

"As a former MBO Cadet, I am disappointed in you, Ria," General Chell began, his voice carrying the weight of his authority. "Your father is also one of the most influential people in Plankton city and you have soiled his name by being involved with someone like Gustav..."

Ria smirked, his gaze unwavering. "Funny, I also never thought I'd end up in a place like this, held by people who claim to uphold justice... Really ironic."

General Chell's eyes narrowed. "You chose this path. You associated with a known fugitive, a planet destroyer. What did you expect?"

Ria shrugged, a nonchalant air about him. "You guys are still holding that narrative. You must think we are all fools who are unaware of the truth."

"What truth?" General Chell's voice rose in anger. "Gustav is a menace! He needs to be stopped, and you can help us do that."

Ria's smirk widened into a grin. "And what makes you think I'd betray him? Even if I told you where he is, you'd never be able to capture him."

General Chell's frustration boiled over. "You don't understand the gravity of your situation, do you? If you cooperate, you could be free. You could return to Earth."

Ria laughed, a harsh, mirthless sound. "Free? Under your terms? No thanks. I'll take my chances here."

General Chell clenched his fists, struggling to maintain his composure. "You're throwing your life away for a lost cause."

"Maybe," Ria replied, his tone mocking. "Or maybe I'm just not interested in playing your games."

The General's face turned red with anger. "You think this is a game? Do you have any idea what's at stake?"

Ria's expression hardened, the defiance in his eyes burning brighter. "I know exactly what's at stake. And that's why I won't help you."

General Chell took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "This is your last chance, Ria. Tell me where Gustav is, and I'll make sure you get a fair trial. Refuse, and you'll rot in this cell for the rest of your life."

Ria leaned forward, his voice low and filled with conviction. "I'd rather rot here than betray him. Gustav is fighting for something bigger than himself, something bigger than you or me."

General Chell's fury erupted. "You're a fool! Gustav will lead you to ruin, and you'll regret this decision."

Ria leaned back against the wall, his gaze never leaving the General's. "Maybe. But at least I'll know I stood for the truth and not selfish fools like yourself who only care about their benefits."

General Chell turned on his heel, storming out of the cell block, his mind racing with anger and frustration.

He had hoped to reason with Ria, to make him see the futility of his loyalty to Gustav, but it seemed the young man was as stubborn as ever. As he exited the holding area, the heavy doors clanged shut behind him, the sound echoing through the cold, sterile corridor.

Ria watched the General leave, a sense of satisfaction mingling with the tension in his chest.

"That felt pretty good haha. Talking smack at people with authority."

Back on the platform's main deck, General Chell boarded his spacecraft, the weight of his failure heavy on his shoulders.

The mission to retrieve Ria had been a critical one, and now it seemed that hope was slipping further away.

As the spacecraft lifted off and began its journey back to Earth, General Chell's mind was filled with thoughts of Gustav, Ria, and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

The whole situation with Gustav had led to a lot of interpersonal conflict within the Alliance and he feared that it would only lead to more chaos.

'The grand commanders won't be happy to hear this,' General Chell voiced internally.

In his cell, Ria closed his eyes and took a deep breath, steeling himself for the long days ahead.

The cold, sterile environment of the holding cells was a stark contrast to the warmth and camaraderie he had shared with his friends.

'My first time in jail... But there's a first time for everything, right?'



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Back on planet Agon, Gustav had been in deep meditation for a couple of days, his body occasionally flickering with a yellow hue that hinted at the imminent transformation he sought.

Stark, meanwhile, struggled to make any visible progress, despite his fierce determination.

Gustav's mind was a whirlwind of concentration and focus. The process of achieving the three in one golden body required an alignment of his soul, mental form, and physical body.

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