The Bloodline System

Chapter 1529 Testing Out The Evolved Acquisition

Chapter 1529  Testing Out The Evolved Acquisition

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav stared at the list and after many seconds, his eyes lingered on 'Bloodline Acquisition'.

He had used this ability countless times to gain new bloodlines but he hadn't used it quite some time.

It had been instrumental in his growth, allowing him to steal the abilities of others. But the idea of evolving it intrigued him. What could it become? How much more powerful could it make him?

"Bloodline Acquisition," Gustav muttered to himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "It's been one of my cornerstone abilities. If I evolve it, what new possibilities will it unlock?"

After a few more moments of contemplation, he made up his mind.

\[ Host Has Decided To Use Skill Evolution Card \]

\[ Evolving Bloodline Acquisition: 1/100% \]

The panel began to glow brightly as the evolution process started. Gustav watched, his anticipation growing with each passing second. The percentage climbed steadily, and he could feel the air around him thrumming with energy.

As the evolution reached completion, the panel flashed a final message:

\[ Evolution Complete \]

\[ Bloodline Acquisition Skill Has Been Evolved Into Acquisition \]

Gustav quickly checked the details of his newly evolved skill.

\[ »Acquisition (Level 1) \]

\[ Ability to extract the bloodlines and core supernatural strength of mixedbloods and aliens. Ability to isolate specific abilities and extract them. Ability to steal the supernatural abilities of everyone and anyone within a range of two thousand feet and use it as your own for a specific amount of time. \]

Gustav's eyes widened as he read the information. The new skill was far beyond what he had imagined.

The ability to extract abilities of everyone around him and use them within such a vast range was a game-changer. He could effectively neutralize any threat within a two-thousand-foot radius and turn their strengths against them.

If it was this mouth gaping at level one, how powerful would it be when it increased in levels?

"This... this is incredible," Gustav muttered, leaning back against the sofa, trying to absorb the implications. "I can not only extract bloodlines but also isolate specific abilities to extract instead of taking the whole bloodline. I can also steal everyone's abilities around me and use them temporarily. This gives me an edge in almost any situation."

He stood up, pacing the room as he thought it through. "In a battle, I can disable my opponents' powers and use them myself. This can turn the tide of any fight, especially if I'm outnumbered or facing particularly powerful foes."

Gustav looked out the window with a thoughtful gaze. The evolution of this skill was not just an enhancement of his abilities; it was a leap into a new realm of potential.

"I need to test this," he thought out loud.

The possibilities were endless, but he knew he had to approach this with caution. The ability to steal abilities of everyone within a two thousand feet radius was potent, but it also came with risks. What if he absorbed multiple abilities that were related to transformation? Could he transform into multiple forms at a time? Or would the power just be stored in him in the meantime until he decided on whether or not to activate it?

He leaned towards the later but even with he was still curious.

Taking the abilities of everyone in the surroundings was only temporary and would be returned back to them after a specific amount of time. He needed to know how much time he would have after doing that.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue across the cityscape, Gustav transformed into a darker version of himself while changing a few facial features. He didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself.

After that, he leaped off the balcony, descending swiftly towards a lower, less populated part of the city.

He landed softly in a deserted field with a still and quiet air. The field was surrounded by a mix of residential and commercial buildings, a perfect location for his test.

\[ Acquisition Has Been Activated \]

The notification appeared in his line of sight, and Gustav immediately focused his will, commanding the bloodline abilities of everyone within a 2000-foot radius to be drawn to him.

 Almost instantly, he felt a surge of energy as a glowing aura enveloping his being. At the same moment, a chorus of gasps and murmurs of disbelief echoed from the surrounding buildings and streets.

"What's happening?"

"My bloodline... I can't sense it!"

"I feel so weak..."

Gustav could hear the panic in their voices, but he remained focused, absorbing the newfound abilities. He could feel the strength of dozens of Mixedbloods coursing through him, each power adding to his own.

They were not in anyway tampered with, remaining at the same level the original Mixedblood had developed it to.

"This is incredible," Gustav muttered.

He looked around the empty field, contemplating how to test these abilities. "Let's start simple."

He raised his hand, summoning a bolt of lightning from the sky, a bloodline he had just acquired. The lightning struck the ground with a deafening crack, leaving a smoldering crater.

Next, he focused on another ability, feeling the ground beneath him shift. With a mere thought, he lifted a large chunk of earth, shaping it into a protective barrier. "Earth manipulation..." he mused, examining the solid wall he had created.

\[ 1:30 \]

He took note of the countdown in his line of sight, reminding him of the limited time he had with these abilities. Gustav decided to push further, testing as many skills as he could.

He closed his eyes and focused on the next ability. His body shimmered and disappeared, reappearing a moment later several feet away. "Spatial movement..."

He turned into a beast covered in flames and even created a vortex of wind and fire.

He manipulated glass in the surroundings, turning them to different intricate shapes. He even tested out a blood related ability.

As the timer reached its final seconds, Gustav gently lowered himself back to the ground, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He had tested a wide range of abilities and understood the immense power of Acquisition.

\[ 0:00 \]

In an instant, the aura around him faded, and he felt the abilities leaving his body, returning to their rightful owners. The field around him was suddenly filled with cries of relief and confusion as Mixedbloods regained their powers.

"What was that?"

"I've got my powers back!"

"Did anyone else feel that?"

Gustav had a thoughtful expression on his face. He had witnessed the potential chaos that Acquisition could cause, but he also recognized the immense tactical advantage it provided. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

He started walking back towards his penthouse as his mind got filled millions of strategic ways he could make use of it.

As he moved through the now bustling streets, he overheard snippets of conversations, people still reeling from the temporary loss of their abilities.

"I swear, my powers were just gone!"

"It felt like something was pulling them out of me."

"Do you think it's a new enemy?"

Gustav smiled to himself, knowing that he had caused quite a stir.

As he approached his penthouse, he couldn't help but reflect on the test. "I need to keep it hidden. It could really come in handy so long as enemies are taken unaware by it."


Gustav sat in his penthouse, contemplating which ability to enhance next. His skill collection was vast, each with its own unique advantages, making the decision even more challenging.

"Maybe I'll decide later," he muttered to himself.

 The holographic TV flickered on, casting a soft blue glow across the room. The news channel was reporting on the latest global events, from political upheavals to technological advancements.

Endric glanced over. "Still thinking about your decision?"

 "Not really. I don't think I'll be doing it," Gustav shook his head.

Before Endric could respond, Gustav sensed someone approaching the door. No, not just one person—two. The air outside seemed to shift with their presence, and a moment later, there was a knock.

Gustav rose to his feet as his expression hardended. "I'll get it."

He headed to the door in the next instant. He wasn't willing to invite whoever it was into his home.

He opened the door and stepped outside, immediately recognizing the two figures before him.

The gravity of their presence was immediately apparent; they radiated the power and authority typical of Alpha-ranked Mixedbloods.

They were world leaders.

The one on the left was a tall man with graying hair. His posture was straight, and his piercing azure eyes conveyed both intelligence and determination.

He wore a flowing dark green robe that shimmered slightly in the fading daylight, the intricate gold embroidery along the hem and sleeves adding a touch of dignifying elegance.

The robe was belted at the waist with a finely crafted leather belt, adorned with a large, polished emerald that seemed to pulse with its own inner light.

Beside him stood the other, a woman with sharp features and green eyes that seemed to miss nothing. Her dark hair was pulled back into an elegant updo, and she wore a flowing midnight blue gown that complemented her commanding presence.

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