The Bloodline System

Chapter 1533 Traveling Through The Warp Demolator

Chapter 1533  Traveling Through The Warp Demolator

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The energy around him immediately intensified, threatening to tear him apart despite the activation of his golden body underneath the sacred armor.

He was engulfed in a maelstrom of chaotic energy. The rendering and contraction of the space-time continuum around him were almost overwhelming. He felt as if he were being pulled apart and compressed simultaneously, his very essence stretched across dimensions.

One could imagine just how much crazier it would be if he didn't have the golden body and sacred armor.

"Stay focused," he muttered to himself, gritting his teeth against the intense forces. His golden body glowed fiercely, acting as a shield against the tumultuous energy.

The warp demolator surged forward with incredible speed, swallowing up all the orbital bodies in its path.

Asteroids, debris, and even smaller celestial bodies were consumed. Some of the smaller and less touger ones were immediately disintegrated into nothingness within the warp demolator's chaotic interior.

Gustav could feel the immense power of the phenomenon, its hunger insatiable and its force unstoppable.

Suddenly, he felt a shift in the warp demolator's trajectory. It was aiming for planet Agon.

"No!" Gustav shouted, his voice echoing through the warp demolator's core. He could sense the planet in the distance. His friends were down there, watching, unaware of the imminent danger.

Angy, Falco, Aildris, E.E., and Ria stood on a high plateau on Agon, their eyes fixed on the sky. They saw the warp demolator approaching. It's massive, ashy sand-like form was no doubt an overwhelming view. Their expressions immediately turned wary.

"What's happening?" Angy asked, her voice filled with worry.

Falco narrowed his eyes as dark energy swirled around him. "It's coming straight for us."

They all channeled their bloodline, ready to make a move despite knowing how dangerous the warp demolator was.

Gustav was not about to let things get that dangerous.

He put his golden body in full gear, sending radiant energy surging through  the warp demolator.

With a tremendous effort, Gustav steered the gargantuan entity away from Agon from it's interior. The warp demolator resisted, its chaotic nature fighting against his control, but Gustav's determination was unyielding.

 He channeled all his strength into guiding the warp demolator's path, pulling it away from the planet and into the vastness of space.

"Come on," Gustav growled as his body strained under the immense pressure.

The warp demolator veered off course and it's trajectory shifted away from Agon before Gustav lost control of it. The planet was spared, the danger averted, but the effort left had taken quite the energy from Gustav's golden body Nôv(el)B\\jnn

He floated within the warp demolator and his golden body flickered qs he struggled to maintain its activation.

On the surface of Agon, his friends watched in awe as the warp demolator changed direction.

"He did it," Angy whispered in relief.

Falco nodded as a rare smile crossed his face. "I knew he would."

E.E. let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "We were almost toast."

Aildris's eyes never left the sky. "Stay stafe Gustav."

Within the warp demolator, Gustav did his best to stabilize his golden body form and finally managed to.

"Okay," Gustav said to himself with a steady tone. "Let's see where this takes us."

The warp demolator continued to move forward, its speed unmatched by any known force.

Gustav could feel the space-time continuum bending and shifting, the boundaries between dimensions becoming thin.

He floated within the warp demolator, surrounded by an endless expanse of white lines that stretched infinitely in all directions.

 It was as if he was suspended in a void of pure dim, with no sense of up or down, no sense of time or space. The warp demolator's chaotic energy swirled around him as its destructive force constantly tried to tear him apart.

"Focus," he muttered to himself causing his voice to echo in the vast emptiness.

His sacred armor glowed with a blueish light as its protective barrier shielded his physical form from the warp demolator's relentless assault.

 Yet, the pressure was immense, almost unbearable. The warp demolator's energy pressed against him from all sides, a crushing force that would have obliterated any ordinary being.

But Gustav was no ordinary being.

He could feel the warp demolator attacking his mental state, trying to rip his mind apart. Whispers echoed in the back of his consciousness, dark and malevolent, attempting to break his focus and sanity. He clenched his fists causing the golden glow of his three-in-one golden body to intensify.

The golden light emanating from his body pushed back the mental assaults, creating a barrier that shielded his mind. The whispers grew fainter, then disappeared altogether, unable to penetrate his mental defenses.

Next, he felt millions of invisible hands reaching for his soul, trying to grasp and tear it from his body.

The sensation was chilling, like icy fingers brushing against the core of his being. But the golden light surrounding him flared brighter, repelling the spectral hands.

"You're not getting my soul, either," Gustav declared.

For what felt like an eternity, Gustav drifted through the endless lines of white, the warp demolator's energy constantly testing his limits. The light surrounding him flickered and pulsed in resilience. He knew he had to keep moving forward because he hadn't gotten to where he had to go.

Gustav felt as though he was swimming through an ocean of time, with waves crashing against him from every direction.

 The warp demolator continued its relentless assault on his senses, but his golden body held firm as a beacon of stability in the chaos.

The lines of white around him twisted and turned, creating a mesmerizing yet disorienting dance.

"Miss Aimee wasn't kidding," Gustav muttered to himself. "Time really has no meaning here."

He pushed forward, determined to reach the Stagnant Siterus Void. His perception of time was becoming distorted.

Moments stretching into what felt like years, yet his golden body remained intact. He knew that despite the disorienting journey, he hadn't yet reached the thirty-minute limit of his golden body form.

As he flew, he began to see strange and wondrous sights. Hundreds of versions of himself appeared alongside him, each one moving in perfect synchrony. It was as if he was looking into a mirror that reflected countless possibilities, each one a different path he could have taken.

"This is insane," Gustav said in amazement. "Are these alternate versions of me?"

The hundreds of Gustavs moved in unison, their golden bodies shimmering with the same radiant light. It was both awe-inspiring and unsettling.

As he continued, the scene shifted again. Flickering images of the universe being formed and destroyed played out before him like a cosmic slideshow.

He watched as stars were born in brilliant explosions of light, only to collapse into black holes that devoured everything in their path. Galaxies spun and collided, creating breathtaking displays of cosmic power and destruction.

"It's like everything is... all happening at once," Gustav whispered.

He felt a profound sense of insignificance as he witnessed these grand events. The warp demolator was showing him the very essence of existence, the endless cycle of birth and death that defined the universe. Despite the overwhelming nature of these visions, Gustav remained focused on his goal.

"Don't pay any heed to these... you have to reach the void," Gustav said to himself.

As he pressed on, the white lines around him began to change. They grew thicker and more vibrant, pulsating with a strange energy that resonated with his golden body. Gustav could feel the pressure increasing. The warp demolator's attempts to break him was growing more intense.

Despite the overwhelming experience, he remained calm, his senses sharp and his will unwavering.

He had been traveling through the warp demolator for what felt like centuries, yet his golden body had sustained him, keeping him grounded in the present.

"How did Miss Aimee know that this is exactly what I'd experience? Gustav wondered aloud.

He recalled how she had detailed a lot of the things he was currently experiencing in here and found it suspicious.

 "What else does she know that she hasn't told me?"

The thought lingered in his mind, but he pushed it aside. Now was not the time for this. He had to stay focused on the task at hand.

As he ventured deeper into the void, the surroundings began to change. The soft, radiant light gave way to a network of intricate, glowing roots that seemed to stretch infinitely in every direction.

Each root pulsated with a vibrant energy, intertwining and branching off into countless paths.

"These must be some sort of time roots," Gustav murmured as his eyes traced the complex patterns.

The roots pulsed rhythmically as their energy flowed like the lifeblood of the universe. Gustav marveled at the sheer scale of it, the interconnectedness of all things laid bare before him.

He reached out, his fingers brushing against one of the roots. Instantly, a flood of images and sensations washed over him. Scenes from distant pasts and possible futures flashed before his eyes.

He saw ancient civilizations rising and falling, stars being born and dying, and the endless dance of creation and destruction that defined the cosmos.

"Remarkable," he whispered in the heart of this loneliness.

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