The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 47 Well done

Chapter 47 Well done

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Lu Chengwen was suddenly dumbfounded.

The current situation had reached a critical juncture of life and death!

The two female leads were clinging to their arms, with Long Autian behind them and Iron Lump King in front of them.

In less than three sentences from Long Autian and Iron Lump King, both of them became furious and started pounding themselves.

Not to mention the two of them, even if one of the four muscular men behind Iron Lump King casually picked one out, they could directly transcend themselves back to the beginner's village to start anew.

How many days had passed? Four days?

Was his limit only four days?

At this moment, Xu Xuejiao lightly pinched Lu Chengwen's arm and said triumphantly, "Hey, big guy, doesn't he look familiar to you?"

Iron Lump King looked embarrassed and smiled awkwardly, "Oh, haha, it's just... a misunderstanding, it was all a misunderstanding before."

Long Autian thought to himself, why are you guys still chatting?

The darkest one behind Iron Lump King is him, right? Does he still recognize Lu Chengwen?

Long Autian said, "Let's discuss inside."

Now Lu Chengwen couldn't leave, how could he? As long as he tried to escape, he would immediately be exposed.

Not fleeing... he had to find a way.

As Lu Chengwen walked, he thought, his legs were a bit disobedient.

Xu Xuejiao pinched Lu Chengwen again, "Hold on, hold on!"

Although Leng Qingqiu didn't know what was going on, it was obvious that Lu Chengwen was very nervous, holding his hand full of sweat.

A person behind approached Iron Lump King, "It is rumored that the young master's martial arts are unparalleled, and he's a rare talent. But why do his footsteps seem so illusory, completely unlike someone skilled, but rather like a sickly person?"

Iron Lump King lowered his voice, "What do you know! The young master fought a fierce battle on the border and achieved extraordinary feats. But he also suffered serious injuries, and his current strength is not at its peak. Returning to the North, he relies on a strategy to annex the several major families here, leaving them for future use. Don't talk nonsense, offending the young master, we will all suffer."

"Don't you need to confirm it again?"

"Confirm what?" Iron Lump King said, "Look at him, debonair and charming, surrounded by beautiful women, even being supported by two women as he walks, it's simply pretentious to the extreme! Under the heavens, who else has such a talent for pretension? Go away!"

They arrived at the coffee shop's private room.

Everyone sat down.

Iron Lump King offered his seat to Lu Chengwen, who coughed lightly and gestured, and Iron Lump King understood, taking the main seat himself.

Long Autian felt something was wrong!

Why didn't this guy greet him? Instead, he seemed very respectful towards Lu Chengwen. What's going on?

Does this guy know something? Could it be that he's not Iron Lump King?

Long Autian stood up with a smile, "May I ask, are you Mr. Iron?"

"Yes, I am Iron Muer."

Long Autian was stunned, thinking, what kind of crappy name is this? Couldn't he come up with something more sensible?

"Iron Mister, allow me to introduce myself. This is Miss Leng Qingqiu, the executive CEO of our Qianfeng Group."

Iron Muer looked at Leng Qingqiu and Xu Xuejiao sitting beside Lu Chengwen, feeling impressed.

Indeed, the young master!

He has already conquered the two major beauties of the two big families!

I have to say, this Leng Qingqiu is really stunning, her temperament is much higher than that little girl.

Those fools just know how to spread rumors. The young master is thr, making rapid progress. How come they still say the young master encountered resistance and a kid is singing against him?

For a heroic figure like the young master, who dares to sing against him? Who can sing against him? Isn't that seeking death?

It seems that my trip can only be icing on the cake. I have to perform well and leave a good impression on the young master.

The future soaring to success depends on my performance on this business trip!

With this in mind, Iron Muer immediately smiled and said, "Miss Leng is truly beautiful and talented."

Leng Qingqiu squeezed out a smile, "Mr. Iron is too kind."

Lu Chengwen was a bit afraid to look Iron Lump King in the eye.

He thought:

[There's only one way! Continue to pretend to be the young master and gain this guy's trust.]

[If I don't deceive, I'll die. If I'm exposed, I'll die. Only by firmly grasping this Black Iron Tower can I have a chance to survive!]

[Let's go! From now on, I'll hypnotize myself. I am the young master, I am!]

[Let me show you what real acting is!]

Leng Qingqiu finally understood what was going on.

Xu Xuejiao had known earlier that Lu Chengwen was deceiving this big black guy, making him mistake her for Long Autian.

Although she didn't know why they hadn't been exposed even after using their real names, since they hadn't been exposed, they had to continue acting.

Lu Chengwen didn't look at Iron Lump King, but instead turned around, pinched Xu Xuejiao's chin, and said with a smile, "Xuejiao, I like the fragrance on you."

He dared not to overact too much, fearing that Leng Qingqiu beside him would explode.

But what he didn't expect was that Leng Qingqiu had already read the situation from his heart and fully cooperated.

"Brother Chengwen, if Xuejiao's fragrance is nice, isn't mine nice too? Smell it? "

Lu Chengwen was very surprised, turning to look at Leng Qingqiu, and saw firm support in her eyes.

In an instant, Lu Chengwen understood and was spiritually uplifted.

[Great! Clever Leng Qingqiu, it wasn't in vain that I've been pursuing you for three years!]

[Just for your quick response today, I don't regret these three years.]

"Haha!" Lu Chengwen turned around and pinched Leng Qingqiu's chin again, "Then I have to smell it to know!"

"Then... you smell it!"

Lu Chengwen took a look.

[Damn, you're cooperating! Can't falter at this time, if I hesitate, it's death.]

[Doesn't matter, I'll apologize to these two beauties later. Today's not a seeding game, it's damn elimination. I must win!]

Lu Chengwen, like a big wolf, buried himself directly into Leng Qingqiu's chest, took a deep breath, and looked up in an intoxicated manner, "Mmm—so fragrant!"

Xu Xuejiao couldn't stand it again, her body almost lying on Lu Chengwen, one leg climbing up and pressing against Lu Chengwen's body, "Mr. Lu, I'm a bit sore here, could you massage it for me


Lu Chengwen thought:

[Miss, that's what it means, no need to be so creepy! Won't I become a big wolf like this?]

But when the arrow is on the string, he can only continue to reluctantly cooperate.

Lu Chengwen's big hand directly touched Xu Xuejiao's thigh, rubbing back and forth, and even slipped under her skirt, constantly climbing up.

Of course, in a position where others couldn't see under the skirt, Lu Chengwen was obedient. It just looked excessive from the outside.

Xu Xuejiao, as the party involved, naturally knew.

But Leng Qingqiu didn't!

Leng Qingqiu thought you two were going too far. Doing this in front of me?

She felt competitive, so she also stuck to Lu Chengwen's side, with her thighs resting on Lu Chengwen's body, "Brother Cheng, I'm also sore here, can you help me massage it?"

Lu Chengwen had to oil both sides...

Iron Lump Wang secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart: Young Master, I admire you! This ability to tame women, under the heavens, who else can match you? No one!

Long Autian was about to cough up blood.

His eyeballs were almost shooting fire, blood vessels filled his eyeballs, as if he wished his eyeballs would explode in the next second.

Lu Chengwen! You bastard!

Xu Xuejiao said, "Brother, can you pinch my chest and see if it gets a little bigger?"

Leng Qingqiu said, "Brother, I want some attention here too, you can't be biased!"

The two girls started bickering.

In Lu Chengwen's mind, he cursed:

[Big brother, are you two crazy?!]

[You're comparing this to?!]

[Is this the time to quarrel?!]

Lu Chengwen waved his hand and said, "Alright, sit down, I'm going to talk about serious matters now."

Xu Xuejiao immediately clapped her hands, "Wow, Brother Chengwen is so majestic, I just love the way you take charge!"

Leng Qingqiu also said, "I like your stern look, so manly!"

[Kill me now, sooner or later I'll die in your hands.]

[Xu Xuejiao hates me, that's fine, but how come Leng Qingqiu also has this side?]

[But when she's gentle, she's likable.]

Lu Chengwen said, "Um... Mr. Tie, right?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lu, I am."

Long Autian breathed a sigh of relief, telling himself to focus on business first, as being hasty leads to chaos.

"Mr. Tie, I've just been appointed as the Vice President of Qianfeng Group. This time, what I want to discuss with you is the injection of 5 billion funds into our amusement park project. You should already know the specific details. I think we should skip the intermediate steps and directly sign the contract for the funds."

Tie Mushroom glanced at him, then looked at Lu Chengwen, "Mr. Lu, what do you think..."

Long Autian immediately got angry.

We're talking about Qianfeng's business right now, why are you looking at him?

Suppressing his anger, Long Autian smiled and said, "Mr. Tie, this deal belongs to Qianfeng Group, not Da Sheng Group, it has nothing to do with Lu Chengwen."

Tie Lump Wang suddenly realized, "Right! What's going on?"

Lu Chengwen said, "Didn't you see the president of Qianfeng Group in my arms? I can handle half of Qianfeng Group's affairs."

"Oh, that's great..." Tie Lump Wang laughed, "In that case, I'll invest..."

"Hold on!" Long Autian looked at Tie Lump Wang, thinking if I weren't in a hurry to use this 5 billion to bolster my position, I would've slapped you to death today.

Long Autian reminded, "Mr. Tie, when you came to Xuecheng this time, you must have been entrusted by someone, right?"

Tie Lump Wang felt a squeeze in his heart: Oh no, did this guy figure out my relationship with the Young Master? No, I have to act naturally.

"Huh? No, I just came here to invest. I heard Mr. Lu said there's a good project here, so I came to see. Whether to invest or how much to invest hasn't been decided yet."

Long Autian felt even more annoyed.

Who are you trying to fool? I'm giving you a hint!

"Mr. Tie." Long Autian gritted his teeth, and spat out the words between his teeth, eyes staring like copper bells, repeatedly reminding, "You came here to invest in the amusement park project, right?"

Tie Lump Wang thought, is this guy crazy?

Who is he talking to?

Tie Lump Wang raised his eyebrows, "Do you have hemorrhoids in your mouth? Why are you speaking through gritted teeth?"

Long Autian's eyelids were about to burst with anger.

Lu Chengwen calmly said, "I've changed my mind, we have a slum redevelopment project here, it's a good project, worth investing in."

"Oh? Really?" Tie Lump Wang hurriedly said, "Alright, let's sign the contract immediately."

Long Autian thought, are you brainless?

Long Autian walked up to him, looked at him, pressing on the table, "Do you know what kind of project the slum redevelopment is? Do you know the situation inside?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know and you dare to sign?"

"I dare. Mr. Lu has good judgment, I trust Mr. Lu."

Long Autian felt like he was going to have a heart attack because of this guy, "Your initial purpose in coming here was to sign the amusement park project, not the slum redevelopment. The slum redevelopment project won't make money."

Tie Lump Wang was unhappy, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

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