The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 70 Must Marry Her

Chapter 70 Must Marry Her

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Chapter 70 Must Marry Her 

Lu Chengwen is so hateful!

I haven't even finished wiping my ass properly! You, this damn girl, always pick fights with me every day!

I have too many things to deal with! I don't have time to deal with this crazy girl, but she clings to me every day and pesters me to be her partner!

Do I lack a partner? Even after dealing with Long Aotian, do I still lack women?

Moreover, if she were just good-looking, it would be fine, but she's an actress. She looks dignified and virtuous on the surface, but behind her back, she's full of malicious intent, completely shameless, such a person!

Who would dare to want her?

Isn't that just asking for trouble?

Lu Chengwen negotiated with Xu Xuejiao, but Xu Xuejiao just giggled uncontrollably and kept trying to confuse Lu Chengwen.

Lu Chengwen finally got angry and rushed over, pressing Xu Xuejiao onto a chair, threatening her fiercely:

"I warn you! I'm a bad person! I kill without blinking an eye! I'm scared of myself when I go crazy! You'd better not provoke me!"

"Hahaha! What are you going to do, Chengwen gege? With this posture now, it will be misunderstood by others!"

"Who can see? If you lie to my parents again, I'll strip you naked and throw you out of the car. Let's see how you'll get married in the future!"

"Get out of my way! I'm angry!"

"Oh? You're still angry?"

Lu Chengwen grinned, "Are you scared? Have you finally realized that I'm also a fierce tiger who can hurt people?"

"Lu Chengwen, you better show me some respect! I'll say it again, move aside!"

Lu Chengwen couldn't wait for her to get angry, the worse the offense, the better.

"Haha! Love is not something you can buy just because you want to. If I let go when you ask me to, then I won't let go! Let me tell you, from now on, you better behave properly, otherwise, I'll beat you eight times a day, I guarantee you'll cry and beg me!"

"Lu Chengwen, I'm serious, I'm getting angry!"

"Okay, getting angry is good!"

Lu Chengwen laughed, "Today I'll let you know what the consequence is of offending me..."

Suddenly, Xu Xuejiao pleaded coquettishly, "Chengwen ge, I was wrong, not here, please, give me some face, can we talk about it when we get home..."

"Go home? Hmph! If you provoke me, Lu Chengwen, even the God of Heaven can't save you. If I don't teach you a lesson today, then I'll have flaws as a person!"

"Chengwen ge, don't be like this, I'll scream!"

Xu Xuejiao struggled hard, how could Lu Chengwen let her succeed?

[Today is the day, I must show her my evil side.]

[You think you're clever, but today I'll scare you to death, I guarantee you'll avoid me in the future!]

Xu Xuejiao struggled, her two slender white legs kicking wildly.

Lu Chengwen held down her hands, grinning viciously as he used his thigh to hold down her legs, looking sly:

"Hehe, scream! The more you scream, the more excited I get! Even if you scream your throat raw, no one will save you!"

"You little slut, always pretending to be innocent in front of me! Today, I'll show you the power of the young master of the Lu family..."

As Lu Chengwen exerted more force, he suddenly felt Xu Xuejiao stop struggling.

She gave up resistance, and turned her head aside, tears streaming down her face.

Lu Chengwen froze, "I... you weren't pretending, were you? I..."

Before Lu Chengwen could explain, he felt a big hand directly press his head, grabbing his hair, and forcibly pulling it out.

Lu Chengwen turned around in anger, about to strike, "Which bastard..."

The words choked in his mouth as he saw his father, Lu Guanghong's face.

Lu Guanghong was already furious, grabbing Lu Chengwen from the car and starting to beat him up.

It turned out, that when Xu Xuejiao found the electric car door open, she began to act. Xu Xuejiao wasn't afraid of Lu Chengwen's appearance because she heard his little movements in his heart and knew he was all bark and no bite, intentionally pretending to be fierce to scare herself.

But Lu Guanghong and Lu's mother outside were already terrified.

Was their son such a scoundrel!?

He was just in the car... and what was he saying? Those were all words that only beasts could utter!

Lu's mother was so angry she needed someone to support her, and Lu Guanghong began to look around for handy weapons.

Lu Chengwen was so deep into his act that he didn't even notice the electric car door opening.

The car was indeed good, opening its doors silently.

In the Lu family's courtyard, Lu Guanghong grabbed Lu Chengwen and started beating him up!

Lu Chengwen was now a legitimate martial artist, not to mention dealing with just one Lu Guanghong, even twenty wouldn't be enough for him to fight.

But where would he dare to fight back? He could only take the beating.

"Dad! Dad! Listen to me, she's pretending, she's just acting!"

"Acting? Today I am the almighty, see if I can't control you!"

"Dad! She's not a good person, you shouldn't believe her!"

Lu's mother comforted Xu Xuejiao, "Xuejiao, it's all because we didn't discipline him properly!"

Turning her head angrily, she shouted, "Lao Lu, beat him! Beat him to death!"

Xu Xuejiao nestled in Lu's mother's arms, covering her face and crying, "Mom, don't beat him so hard, it's my fault, I didn't listen to Brother Lu, I'm useless..."

"Don't say that, it's because we didn't raise our son properly."

Xu Xuejiao cried, "Let uncle just beat him for a few hours, beating him too much hurts my heart."

"You silly child, you still care about him! How come he doesn't care about you?"

Lu Guanghong broke a broomstick, unable to find a suitable weapon.

Xu Xuejiao cried out, "Dad, no! Don't pick up that bamboo pole over there! That one hurts a lot!"

Lu Guanghong looked over, yes, there was a bamboo pole!

He picked it up and continued beating!

Lu Chengwen was now a martial artist of ancient martial arts, his physical strength was beyond ordinary people.

Although it hurt a bit, it was just "a bit painful".

But... it was humiliating!

All the servants, maids, gardeners, and security guards from the Lu family's estate all ran out to watch the excitement.

They were still chatting.

"What's wrong with the young master?"

"Oh, standard procedure, trying to be tough in the car, but the old man caught him."

"The young master is no longer being a bootlicker, now he's being a jerk?"

"Lower your voice! Are you crazy? The young master has no mercy, if he hears you, he'll come back and kill you!"

"Oh, the old man's body is still good! This move is quite powerful!"

"Nonsense, the old man's two best skills in his life are doing business and beating the young master."

"Huh? Is this move the long-lost..."

"Yeah, it's the son-beating stick method, developed by the old man over the years. Haven't seen it in many years. In recent years, to save face for the young master, the old man hasn't used this stick method much. Let the newcomers come over and see, experience the old man's strength!"

"Wow! Still beating! Shouldn't we... go and stop it?"

"Isn't that obvious? Wait a while, in fifteen minutes, we'll all go and stop it, otherwise, the young master will be beaten badly."


"Now it's not even broken yet!"

"Hey hey hey, keep your chat voices down, don't affect us watching the show!"

Lu Chengwen felt utterly embarrassed.

He was in his twenties, the CEO of Da Sheng Group, and being beaten by his father in front of so many people was too embarrassing.

He grabbed the bamboo pole tightly, "Dad, that's enough!"

Lu Guanghong was taken aback, "Let go!"

Lu Chengwen grinned, "Dad, my bad, calm down, I'm worried you'll get tired from hitting me."

"Hmm, makes sense." Lu Guanghong nodded, "You guys, each grab a bamboo pole and come here to beat him!"

At this moment, Xu Xuejiao finally walked over, timidly tugging at Lu Guanghong's sleeve, "Dad, stop it, I... I don't want to see Chengwen ge get beaten by you."

Lu Chengwen felt like grinding his teeth at Xu Xuejiao's hypocritical act.

Just a moment ago, she was sneaking glances at him, blinking and gesturing "Oh yeah" as if she was cheering him on, and now she's acting all innocent!

"Get lost! I don't need you to plead for me!" Lu Guanghong snapped.

Lu Guanghong frowned, "You're not convinced, huh?"

"No, Dad, I'm convinced!"


In the dining room, Lu Guanghong's anger still simmered, Lu Mama wiped her tears, and Xu Xuejiao nestled in Lu Mama's arms, pretending to be pitiful.

Lu Guanghong sighed, "Lu Chengwen, you've grown up, I've realized, I can't even beat you anymore. I'm asking you, what's with that shantytown project? It's a huge minefield, are you planning to use half of my life's work for charity?"

"If it works out, maybe we can make some profit..." Lu Chengwen said uneasily.

"Maybe make some profit!?" Lu Guanghong exclaimed, "Investing five hundred billion in assets, and you tell me maybe make some profit? With such a large sum of money, cooperating with the bank for investments wouldn't just be 'maybe make some profit,' right?"

"The contract has already been signed, it can't be changed."

"Fine, when I handed over the business to you, I was prepared for this. I'm old, my health is not good, and I can't charge into business battles myself anymore. If you ruin the business, it means our Lu family doesn't deserve this wealth, I admit it!"

Lu Guanghong said sternly, "But our Lu family has never produced scoundrels! I've lived my whole life upright, how come you turned out like this!?"

Lu Chengwen said with a grievance, "It's not what you think."

"I saw it with my own eyes! Are you still trying to argue!?"

"Oh my, don't get angry, it's not good for your health, I was wrong, I was wrong, Dad, your health is important."

Lu Guanghong sighed, "You, bring the filial piety you have for me and your mom, and show some to Xuejiao, I wouldn't be this angry then! If you really want me to live longer, treat Xuejiao better!"

"I... got it."

Lu Guanghong said, "You're all grown-ups now, Chengwen, I can't follow you forever, you have to walk your path in the future. Do you think having money and good looks means you can pick any woman in the world? Many great men have fallen because of this, their lifetime glory ruined in an instant! A man who doesn't know how to take care of his family can't even be called a man! A man must treat his woman well!"

"Yes, I understand."

Lu Chengwen was really afraid of angering his father to death and didn't dare to talk back.

"Tomorrow, go visit the Xu family, Old Xu hasn't agreed to your engagement. You have to handle this yourself, convince your father-in-law, and get his consent for your marriage."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

"Not try your best! If you can't handle it, I'll take back Da Sheng Group and manage it myself!"

Lu Chengwen looked at his father, "Dad, the doctor forbids you from exerting yourself, you can't handle the work of Da Sheng Group anymore."

"I don't care, anyway, we have to be responsible for Xuejiao!"

Lu Chengwen thought for a moment, "What about Leng Qingqiu? We're engaged!"

"Their old Leng family looks down on us, it's not our fault, they tore up the engagement themselves, what can I do? But this child Xuejiao, she's obedient to you, gentle and virtuous, dignified and generous, I approve of her! She's my daughter-in-law! You sort this out for me! Understand?"

Xu Xuejiao walked gently to Lu Chengwen's side, knelt softly on the carpet, took Lu Chengwen's hand, and touched the scars on his hand, tenderly asking, "Chengwen ge, does it hurt?"

Lu Chengwen looked at this fairy-like girl, squinting his eyes, "Doesn't hurt."

At this moment, Zhao Gang rushed in, "Master, Madam, Young Master, something's not good!"

Lu Chengwen was furious, "What's the rush? What's wrong!?"

Zhao Gang stood still, looking embarrassed, "Miss from the Leng family is here."


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