The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 76: The Female Mage of the Allure City

Chapter 76: The Female Mage of the Allure City

Chapter 76: The Female Mage of the Allure City

Luo Shiyin. One of the four close guards under Long Aotian, it should be said that she is the most terrifying one.

Compared to the other three stunning beauties, Luo Shiyin's martial prowess is the lowest, but she is the leader of the four guards.

Because her most terrifying aspect is not physical attacks, she is a mage.

What is the most terrifying? Magic attacks are the most terrifying!

And what's even more terrifying than magic attacks? A mage with full-level equipment, stacked magic penetration, and unlimited growth potential!

Luo Shiyin's ability is simple: seduction.

This person is naturally charming and has been trained and nurtured by Long Aotian's master's wife to become a top-level seduction queen.

To put it bluntly, even Luo Shiyin's body fragrance has an aphrodisiac effect, and ordinary men simply cannot resist it.

She has many methods and a quick mind.

Although her martial prowess is not the highest and her martial arts talent is not the best, does she need martial prowess?

As long as there are men in this world, her power is limitless.

She can seduce men and directly capture their hearts and souls, making them crazy and violent, like walking corpses, and making them feel disgusted by any woman other than her.

The most terrible thing is that the training and influence she has received are dedicated to serving her master, Long Aotian, wholeheartedly.

Loyal and devoted, willing to be a hawk or a dog, without any regrets. Even if Long Aotian wanted her life, she would offer it with a smile, without any hesitation.

At the same time, this person is cold and ruthless, with a heart as vicious as a snake. Apart from Long Aotian, no one else is human in her eyes.

If she were told to kill a hundred people to make Long Aotian's nails look a little nicer, she would only have one thought in her mind: get to work, the master's nails will look very beautiful.

Just now, with that deadly kiss, Lu Chengwen felt like his three souls and seven spirits were about to be hooked away. Luckily, he pushed her away in time... wait a minute!

How did I push her away? Do I have that kind of ability?

Lu Chengwen's mind was already in chaos. He looked at the people and things around him as if they were phantoms, and the noisy sounds of everyone seemed to come from far away.

Did I fall for it, or did I not?

No wonder the dignified young master of the Huo family would be so rude as to rush into his private room for a girl, disregarding even the basic etiquette of old classmates, and blatantly snatching a woman away.

He must have fallen for it!

Lu Chengwen was sweating profusely, holding onto the table with his hands trembling.

Luo Shiyin very naturally put her arm around Lu Chengwen's arm: "Brother Chengwen, are you alright? You're sweating so much..."

As she spoke, she took out a handkerchief to wipe Lu Chengwen's sweat.

Lu Chengwen now felt that Luo Shiyin was a ghost, a seductive female ghost who was going to take his life. He stiffly pushed Luo Shiyin away and said with difficulty, "Don't touch me!"

Luo Shiyin was also surprised.

This man, after being kissed by me, can still push me away?

Apart from Long Aotian, she had never been pushed away by any man in the world!

How could Luo Shiyin be willing to give up? She immediately took the initiative to support Lu Chengwen: "Brother Chengwen, are you feeling unwell..."

Lu Chengwen pushed her away again, shook his head vigorously, and headed straight for the bathroom with heavy steps.

The cold water poured down from his head, and Lu Chengwen suddenly felt his clarity return somewhat.

He looked up at his wet self in the mirror and let out a long breath.

This is bizarre!

I'm just a small villain, is it necessary to use such a big killer on me?

Luo Shiyin's role is to help Long Aotian deal with many big shots!

Me? Lu Chengwen? What am I!?

This Long Aotian is going after me, we swore brotherhood, so it's not righteous to mess with me openly, so he's sending a woman to deal with me, is that it?

When he came out, his ears were working better, and his eyes could see things clearly.

He narrowed his eyes and saw, sure enough, there was a dark red in the depths of Huo Wendong's pupils.

He fell for it.

Luo Shiyin immediately came over to support Lu Chengwen: "Brother Chengwen, are you alright?"

Before Lu Chengwen could speak, Xu Xuejiao came over and pushed Luo Shiyin away: "I'll do it, Brother Chengwen."

Xu Xuejiao didn't know the situation here and thought that Lu Chengwen was completely smitten with this woman and had fallen deeply in love. At this moment, she gritted her teeth and smiled, saying words of concern:

"Are you feeling a little uncomfortable? Or are you feeling particularly comfortable?"

Lu Chengwen looked at Xu Xuejiao, very serious, then suddenly smiled and pinched Xu Xuejiao's cheek: "Xuejiao, you're so good."

Xu Xuejiao, who was originally filled with jealousy, was suddenly treated like this by Lu Chengwen, making her heart pound.

Not only was she not angry, but she was so happy that she wanted to jump up.

She blushed and said: "Of course, you're the one who doesn't know good things! Always pushing me away."

Chen Fatty and Huo Wendong on the opposite side had been arguing for a long time, their voices getting louder and louder, clearly wanting to tear each other apart.

Chen Moqun is not good at making decisions and does not know how to control his emotions. Normally, a rich second generation like him shouldn't be like this, but he has been spoiled and pampered, and this is his temper.

Moreover, the two of them were sworn enemies when they were in school, so it's normal for him to be annoyed with him today.

And Huo Wendong's abnormal behavior is because he has already fallen for Luo Shiyin's tricks. To some extent, his brain is no longer his own.

Chen Moqun roared: "Huo Wendong! Damn it, stop talking nonsense to me! Today, I, Chen Moqun, am protecting this girl, if you have something to say, say it to me! Back then, you had Cheng Bin protecting you, now let's see who can keep you safe and sound in Beiguo!"

Huo Wendong was also furious: "Chen Fatty! I, Huo Wendong, can walk sideways not only in Xuecheng but throughout the whole of China. Just with your Chen family's small business, you want to fight me head-on? Do you have the capital? I can crush you even in Beiguo!"

Lu Chengwen strode towards the table and laughed: "Wendong, calm down! Moqun, you too, calm down."

Lu Chengwen walked up to them and grabbed Huo Wendong's wrist, with a smile on his face: "Wendong, we've been classmates for so many years, arguing like this hurts our feelings."

"But you..."

"Hey, hey, sit down first. Chen Fatty, you sit down too, we're all classmates."

After Lu Chengwen sat down, Luo Shiyin immediately wanted to sit next to him, but Xu Xuejiao got there first and sat next to Lu Chengwen.

Luo Shiyin felt awkward. She couldn't just go around and sit on Lu Chengwen's other side, that would be too obvious.

But where should she sit? She couldn't go and accompany that Erlong, could she?

Chen Fatty was kind and quickly invited Luo Shiyin to sit next to him. Although Luo Shiyin was reluctant, she still smiled appropriately and gracefully moved over to sit next to Chen Fatty.

Lu Chengwen put his arm around Xu Xuejiao, appearing very intimate. Xu Xuejiao also cooperated and obediently let Lu Chengwen hold her.

Lu Chengwen smiled and said: "Let's have a drink first. Fill them up!"

Huo Wendong and Chen Fatty were both fuming, glaring at each other and taking a glass of wine.

Lu Chengwen laughed: "Wendong, we did fight in school, but I feel honored. You're a good fighter I've always admired you in my heart."

Huo Wendong was taken aback, unsure of what Lu Chengwen was up to. However, since he had said so, he had to reply:

"Haha, Chengwen, those are the words an old classmate should say! You all know me, if you give me face, I'll give you enough face."

Lu Chengwen said: "My word is my bond. I said I would protect this girl, and I will definitely protect her. But I can't ignore the face of my old classmate either."

"Oh? So what are you going to do?"

Lu Chengwen said: "Let's have a competition."

"A competition? What kind of competition?"

Lu Chengwen stretched out his hand, and Zhao Gang behind him immediately handed over a deck of poker cards: "Draw a card, highest card wins, whoever wins, the girl belongs to him."

Luo Shiyin was about to explode with anger.

Since she could remember, she had never experienced such humiliation.

What do they take her for? A gambling chip? Whoever wins, she belongs to him? She's a bet now?

She had always been dominant, wherever she went, men would fight for her without caring for their own lives.

Who would dare, who would be willing... to treat her like a commodity and gamble with others?

Huo Wendong frowned. Firstly, the current situation was not optimistic. Lu Chengwen and Chen Fatty were definitely not small fries locally, and it would definitely not be wise to make enemies of them.

Secondly, he was most confident in his card skills, and Lu Chengwen knew this.

Huo Wendong understood. Lu Chengwen was giving him face, knowing that he was good at playing cards, so he deliberately gambled with him, and if he lost, he would naturally accept it.

"Haha, okay, but Lu Chengwen, this is a gentleman's agreement, no going back on your word!"

"I just said, my word is my bond."


Lu Chengwen took the poker cards and shuffled them with a flourish, using his technique to secretly hide the lowest card, a two, in his sleeve.

Huo Wendong frowned. Lu Chengwen's card skills were not as good as his, how could this little trick escape his eyes?

Huo Wendong glanced at the cards, seemingly casually cutting the deck, then drew a card and directly revealed it.

It was a Queen.

Huo Wendong looked at Lu Chengwen: "Chengwen, your turn."

Everyone was nervous!

Two tycoons were gambling over a girl, and this guy had drawn such a high card after cutting the deck. Lu Chengwen had to draw a King to win.

Could he draw a King?

Zhao Gang was anxious.

Just as Lu Chengwen was about to pretend to draw a card, one of Huo Wendong's men suddenly shouted: "Young Master Lu, are you not being honorable?"

Lu Chengwen looked over. The man walked up to Lu Chengwen and suddenly reached out. Lu Chengwen suddenly realized that this guy was a master!

The two of them clashed palms for a few moves, and the man took the opportunity to pull out a card from Lu Chengwen's sleeve, with a smile on his face.

"Young Master Lu, our young master has known this little trick since he was a child."

Everyone looked at Lu Chengwen as if to say: you actually cheated, how dishonorable.

The man threw the card on the table. Huo Wendong gently picked it up and lifted a corner to see that it was a two.

Huo Wendong was furious.

He just wanted me to win, so why are you pretending to be so righteous?

The man looked at Huo Wendong triumphantly, as if to say: Young Master, did I do a good job?

Huo Wendong looked at him, his mouth moved for a while and then glared at him.

He forced a smile and said: "Brother, you draw."

Lu Chengwen was helpless and drew a card casually. He looked at it in his hand and gritted his teeth.

The man saw Lu Chengwen's expression and got excited again. He jumped in front of Lu Chengwen and said: "Give it here!"

He slapped the card on the table, and everyone exclaimed:


Lu Chengwen glared at the guy, who was also stunned. He scratched his head and looked back at his young master.

Huo Wendong's eyes were about to spit fire.

At the same time, no one noticed that Luo Shiyin, sitting on the side, had a vicious and cold look in her eyes as if she wanted to eat someone.

Why is this happening!?

The card just now was a two.

Lu Chengwen... doesn't want to help me?

Me! Luo Shiyin!

Naturally beautiful and charming, no man in the world can resist me!

For me, they can kill and steal, abandon their wives and children, spend money like water, and betray their family and friends...

To have me, men can pay any price!


But Lu Chengwen, you actually... dare to insult me like this!

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