The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 80 Don’t be angry, don’t be angry

Chapter 80 Don’t be angry, don’t be angry

Chapter 80 Don't be angry, don't be angry

Xu Zhiyun sat on the sofa with a stern face, fiddling absentmindedly with his collection of Wenwan bracelets.

Lu Chengwen smiled: "Uncle Xu, thanks to the Xu family's strong support this time, I was able to complete the fundraising for the shantytown project. This is a contract, please have a look and sign it, and the guarantee for this project will be secured. Regardless of the project's future profits, Houde Group will be able to recover its costs."

Xu Zhiyun glanced at it, snorted, and slammed the contract on the table.

"Lu Chengwen, your father and I have been friends for decades, no need to beat around the bush. I'll tell you directly, marrying my daughter is impossible!"

Lu Chengwen was stunned.

He thought to himself, do you have eyes? This is a commercial guarantee contract, not a wedding invitation!

"No, what I mean is, you know about this shantytown project, it's highly likely to lose money. Although our stock price started to rise yesterday, it has calmed down a lot today, and the increase is not as big as expected. Also, there are fewer calls inquiring about internal housing sources. I estimate..."

Xu Zhiyun tapped the coffee table with his pipe: "I can lose money, but I will never sell my daughter!"

Lu Chengwen thought to himself, you old man!

Are you even listening to me? Who asked you to marry off your daughter?

"Uncle Xu, this is a commercial contract, can you please take a look at it before you speak?"

"No need!"

Xu Zhiyun stood up excitedly, waving his pipe: "I'm telling you, Lu Chengwen, this project is your poisonous vision, but it's still uncertain. You use this money-losing project to manipulate the stock market and cut leeks, that's your skill!"

"But!" He waved his hand forcefully, "Xu Zhiyun has seen big storms. Don't say I invested two hundred billion, even if it was two thousand billion, I would throw all our family's assets in, and I wouldn't be threatened by you!"

Lu Chengwen looked back, Zhao Gang and Jiang Shihan were both speechless.

Lu Chengwen took a deep breath: "Uncle Xu, look at the contract first. This is a contract, it has nothing to do with Xuejiao. It's because Xuejiao refused to sign it that I came to you. My intention is..."

"If Xuejiao won't sign it, then I definitely won't!"

Xu Zhiyun said: "I know! You just want to force us to let you be together, right? Give us this benefit, and let our Xuejiao be with you. And you will use sweet words to deceive my daughter to be with you, then get her pregnant and force us to hold a wedding. Then our Xu family's property will be yours in the end, right? In the future, not only the Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory but all my pharmaceutical factories, research and development teams, scientific research institutions, hospitals... will all belong to you, right?"

Lu Chengwen tilted his head and looked at the old man weakly.

He thought to himself, you really dare to think! The guy with this kind of thinking is called Long Aotian, not me!

Your family's living ancestor, I can't avoid her fast enough!

Lu Chengwen tried his best to suppress his anxiety: "Uncle, please take a look at this contract, just one look..."

"Why should I look at it? I don't agree!"

Lu Chengwen suddenly became furious and roared: "You look at it for me!"

Xu Zhiyun was stunned: "You dare to yell at me!?"

Lu Chengwen grabbed his collar and pulled him in front of him. Xu Zhiyun wanted to resist, but Lu Chengwen was now a true ancient martial artist and his physical strength was so tyrannical that ordinary people couldn't imagine it.

Grabbing him was like picking up a chicken.

Lu Chengwen gritted his teeth and pressed his head on the contract, angrily saying: "Commercial contract! Commercial contract! There's nothing about relationships in it! And there's no taking advantage of your Xu family! You look at it clearly for me! If you can't see clearly, I'll twist your head off!"

Xu Zhiyun was scared.

Although Lu Chengwen was a jerk before, he wasn't this bad.

Before, he would just laugh it off when they met, with a cunning smile, and his words were full of schemes and calculations.

But today, he was irritable.

Xu Zhiyun looked back, and the servants in the house were also frightened by Lu Chengwen and did not dare to make a sound.

Xu Zhiyun coughed, picked up the contract, and looked at it. Feeling something was wrong, he read it from beginning to end several times.

"That's it?"

"What else?"

Lu Chengwen sat down opposite him angrily, loosening his tie with lingering anger.

"Xu Zhiyun, I respect you and call you Uncle! Can you please listen to what people are saying? I said it's a commercial contract, why do you keep mentioning your daughter? Your few broken pharmaceutical factories, and your broken hospitals, do you think I care about them? I even got special approval for the management qualification certificate of the Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory, what do I want those things for?"

Lu Chengwen pointed at the contract: "Sign it for me! If you like, I'll transfer all the shares of the Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory to you later! I have nothing to do with your Xu family!"

Xu Zhiyun looked suspicious: "But... your father called me and said... you like my daughter, ah, sorry Chengwen, I... I'm old and confused."

Only then did Xu Zhiyun understand that this contract was golden.

He didn't have to pay anything, and someone was guaranteeing the two hundred billion funds.

In this kind of contract, you really could sign as many as you had.

His family's two hundred billion investment was equivalent to being fully protected, and it was only profitable.

Xu Zhiyun happily signed the contract, feeling very comfortable.

A while ago, he was still feeling distressed about the two hundred billion in cash that Xu Xuejiao had thrown out, but now it was all good. The young master of the Lu family had gone crazy and made such an investment guarantee contract for him.

Now it was all good! It was stabilized! It wouldn't lose a penny, and the terms on it were very clear. If the project lost money, Dasheng Group would compensate according to the total amount of two hundred billion, double the interest on the deposit in the bank.

It was like these two hundred billion had bought a guaranteed fund or financial product, and it was bound to make money.

He handed the contract to Lu Chengwen: "Chengwen, don't be angry, your uncle misunderstood. You know, I only have Xuejiao as a daughter, how could I bear to give her to a bastard, a son of a bitch, right? Let's put ourselves in each other's shoes..."

Lu Chengwen looked at him: "Do you believe I'll tear up the contract right now?"

"Hey, don't, don't, as long as you don't touch my daughter, I guarantee that our cooperation will continue as before. Let's... have a drink?"

Seeing that the two hundred billion that was bound to lose was now back in his pocket, and it would generate benefits within a few years, Old Xu was overjoyed.

"No time!" Lu Chengwen said angrily, "This, two copies, one for each of us. The contract is considered effective. Keep it safe. If you lose it yourself, I won't give you a penny later!"

"Look at you, why are you talking so harshly? You don't look like you like my daughter at all!"

Lu Chengwen handed the contract to Jiang Shihan and looked at Xu Zhiyun: "You! Take some time to control your daughter, she's simply..."

Lu Chengwen didn't even know what to say: "I'm not interested in your daughter! I'm not interested in any of your broken pharmaceutical factories or broken hospitals! Understand? And me forcing you to marry off your daughter... Tell your daughter to stay away from me in the future!"


"What about me?!" Lu Chengwen exclaimed, "Your family invested two hundred billion, I gave you a guarantee, what about me?!"

"Your daughter keeps pestering me, acting up a storm at my house, making my parents think I'm a jerk, what about me?!"

"I kindly brought a guaranteed contract for you to sign, and you act like Zhu Bajie's third aunt, what about me?!"

Xu Zhiyun was stunned by Lu Chengwen's outburst and couldn't speak.

By the time he came back to his senses, Lu Chengwen had already left with his people.

Walking out of the Xu family mansion, Lu Chengwen's anger still lingered: "Next, the Chen family!"


Chen Qingbin was wiping an antique vase, surrounded by several people holding trays with various tools to serve him.

Someone reported from outside the door: "Master, young master Lu Chengwen of the Lu family requests an audience."

Chen Qingbin was taken aback: "Who?"

"Lu Chengwen."

Chen Qingbin's face immediately turned ugly: "A useless young master."

The people around him laughed.

Chen Qingbin put the antique back in its box, and his assistant took it back to its place.

Chen Qingbin said with a stern face: "This boy, he used to be quite clever when he was a child, but the older he gets, the more useless he becomes. If it weren't for my father always liking this boy, humph, I wouldn't let him step foot in our house."

The house steward smiled and said: "After all, he is the eldest son of the Lu family. Although he is a good-for-nothing, we still have to give a face to the Lu family."

Chen Qingbin sneered: "A man, I'm not afraid of him being bad, lustful, uneducated, or even ugly."

"Then... what are you afraid of?"

Chen Qingbin said: "The most fearsome thing is being spineless! Men with ability are all bad, all lustful, and all have their flaws. But a cowardly waste with no temper and no guts, who only knows how to make some dirty money with petty tricks, is destined to be a failure. When I see such a man, I despise him from the bottom of my heart."

"Then... shall we not see him?"

"See him. Why not?" Chen Qingbin said, "Let him in. Believe it or not? With just a few words, I can scare him so much that he'll stutter and tremble his way out of our Chen residence."

"That's right, Master, your aura is too much for ordinary people to bear."

After a while, Lu Chengwen walked in with Jiang Shihan and Zhao Gang.

Lu Chengwen tried to adjust his emotions for a long time, the anger he received at the old Xu's house made him more and more frustrated the more he thought about it.

He forced a smile: "Uncle Chen! Ah, long time no see, Uncle Chen is still so mighty and handsome!"

"Hmm." Chen Qingbin smiled perfunctorily and said in an official tone, "Chengwen is here, sit down."

"Thank you, Uncle."

"Is there something wrong?"

Lu Chengwen felt uncomfortable.

[Damn it, why is this old guy also like this? Did I tear down your family's ancestral hall? Can't you even offer a cup of tea when guests come?]

Lu Chengwen said: "It's like this, Uncle Chen, didn't our Chen family invest in a project with me a while ago, the shantytown one, one hundred and twenty billion? I have a guarantee here..."

"Alright." Chen Qingbin said: "It's just over a hundred billion, I can afford to lose it."

Lu Chengwen thought to himself:

[Why don't you lose yourself to death, you bastard! Can't you just let me finish?]

"No, what I mean is..."

"Lu Chengwen."


"I know your little calculations." Chen Qingbin said, "Don't think that just because your eyeballs roll, you think you are incredibly wise and can crush the whole world. Your little tricks are just like a child playing with mud in my eyes."

[Here we go again.]

Chen Qingbin also muttered endlessly: "I didn't agree with you being with my Xiao Yun back then, you know that. Now times have changed, let bygones be bygones. Besides, are you two suitable? Do you think you are suitable? My daughter, her figure, appearance, talent, wisdom, ability... which one of them isn't top-notch? Yes, you have some money, but our family has been aristocratic for generations, and what about yours? To put it bluntly, you are just nouveau riche! You have money today, but what about in the future? Who can guarantee that your family's property won't be squandered by you..."

Lu Chengwen closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down:

[Life is like a play, we meet because of fate. Why get angry over small things, thinking back, what's the point? If I anger myself to death, who benefits? If I get sick, who will replace me...]

Jiang Shihan listened to Lu Chengwen's inner voice and burst into laughter

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