The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 84: After breaking up, is it okay to be friends?

Chapter 84: After breaking up, is it okay to be friends?

Chapter 84: After breaking up, is it okay to be friends?

The moment Leng Qingqiu received the jade pendant, she felt dizzy.

Lu Chengwen quickly held her up and glared at Luo Shiyin: "What did you do?"

Luo Shiyin looked panicked: "I didn't do anything!"

Lu Chengwen angrily took the jade pendant from Leng Qingqiu's hand and stuffed it into Luo Shiyin's hand: "Stay away from us!"

Luo Shiyin dropped her parasol: "Brother, let's help sister to rest over there."

"Let go!"

"Don't touch her!"

"Stay away!"

Luo Shiyin, like a child being scolded by an adult, took a few steps back: "I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen. I don't know what's going on, I just wanted to help..."

At this time, Jiang Shihan had already run over: "What's wrong?"

Lu Chengwen said anxiously: "I don't know, it must be something this guy did!"

Luo Shiyin was anxious: "I didn't, I didn't do anything!"

Lu Chengwen walked up to her: "Don't give me that act, tell me, what did you do?"

Some people in the distance heard the commotion and started to gather around.

They saw, wow, several beautiful women.

One beauty fainted, one was anxious to take care of her, and another, the most alluring one, was being scolded by a man until she was about to cry.

"Hey! Why are you yelling at a girl?"

"Yeah, you have no manners at all."

"God is blind, there are such scumbags in this world!"

Lu Chengwen looked at Luo Shiyin, hating her to the core.

He turned around, picked up Leng Qingqiu, and strode out.

As soon as Lu Chengwen got into the car, he called Xu Xuejiao. Xu Xuejiao answered the phone, her voice cold: "Hello."

"Xuejiao, where are you?"

"None of your business."

"No, I have a situation here, I need your help!"

"Young Master Lu needs help? Should I run over excitedly, then after helping you, get scolded and driven away again?"

Lu Chengwen was anxious: "I need your help, I was wrong before, my attitude was bad, it's a matter of life and death!"

"Life and death? Did you cause a life-and-death situation? If you need an abortion, just go to the hospital."

Lu Chengwen was furious: "Are you going to help or not?!"

Xu Xuejiao was also anxious: "Why are you yelling? Why should I help you?"

"Leng Qingqiu, she was touched by a woman's jade pendant, and I don't know how, but she fainted."

"Then it's even less my business, you two are a perfect match, what does it have to do with me."

Lu Chengwen hung up the phone directly.

Twenty minutes later, at the hospital.

Xu Xuejiao still showed up.

Lu Chengwen looked at her: "Didn't you say it was none of your business?"

Xu Xuejiao rolled her eyes at him and then took Leng Qingqiu's pulse.

"How is it?"

"Is it serious?"

"Is she okay?"

Xu Xuejiao looked at Lu Chengwen: "You're very noisy."

Lu Chengwen quickly shut up and took two steps back.

After taking Leng Qingqiu's pulse, Xu Xuejiao checked her pupils and listened to her heartbeat.

"She's fine, she just fainted."

Lu Chengwen looked at Xu Xuejiao: "Oh, thank you, doctor."

Lu Chengwen suddenly felt something was wrong. What did she mean by "she's fine, she just fainted"?

Why did I ask you to come here, wasn't it because she fainted?

Fainted is considered fine?

Can someone faint if they're fine!?

"No, there must be a reason for her fainting, right?"

Xu Xuejiao said: "Other examinations should be done as well. Western medicine is more thorough in some aspects."

Lu Chengwen said: "That's not right, you're a miracle-working doctor, if there's any problem, you should be able to discover something just by taking her pulse!"

Xu Xuejiao looked at Lu Chengwen: "You care about her so much, would you believe me if I said she was fine? Wouldn't you think I was harming her?"

Lu Chengwen understood, but Xu Xuejiao was still sulking.

[This damn girl, she's been setting me up all this time, and now she's doing this kind of thing.]

[It seems like she's really angry.]

[Alright, so be it. If she really hates me, then I won't have to get involved with her in the future.]

Thinking of this, Lu Chengwen didn't try to coax Xu Xuejiao.

He just said politely: "Then thank you, sorry to trouble you to come here."

Xu Xuejiao looked at Lu Chengwen: "Would you not have looked for me if Leng Qingqiu wasn't in trouble?"

Lu Chengwen also looked at her: "Yes."

Xu Xuejiao became even angrier: "Do you just want me to stay far away from you and only look for me when you need something?"

"I was wrong." Lu Chengwen said: "I promise you, even if I need something in the future, I won't look for you again. If I'm cheap and call you again, just hang up."

After Lu Chengwen finished speaking, he turned and walked out.

He called Leng Tianhao, and Leng Tianhao said that Lu Chengwen should handle it himself, he was busy and didn't have time.

Lu Chengwen felt that it was unnecessary to make this call.

Luo Shiyin, it must be her.

Could it be that her target wasn't him? Was it Leng Qingqiu?

Standing at the end of the corridor, looking at the tall buildings outside, Lu Chengwen fell silent.

After a while, Xu Xuejiao came over.

Neither of them was happy.

Lu Chengwen was depressed because of Leng Qingqiu, and Xu Xuejiao was also frowning because of the cold war with Lu Chengwen.

Usually, Xu Xuejiao always ses in a youthful and beautiful way.

But today, she was wearing a white coat and black slim-fit trousers, her hair tied back in a simple ponytail, her hands in her pockets, her expression indifferent.

Lu Chengwen looked at her, feeling that she was completely different from before.

Today's Xu Xuejiao appeared mature, intellectual, professional, and much more steady.

The feeling of a professional female doctor made people feel very secure.

Xu Xuejiao looked at Lu Chengwen, and after a long time, she slowly said: "There is a needle hole on her fingertip, I have secretly extracted a drop of blood from her fingertip, hoping to detect something, the results will take some time."

Lu Chengwen shook his head: "They probably won't be able to detect anything."

"I think it's most likely a special kind of drug configured by people in the martial arts world, the kind that can make people lose consciousness instantly and fall into a coma. Who did it?"

"A woman."

Xu Xuejiao said: "Besides Long Aotian, you also offended women in the martial arts world?"

Lu Chengwen nodded: "She's Long Aotian's subordinate."

"Why target Leng Qingqiu?"

Right, why?

Lu Chengwen didn't understand.

Leng Qingqiu had already submitted her resignation letter, she posed no threat to Long Aotian and Leng Tianhao, so why target her?

"Is there any way?" Lu Chengwen asked.

"Yes, but it takes time." Xu Xuejiao said: "But you don't have to worry, I have taken her pulse, the drug is very mild and does not harm the body. Their purpose is not to harm her, they just need her to be unconscious."

Lu Chengwen looked at Xu Xuejiao and said sincerely, "Thank you."

"I'm a doctor, saving people is my duty, no need to thank me."

"Still, thank you."

Xu Xuejiao felt a bit wrong: "Do you like her more, or do you like me more?"

Lu Chengwen sighed: "You are both my friends. I made things clear with Leng Qingqiu today too. If one day, you need my help, I will spare no effort to rush to the scene, fulfill my duty as a friend, and even go through fire and water for you. But we can only be friends, and I don't want to have too much contact with you."

"Because of Long Aotian?"

"Not just him."

Lu Chengwen said: "I'm in a lot of trouble now, a lot of trouble, the people who follow me may all have bad luck. I don't want to implicate you."

"What if I'm not afraid of being implicated?"

"I am." Lu Chengwen changed the subject and looked at Xu Xuejiao with appreciation: "You look beautiful in your professional attire."


"Yes. Mature, steady, and looks very professional, making people feel trustworthy."

Xu Xuejiao tilted her head and looked at Lu Chengwen: "Do you want to have an intimate encounter with a professional female doctor? I'm a real doctor."

Lu Chengwen laughed.

[This silly girl, she starts to deviate as she speaks. I just praised her for being mature, and she started fooling around again.]

"Forget it, I'm afraid your dad will chase me with a knife."

"Are you afraid of him?"

"Of course, he's your dad."

"But I heard that you scolded him quite fiercely this morning."

Lu Chengwen was stunned: "You know?"

"You scolded my dad in our living room so much that he couldn't even speak, the whole mansion knows about it, how could I not know?"

"Sorry, I had no choice, he wouldn't listen to me at all, I wanted him to..."

"I know." Xu Xuejiao smiled: "So... from today onwards, we are friends?"

Lu Chengwen breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, nodding: "Good friends."

"Always support each other?"

"Of course."

"If I need your help, you'll help me, right?"


Xu Xuejiao seemed to have let go. She smiled and extended her hand: "Thank you, good friend."

Lu Chengwen shook her hand with great relief: "Thank you too, good friend."

Suddenly, Xu Xuejiao pulled Lu Chengwen, threw herself into his arms, and then started screaming: "What are you doing!? Let go of me! You big pervert!"

Lu Chengwen immediately knew that he had been tricked!

The doctors, nurses, patients, and family members in the corridor... all looked over.

Lu Chengwen quickly separated from her. Xu Xuejiao took a few steps back, leaning against the wall, as if she couldn't stand still, and was about to cry: "What are you doing? This is a hospital! Even if you want to bully me, you can't mess around here!"

Lu Chengwen was speechless.

[This little vixen is so good at acting!]

[Her calm expression, with that kind of loss, resignation, and despair, made it seem like a breakup scene, making me feel a bit guilty!]

[But in the end, she did this to me! Great, now I can't clear my name even if I jumped into the Yellow River.]

Several nurses rushed over, protecting Xu Xuejiao, and reprimanded Lu Chengwen:

"How can you do this? This is a hospital?"

"I don't care what family you're from or what young master you are, this is Xu's family's private hospital, you can't act like a big shot here! You'd better show some respect!"

Lu Chengwen could only explain awkwardly: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

"What misunderstanding! We saw it! Go away, leave here immediately, or we will call the police!"

Lu Chengwen could only keep explaining. Seeing Xu Xuejiao behind the crowd shaking her head, sticking out her tongue, and rolling her eyes, he wanted to rush in and grab her to spank her.

At this time, the phone rang, it was Leng Qingqiu's phone.

Lu Chengwen answered, and Luo Shiyin's voice came through.

"Brother, want to save Leng Qingqiu?"

Lu Chengwen's face turned serious: "What do you want?"

"Come to the presidential suite of the Junli Hotel. By the way, you'll be paying for the suite."

After saying that, Luo Shiyin hung up the phone.

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