The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 102 Motivation

Unaffected by those rumors going around the City of Empire, Tristan's attention was focused on Zhen-Zhen. He didn't know that two weeks had already passed.

Aside from tutoring Zhen-Zhen for her upcoming Test, He also taught her how to live and fit in society most especially if Zhen-Zhen would start attending school.

Tristan would not be around every time. So as much as he could, he was teaching her how she should act in public while dealing with different types of people.

Fortunately, Zhen-Zhen could catch up with him easily. That's the reason Tristan was wondering why Zhen-Zhen was having difficulty in academic lessons during their review but she could easily understand the other things easily about how to live in this society as a normal human being.

Tristan was worried. Three days from now Zhen-Zhen would take her examination. They still had a lot of subject matters to be covered. During the question and answer, Zhen-Zhen still committed more mistakes.

For now, he was enjoying giving her punishment but if this was the real exam then Zhen-Zhen would really fail for sure. That's the reason Tristan suddenly became problematic.

He needed to think of a better way for him to motivate Zhen-Zhen to pass the examination.

The two of them were currently studying in his bedroom. He was leaning his back on the headboard of his bed while Zhen-Zhen was lying on the bed beside him. She was reading a book.

Tristan looked down to see her. She was very focused on what she was doing. A gentle smile formed in the corner of Tristan's lips.



"I will give you the motivation to pass this exam." Tristan softly said to her.

After hearing that, Zhen-Zhen put down the book she was holding as she gazed up to see Tristan's face. She was looking at him with so much anticipation, waiting for Tristan to continue.

Tristan chuckled upon seeing her cute and adorable expression. She seemed very eager to hear the motivation he was talking about.

"Tell me, Tristan…" Zhen-Zhen mumbled, reaching out for his hand. She nudged him to speak up. She wanted to hear it.

Tristan let out another husky laugh. He couldn't help but touch the tip of her nose.

"Too impatient, Zhen-Zhen!"

Zhen-Zhen just smiled sheepishly.

Tristan lay down beside her, sliding his arm under her head so that his arm would serve as her pillow. Zhen-Zhen moved closer to Tristan.

"Zhen, if you pass your exam then we will get married right away. We will register our marriage and you will become my wife officially. Do you like it?" Tristan asked her while caressing her face.

Zhen-Zhen bobbed her head frantically and said, "Yes! I really… really really like it!" Her voice filled with excitement, her blue eyes sparkled with joy and delight.

"Good! So you need to pass your examination no matter what." Tristan said, encouraging her.

Zhen-Zhen flashed her most charming smile. "Yes, I will definitely pass my exam, Tristan! Then I will become your wife." She said with so much enthusiasm in her voice.

Tristan burst out laughing because of her overwhelming confidence as if she was really certain that she would be able to pass the exam easily.

"So study hard. You committed more mistakes today." Tristan pinched her nose once again.

Zhen-Zhen just bit her lower lip.

"Because I intentionally gave you the wrong answers. But I won't do that in the actual examination, Tristan. Don't worry.' Zhen-Zhen thought to herself.

"Tristan… I will do better in the actual examination. Just trust me. You have nothing to worry about." Zhen-Zhen said, reassuring Tristan.

Tristan looked at her helplessly. "Okay, I will trust you."

After saying that, Tristan pulled Zhen-Zhen closer to him and hugged her.

"Let's take a rest for a while. I feel a little bit sleepy. Are you not tired?"

Zhen-Zhen hugged him back while nudging her nose on the crook of his neck. She loved his scent.

"Yes, let's take a rest first. Just like this." Zhen-Zhen softly mumbled.

Tristan nodded after hearing her response. He just closed his eyes while stroking her hair and rubbing her back.

After a while, the two of them fell asleep while cuddling each other. For Tristan, the past two weeks were the most relaxing weeks he had by just staying at home.

He didn't even notice that days already passed by too quickly. And soon his one-month leave would end then he would come back to his stressful world once again.

If Zhen-Zhen would be able to pass the exam then there's no turning back. He would marry her. Though they would not have a wedding ceremony yet, Tristan would register their marriage for real.

Soon, he would say goodbye to his single life and Zhen-Zhen would become his lawful wife. After that, he would finally introduce her to his family and to all the members of the Davis Family.


Tristan was awakened by the ringing sound of the doorbell. Zhen-Zhen was still sound asleep in his arms. Afraid that Zhen-Zhen would be awakened by the sound of the doorbell, Tristan decided to get up and see the person outside.

He gently and carefully retreated his arm that served as Zhen-Zhen's pillow. His arm felt numb but he didn't mind it.

After a few seconds, Tristan reached his main door. The person outside was Matthew. He opened the door immediately and let him in.

"Did you just wake up?" Matthew asked him after seeing Tristan who was still yawning.

Tristan simply nodded and said "Yes."

"Where's Lillie?" Matthew asked him.

"Asleep." Tristan plainly said as he sat down on the couch.

"Okay. So we can talk here." Matthew said.

"Yeah, what is it?"

Matthew handed his tablet over to Tristan. Tristan accepted it, frowning in confusion. He scanned the screen. He could see different articles and news headlines about his scandal and rumored conflict with his brother Andrew.

"The issue didn't go down, instead, it became a hot topic now. Reporters are trying their best to find you and to have your interview. What are you going to do now?"

Tristan just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly before saying. "Nothing. Just let them be. I don't care. I'm busy right now. I will just ignore it. They will just get tired of this issue. Besides, Andrew and Hannah will have their engagement soon."

Matthew just shook his head helplessly.

"Oh, Grandpa Lu said you must attend the engagement party no matter what." Matthew reminded him.

"Yeah… I will go. I will bring Lillie with me." Tristan said matter of factly.

Matthew was dumbfounded for a moment. He didn't expect Tristan to say that.

"Why? Are you going to introduce her to your family as your fiancee too?" Matthew asked him curiously.

Tristan sighed deeply. "I don't want to hide her from my family anymore. Besides, I also need a date for that party. And yes… I think that will be the right time to introduce her to my family."

"And I want my parents and grandpa to know that Lillie is an amazing person. She has already learned a lot for these past few weeks. I think she's ready to face them."

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