The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 85 Mission Failed

Even Director Go and his accomplices didn't see this coming. They thought Tristan would be stubborn and be shameless to keep his position as the CEO despite the bad reputation he was having right now. This was an unexpected turn of events.",

Because of that action of Tristan, their plan was ruined. How are they supposed to oust someone who already volunteered to take a leave of absence for a month?",

But still, Director Go refused to admit defeat so he suddenly spoke up without giving it much thought.",

"If that's your decision, then we must vote and find someone who will replace you." Director Go blatantly said that caused everyone to give him a sharp look.",

'Why are they looking at me like that?' He pondered to himself.",

Then one director spoke up and stood up for Tristan. "Director Go, what are you trying to say here? Our CEO is just talking about one month leave here, why are you suggesting to find someone to replace him? Besides, he took this initiative to take a leave for the company's sake. He wanted the issue to cool down first before he could resume his work."",

"Is that your true motive of calling this emergency meeting?" Another Director asked him, feeling suspicious about Director Go.",

Director Go felt like he put himself in this hot seat. He regretted saying it at loud. Now, other directors were suspecting him. They were against the idea of replacing Tristan as the CEO.",

He couldn't blame them. Tristan, despite his bad reputation with women, was in fact a best performing CEO. So other directors were admiring his capability. They even looked disappointed after hearing that Tristan would take one month leave. Tristan succeeded in getting the other directors' sympathy.",

"No, I mean… an acting CEO while our CEO is absent from the office." Director Go said, trying his best to redeem himself. He suddenly felt heavy pressure in his shoulders after receiving suspicious looks from his colleagues.",

"Then, let's leave that decision to Chairman Lu." One director also joined the conversation.",

Then they averted their gaze back to Tristan.",

"CEO are you really sure about that? One month leave is too long." One director couldn't help but ask him. He didn't like the idea of Tristan leaving the company for a while.",

Other directors and shareholders felt the same way. Despite his scandals, they still had confidence in their CEO. Besides, they also thought that the issue was something personal and not related to his work.",

They even believed that this issue would never affect their company just like what Director Go and his accomplices were thinking.",

Then after a while, Tristan gave them his answer.",

"Yeah, this is the only thing I can think of right now. My reputation was ruined so I don't want to drag down the company with me. But I know this issue will also be forgotten in just a matter of time. So don't worry, I will come back after a month." Tristan reassured them.",

Now, everyone was just waiting for Grandpa Lu's decision. Would he allow his grandson to take one month leave?",

In fact, Grandpa Lu was also shocked about his grandson's decision. He didn't expect him to do that. He was aware that if there's something Tristan held very dear as of this moment then that would be his CEO position.",

He would not let anybody take that from him. That's the reason Grandpa Lu threatened Tristan using his CEO position so that he would be forced to find a wife. He knew Tristan couldn't bear to lose his CEO position.",

And now, it was really unexpected that Tristan took the initiative to apply for one month leave of absence, taking a rest for his responsibility as the CEO of this company. Grandpa Lu couldn't figure out what was his grandson's true motive for doing this.",

Little did they know, Tristan was doing this because of Zhen-Zhen. He wanted to focus on tutoring him for her upcoming exam. He wanted Zhen-Zhen to go to college as soon as possible.",

The insult Mrs. Miller threw at Zhen-Zhen had triggered Tristan. He didn't want people to look down on her. So he wanted to help her. The first step to do that was helping Zhen-Zhen go to college.",

The one month deadline given to him by his grandpa was about to end. Soon, he would introduce Zhen-Zhen to his family as his lawful wife. He was afraid that they would judge her once again once they learned that Zhen-Zhen didn't even go to college.",

Tristan grabbed this opportunity to use his scandal video to take one month leave. At least, they would not think that he was slacking off in his duty as their CEO. But instead, he looked like he was humbling himself by leaving his office for a while for the sake of the company, thus gathering sympathy from other directors.",

Tristan was clearly hitting two birds at one stone or rather three birds not only two, because he even managed to silence and faceslap the people who wanted to strip him of his CEO position.",

After his long silence, finally Grandpa Lu gave them his decision.",

"I will approve this one month leave. I think this is also a good countermeasure if you are really thinking that Tristan's scandal will really affect the company's image. For the time being, I will be the one who will assume his duty as the CEO of this company."",

Everyone agreed with the Chairman's decision. Tristan was glad that his grandpa allowed him to take his vacation.",

'Haha, thank you grandpa. Now, I can spend my time and focus on teaching Zhen-Zhen.' Tristan was rejoicing inside.",

On the other hand, Grandpa Lu looked at Tristan meaningfully.",

'I don't know what this punk is thinking. He must  ensure that by doing this he will be able to resolve his problem. Now, let's see what you are going to do next, grandson.'",

"Tristan, see me in the office after this meeting." Grandpa Lu said to Tristan.",

Tristan just nodded at him as a response.",

Soon, the meeting was adjourned. Tristan left the conference room with a bright smile on his face while Director Go and his accomplices were looking bitter. 'Mission-Failed' was written all over their faces.",

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