The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 96 Blaming Zhen-Zhen

"Is Lillie also here? Why is it… her pet is in your place, Tristan?"",

Tristan was taken aback by Hannah's direct question. He thought no one would bother to ask about Lillie again since his parents already left. And now, he received the same question from Hannah.",

'Why are they keep asking me about Zhen-Zhen? Does it matter if she is here or not? This is my problem, our conflicts. I don't want to further involve her in this mess.' Tristan thought to himself before answering Hannah.",

"No, she's not here. She's busy so she requested me to take care of FaMo in the meantime." Tristan said as an excuse. He was now petting FaMo's head who was now sitting comfortably in his lap.",

Hannah would still cringe just seeing FaMo. She didn't also like to see Tristan petting FaMo. She was used to seeing Tristan not liking or not touching any furry animals.",

'Did he begin to like them because of Lillie?' For some unknown reasons, Hannah felt upset at that thought.",

"Anyway, since the two of you are here. Let me explain everything about the scandal video and what happened in the Oceaniz City." Tristan didn't beat around the bush as he brought up the topic first.",

Andrew's expression remained neutral and calm but deep inside he was having complicated emotions right now, same with Hannah.",

"Yes, that's what we came here for." Andrew plainly stated.",

He already knew that Tristan had feelings for Hannah even before that video came out. But Andrew just turned a blindeye about it and just pretended that he didn't know something. But he always knew since the start.",

But Andrew was not the one to blame for getting Hannah's first even if Tristan liked her first. Tristan was the one who didn't make a move on Hannah. And Hannah thought that Tristan could only see her as his best friend, nothing more.",

"First, I would like to apologize to you Hannah about what happened to you. Lillie didn't know about your allergy. She didn't mean to hurt you. She had no intention to harm you." Tristan apologized.",

Hannah wrinkled her brows upon hearing that. "I know. But why are you the one apologizing to me. I think Lillie should do it, instead. Besides, I also came here to ask you about Lillie. She also needs to apologize to me for trying to seduce Andrew." Hannah burst out suddenly.",

She didn't know why she suddenly felt mad right now. She even raised her voice when she said those words. Even Andrew and Tristan were surprised by her outburst.",

Tristan looked at Hannah helplessly. He could feel that she was mad right now.",

"It's all my fault. This is just a big misunderstanding, Hannah. I admit, I requested Lillie to do that. I was the one who started this so blame me, instead of her." Tristan explained to her, trying to divert her anger away from Zhen-Zhen.",

"Tristan, she's still at fault here. Even though you requested her to do that. She still had a free will to refuse and not to do it. I believe she knew what is wrong and what is right." Hannah insisted.",

"Or else, she really had a motive to have Andrew. If she's your girl then why would she try to sleep with another man, most importantly that man is also your brother? Who's in the right mind to do that? What did she ask you in return that she would go to that extent?" Hannah bombarded Tristan with questions.",

'D@mn! Of course she would do it because I said it. She's so innocent and very naive to believe everything I say. It's my fault for telling her to do it. How can I explain that to Hannah?' Tristan felt like he was getting a headache because of this conversation.",

Meanwhile, Andrew didn't know if he should feel happy or not with Hannah's action tonight. He was not sure if Hannah was mad because someone tried to seduce her fiancee or there's some other reasons aside from that.",

Andrew felt a little bit guilty for not telling Hannah the whole truth. He almost kissed her. He almost touched her. Fortunately, Lillie stopped before the two of them could commit a mistake.",

Andrew wanted Hannah to get mad at Tristan but from the look of it, she was not angry at him even a little bit. Instead, she was targeting Lillie. She was venting her anger and frustration towards Lillie, not Tristan. Andrew didn't like what was happening right now.",

Meanwhile, FaMo was trying his best not to scratch Hannah with his paws. He was annoyed because she kept on insisting that Zhen-Zhen was at fault even though Tristan already took all the blame.",

Meow! Meow! ",

FaMo could not help but make some noise. 'I honestly don't like her.' He thought to himself.",

Tristan also felt helpless as of this moment. ",

"Hannah… I said it's my fault. Can you just listen to me? I was drunk and make that stupid request. She saw me sad at that time so she did that to make me happy."",

Then with his sharp eyes, Tristan turned to Andrew.",

"Stop keeping your mouth shut Andrew. You know that Lillie was different. You met her, right? You should have told Hannah that nothing happened between you and her. Lillie couldn't even seduce you. She said she couldn't even kiss you because of me! Because she was thinking of me. So please can you explain everything to Hannah and leave Lillie alone!"",

Andrew's brow twitched after hearing Tristan's remarks. For everything he said, there was one sentence that hurt Andrew's ego.",

[ She couldn't even kiss you because of me. ]",

Tristan was furious because Andrew didn't say anything. He stood up. He lost his patience.",

"I thought you two came here to fix and clear the misunderstanding. But I think that is not the case here. If you just came here to ask me about Lillie and continue blaming her, please let's forget about this conversation." ",

"I'm tired. I want to take a rest. I still have a video scandal to fix. It already ruined my reputation. I really wanted to apologize to the both of you but please don't involve Lillie with our conflict."",

Without waiting for Hannah and Andrew to respond, Tristan walked out on them, going to his room while carrying FaMo in his arms. The couple was left in the living room, speechless.",

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