The Cheat Seed

Chapter 79: A Filler Before The Twist

Chapter 79: A Filler Before The Twist

"Bro? *chuckle* You coming?"

Marcus could only chuckle at the teared-up Sean Guster who was virtually on his knees because of the sudden surprise.

How did he know?. Well... Marcus read his mind. He discerned Sean's suffering and to help him like this was the right thing and the only thing he could do.

How did he think of aiding Sean?. Simple. He just thought about his own family.

Marcus shook his head, it wasn't the time to trash talk or even waste time reasoning. There's someone who is waiting in the shadows, lurking in the dark, idling for the right time to pounce on him.

And ... He moreover had the otherworldly hero to look after. If what the system said was true (which it is) then he had another powerful rival to face, that is if The Flame Emperor succeeds in his mission first, which Marcus thought was remotely possible with the old-timers' abilities lost.

He was lost in his train of thoughts when a warm body met his torso and clutched him in a rigid hug. His eyes leaped back to reality as he reflexly hugged the other body.

It was Sean. He was sobbing on his shoulders, mumbling how extraordinary of an individual Marcus was. It was also the first time in his life that Sean had cried about the problems he had at home, his mother's illness, and his younger sister's chipping life.

Marcus knew that instance that he had Sean's trust. At that moment, all he felt like doing was to caress Sean's back and make an effort to soothe him and compel him to dish every distress he had hidden and locked inside his heart for years.

"Sean?. Do you mind?"

Marcus winked, gently pushing Sean and gesturing towards the exit.

"Ah...Oh sorry, Let's go right now!!"

Sean fumbled with his words but didn't dawdle in his place, instead took off at a speed that defied gravity.


Their drive back home was stationed in front of a red carpet which ran to the exit pathway. It was sprawled on the path till it reached the huge golden carriage driven by 4 horses!!.

Albert's mouth was hanging in awe as his eyes explored the whole new huge cabinet in which they were supposed to go back. The plump cushions inside had bear rugs wrapped around them.

The light glow inside was yellow and neat, it reached around the cabinet without missing a spot.

Reiren beside him was gazing at the horses. The manes on their neck were in a cloud of Golden Blonde and their skin tone was a mix of sky blue and green. They were wind horses. The highest evolved horses which defied the speed knots of any domestic animal had ever scored.

The max speed of the Wind Horses scored around 400mph and the transition from 0 to max could easily take between 2 to 3 tongue clicks.

Reiren crept closer to the horses in the background as Albert examined the seating. Marcus saw his mother's clumsy movements and laughed. She was hesitating, she hesitated to touch the wind horse.

Marcus smirked while enabling his skill.

[Universal Tamer Enabled]

"Yo Barny, it's me, your tamer"

Marcus chatted with the wind horse. His evolved skill was godly in every sense. It let him tame any animal or monster on par with his grade and the plus point? it allowed him to converse with them too.

"Who's Barny?"

The Horse asked him back, neighing alarmed.

"It's you. Now let my mother touch you or I'll kill you"

Marcus's glad and wide smile reached the horse's terrified eyes.


It bowed down to Reiren on its fours and went still, pushing its head towards the scared woman.

"Go on Mom, Touch him, he won't move"

Marcus chuckled behind her. His mom covered her face with her hands, embarrassed at the fact that her son caught her hesitating to touch a damn horse.

She fondled with Barny's Golden mane. What she did was interlock them between her hands and then let them fall freely when she freed her hands.

The Horse went with the flow and sighed (More like Neighed) at its pathetic life till Sean returned after piling up the money bags.

"Let's Go, master?"

"Let's Go, master?"

Both Sean and Barny asked him in unison. He tried to hold his laugh back, his mom snapped back in surprise when Barny rose on his fours.

"*Cough* Alright!!"

Marcus muffled his laugh and trudged forward in sync with his sisters who were clutching his pants under him begging at him for dessert.

"Brother!!! Ice Cream!!"

"Browdhaaa!! Aish Cream!!"



"Marcus brother!!"

"Marshy browdhaa!!"

"Ice cream!!! please??"

"Aish Cream!!! pwease??"

"Why are you troubling your poor brother like this??"

Marcus lightened his voice and followed his words with a puff.

The cute sisters under him went silent instantly. Acting as If they were regretting what they said. Marcus didn't know but the duo sisters had pulled out their trump card.

Just like they had rehearsed in the tea time games they played in their room alone.

Iris and little Evy nodded at each other and dropped their head low with their shoulders following it after an unhappy shrug.

Yes!!. Lil' Sisters combo, SYMPATHY BEAM!!... where even their great guardian brother fell.







The Family of 5 left for the evening road on the golden carriage after Marcus arrived with two strawberry flavored ice cream cones in each of his hands.

The drooling kids gladly accepted their brother's gratitude and landed a kiss on his cheeks, both of them, at the same time.

"Thank you Marcy brother"

"Thwank you Marshy brother"

"Your welcome"

Marcus chuckled at them both and held them by their waists before lifting them into the carriage cab.

"Let's go, Dad? Mom?"

Marcus turned towards his parents, his mother who was still checking out Barny and his friends, his father who was under the horse carriage checking out the gears on the wheels.

"Ahhh Okay"

Reiren replied as if stunned.

"Let's Go"


"Uffff am okay ... No problem ... only pain ... ow THE FOREHEAD!!"


Evy was staring at her dad's huge forehead bulge while she licked on the strawberry cherished ice cream.

Iris was beside her leaning on her mother's shoulders. Her ice cream vanishing into her mouth. Albert was still examining the inside with his awestruck eyes.

Marcus was leaning towards the small opening between the passenger compartment and the driver seat.

"Aaaaand where did that old creaky carriage go?"

Marcus questioned, his hands waltzing through the sleek surface of the awning.

"Haha, about that, This rich dude bets on the king's son with this golden carriage and I bet on you, Sir, with mine too...After the result, it was obvious who got what. HAHA"

"Hehe, poor dude. So where are we going?"

Marcus asked as he saw Sean go still.

"From what I know this isn't the way to my home" ~ Marcus.

"Ah Sir Marcus, I am sorry for not telling this as we took off from the arena but trust me I don't have any bad intention towards sir or you're respected family"


Marcus's voice had the intrigue factor as he relaxed back to the cushioned bear rug seat with one leg on top of the other.

"It's just that ... Master Raka has asked for your time"

"AND?" ~ Marcus

"And he seemed serious about it..."


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