The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 305: setting out

Chapter 305: setting out

Arrange the tie to be a little tighter and to the right.

Yes, ma.

The female fashion designer gave her apprentice instructions as they worked on Clark under Roses supervision. Though this was not her profession, as a trained assistant she knew a little about everything.

The Spartan army did not spend so many years training her to be the assistant of a bigshot just to have skills that could be described as just so-so, she was the real deal.

Clark who was under the expert hands of the 2 female designers was currently dressed in a black custom-made suit.

After seeing him get custom-made weapons, Rose suggested that he start wearing custom-made clothes too to match his status as the sovereign of a city in the republic.

In such a setting with a useful argument supporting her, Clark knew that he could not win any verbal argument so he just kept quiet and accepted.

It may seem like Rose was imposing rules on him, but no. If they were unrealistic arguments that she was making, he still had the masculinity in him to put a foot down and shun her.

After all, he was the boss, not her.

Apart from his custom-made suit, all the other accessories in his body were also custom-made and black. A luxurious thick enhanced leather boot, a black electronic wristwatch, and of course his military badge in a gleaming golden color.

All of this combination made him seem subdued but unfathomable, the color combination was not too eye-catching but it still demanded respect.

Today that his friend was being laid to rest finally, he deemed it right to dress on all black as a sign of mourning, but he also deemed it right to make it a little luxurious to honor his friends status when he was still alive.

Even his face was not spared from the deft hands of the fashion designers, they made him look vibrant but subdued. Everything about him currently screamed mysteriously.

Thank you, sir, for this opportunity. Its an honor.

After bowing a little to appreciate Clark for this opportunity to work on him which would undoubtedly boost her resume, the fashion designer finally left with her 2 apprentices whose joy could not be hidden.

Im set, anything else? Clark finally stood up and turned to face Rose.

He didnt even look at the mirror, he knew without looking that the designers did a good job. And at such a day like today, he was not inclined to be looking at mirrors when his friend would be laid back to dust.

No. Rose curled her lips to prevent a smile from coming from her mouth. Lets go if you dont have anything else.

Clark was looking unimaginably handsome; she knew it but she didnt have the guts to compliment him in such an atmosphere. She didnt know how Clark would react; she knew how much he cherished his friends.

When she just heard of Bennys death, Clarks mental health was the first thing that came to her mind. Only heavens knew how relieved she felt on seeing that he was ok.

Just like Clark, she was dressed in all black. As someone who underwent training for years in the Spartan republic, she had the authority to attend the military funeral.

After she confirmed that they could go, Clark turned around and started walking out of the room.

She followed shortly behind as they quickly disappeared after the rooms door automatically locked itself. Getting outside the room, she could feel it, a sad atmosphere was in the mansion.

Though most people did not know about it due to the confidentiality of the Everest mission, Clarks workers knew that he lost a friend and this was the day for the funeral.

They may have known Clark for only some time and may have a relationship of boss and servant with him, but they still respected him and wished him good.

It was rare to find such a good boss. Theyve served elsewhere before settling here, so they could appreciate something good when they found it.

They wished their bosss sorrow could be exchanged for their happiness; they were happy with the swap no matter the consequences so long as their boss remained happy.

It was a pity that was not possible. Humanity has evolved a lot since the 21st century, most science fiction scenarios were now real, but fantasy, that was still an uncrackable bastard.

Feeling the sadness of his workers, Clark felt twisted in his heart. Was this how people would feel one day after he died? The way Benny died so abruptly; would he also die without notice like that?

These questions in his mind did not show on his face though as he left the next moment. He already concluded to live his days to the fullest, if he survives till tomorrow then he can plan for it.

As soon as he went outside, he saw 2 figures standing together in the distance- King, and Emily.

Both were dressed in all black just like him. Though their experience with Benny was much smaller than his, they still knew him and they wanted to give him their last respect also.

Due to their insistence to go, he had to pull some strings with his new authority before their entry was finally approved.

As warriors who were not soldiers of the Spartan army, it required much from him before they were finally allowed to follow him. Despite what he had to pay; he was happy after receiving heartfelt gratitude from both of them.

After both parties got close to each other, they finally exchanged greetings. With their eyes, they quickly communicated and deduced how they would go.

Rose left Clarks side and paired with Emily while King paired with Clark. In such a way, they turned and made their way to the garage.

A luxurious garage!

This was the best definition of Clarks garage. 6 luxurious sleek sports cars were parked in the middle of the garage, though they were not purely made with exotic materials, exotic metals were used to make some of their parts.

Each of these cars cost 800,000 Spartan credits, totaling a whopping amount of 3,200,000 credits. It was an outrageous amount of money for luxurious cars but these were what matched Clarks current status.

Rose meticulously decided on the model of the cars and their colors.

Though Clark did not give much attention to trivial matters like the color of things, it was still a fact that he loved black things more. So 3 of the cars were all black, one was red, another was blue, and the last was yellow.

All of them were masterpieces of technology. Their contours like the sharp blade of an edge gleamed despite the not too bright lighting of the garage, they were machines!

Clark did not hesitate as he walked forward towards the closest car, of course, it was a black one. King went after him as they quickly got to the cars position.

As they got close, the car stirred. Welcome aboard the ghost rider, its advisable that you drive below the safety limits. I wish

As the A. I of the car rambled on, its body was already transforming. Its corners opened up, extending a miniature cushion out as the doors at the side slowly raised up to expose the inside of the car.

Inside the car was mostly in a red theme, forming a sharp contrast to its black outlook. 4 cars were inside which was the typical arrangement of normal cars, the only difference was their luxuriousness and how cushy they looked.

With one movement, Clark entered the drivers seat. King entered through the other side before the cars ignition finally revved to life.

On the other side, Emily was already walking in the direction of another one of the black cars. Unlike the one that Clark entered, this one was more compact and sport-like.

Rose would have loved for them to take the yellow one, but considering the occasion that they were going for she relented.

With easy movements, Emily operated the car like a maestro, cruising after Clark who was already driving out at the front.

As soon as the mansion gate automatically shot close behind them, they stepped harder on the gas pedal, prompting the 2 sleek cars to fly across the road like cheetahs in the jungle.

They were not going straight to Northern Sparta yet; they were picking some friends up on the way.

With the help of a lot of coincidences making everything pliable for them on the road, they got to Leos mansion in less than an hour.

Before they got there, the couple was already waiting for them. Leo was dressed in a black suit just like Clark while his wife, Kate, was dressed in a black flowing gown that was laced with gems.

They did not engage in any conversation after meeting up. Greeting themselves with a nod of the head, the couple separated.

Leo entered the car that was being piloted by Clark, while his wife entered the car that was being piloted by her sister.

Before they could move out, a car suddenly sped from the road in their direction before making a loud screeching noise in the road as it slowed down to a stop just before them.

Clark glowered despite the solemnity of this situation; he already knew the bastard even before he showed up.

Hey, wait for me! Smartman ran in their direction, his tie jingling left and right making his dressing look comical.

He didnt wait for the others to react; opening the door at the back of the car, he plopped down on the back seat while panting. I hate you guys, you almost left me!

Clark turned his head, trying hard to restrain his hands from striking. You didnt tell me that you were coming, I didnt reserve a spot for you.

The young brat picked his nose. Youre a bigshot already, if you were the one who died, do you think Benny would hesitate to get a slot for me to attend your burial?

That joke, was dark and unexpected.

Fine! Clark turned his head, trying hard to hide the expression that was now on his face.

He didnt notice it at first, but Smartman just made him confirm it. Almost all of them here were not really sad any longer, they already mourned long enough.

Today, what they were doing was paying respects to their friend.

It was an inevitable fact that everyone would die someday, not only soldiers, and definitely not only Benny. Death was not sad; it was how you died that would determine if it is sad.

Well, for the way that Benny died, he died in battle which was the greatest achievement in the Spartan republic.

With all doubts cleared from his mind, Clark stepped on the gas pedal again with a different mindset entirely about the funeral.

The journey was long but just a few minutes after an hour, they finally got to the Spartan army headquarters. The first thing that became evident to them on getting there was the boisterousness.

The headquarters was booming with activity!

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