The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 311: breaking the apocalypse world record

Chapter 311: breaking the apocalypse world record

15 minutes later after Clark killed the last 3rd rank high-grade thug, an ocean of thugs, body parts, and blood was what surrounded him.

He was the lone survivor. Filled with the blood of his opponent, sweat streaked down his exhausted face, combining with the blood to soak his uniform and making it stick to his body uncomfortably.

Of the thousands of thugs that were originally left after he killed the 3rd rank high-grade thugs, now none of them were left alive. With his plethora of weapons, he completely obliterated them.

As he tried to catch his breath, he smiled bitterly on hearing the sound of the training chambers A. I again.

[1st phase of the virtual training has been completed.]

[Record: Victory- 5000 dead thugs.]

[Rating: Outstanding.]

[Next phase loading, loading complete.]

3, 2, 1; Start!

As soon as the A. I finished, all his weapons and the dead bodies of the thugs disappeared. Only the sniper rifle and the 2-form gun were left on him, the hall reset to its original look.

Exactly the same process in which the first group of thugs emerged was simulated again. The only difference was that, unlike the first phase that was all melee thugs, this phase consisted of only ranged thugs.

Wielding various 2-form guns, sniper rifles, and laser weapons, the horde of thugs rushed in Clarks direction again with their hands already on the trigger of their weapons.

Though Clark had a bitter smile on his face did not mean that he hated this phase of this training. Actually, this was the best part of the training. Before they could shoot, he aimed and pulled the trigger.

One-shot to a kill, maximum efficiency at its twilight, that was his motto as he kept on sniping the poor thugs to death before they could comprehend their situation.

It seemed like the A. I was misbehaving but it was his current competency with the gun that was just too good. He never missed a shot, and he challenged himself to engage in only headshots.

Unlike the first phase that took him up to about 50 minutes, the 2nd phase ended at a much lesser time after he wiped out all the thugs.

High-grade thugs emerged during the process, but to him, they were just more skilled thugs. To kill them, he just had to concentrate more and time his shots to be trickier and more unpredictable.

After just 15 minutes, the 2nd phase that was supposedly the stronger phase ended, and the A. Is voice spoke again.

[Congratulations! Virtual training operation has been completed.]

[Record: Victory- 10,000 dead thugs.]

[Rating: Excellent.]

[Congratulations! You have not only broken your previous record, but you have also broken the previous Apocalypse world record for the total number of headshots in the advanced simulation training.]

[New Record: 10,000 headshots/10,000 shots.]

[New Record: You defeated 3 same-ranked thugs in 3 minutes.]

[Reward for breaking the Apocalypse world record: 1 million Apocalypse credits. To claim your reward, call the Apocalypse military organizations reward line and present evidence of your new record.]

As soon as the announcement finished, Clark grew dazed for a moment, an incredulous expression on his face. I did it!

Though he secretly hoped for it at the back of his mind, knowing that he actually broke the Apocalypse world record left him feeling all excited and giddy. This was a real achievement.

Seeing this, he suddenly felt complicated. He did not know what he should feel at Professor Granit again, he knew that he was able to have such an outrageous hit rate because of the bean quadrant enhancer.

For the past week, after training relentlessly like a mad dog, he finally started unlocking most of the potential of the enhancer, and of course his new self-created technique.

Though he was already training with it previously, this was the first time that he used his new self-created technique against simulated opponents.

All he could say was that its effectiveness was more super than he expected.

Though he had not mastered it back to the extent where he could subdue higher-ranked opponents as he did to the dinosaur by coincidence during his sublimation, he still fell in love with the ability immediately.

With these 2 new add-ons that he got from the Everest to compliment his breakthrough; he was sure that he was among the big guns in the 3rd rank high-grade soldier rank already.

To be sincere, though his new self-created technique surprised him, he was more amazed by the enhancement brought by the bean quadrant enhancer.

After training with it fused to his brain, he already started experiencing most of the realities that the Professor boasted about his most ambitious work ever.

10,000 headshots out of 10,000 gunshots, who the hell does that? He was sincerely shocked to the very bone when he saw the A. Is announcement, he had to crosscheck to be sure.

Now, he was sure that even if he was not among the strongest 3rd rank high-grade soldiers yet, he was, without doubt, among the best ranged 3rd rank high-grade soldier if not the best.

His current accuracy could only be described as otherworldly, he was not even sure if higher-ranked soldiers could achieve that. He was just assuming though; he did not dare underestimate soldiers of a higher rank.

Though his master explained a lot to him, he was still very much kept in the dark about the mechanisms dividing soldiers into ranks in terms of strength.

A ranged 3rd rank high-grade soldier and a ranged 2nd rank high-grade soldier, when they stand together and wield the same weapon it was hard to know how one would perform better than the other.

They were all experts and masters with the gun, so how the hell is another one of them referred to as a higher-ranked soldier?

Clark was not sure yet, but after undergoing 3 breakthroughs as a ranged soldier he had a guess.

He guessed that before each breakthrough, soldiers would feel that they already mastered shooting to the optimum. But after they broke through, a new limit would be opened to them to train towards.

It was still abstract and not a finalized theory first, but that was what his intuition told him was right.

Putting that aside, he performed a little happy dance for the Apocalypse world record that he just broke. The Apocalypse world record was just like the Guinness world record of the 21st century.

As for the reward, 1 million Apocalypse credits may seem small but when converted to Spartan credits it was a humongous amount of money.

Comparing the currency of the Spartan republic and that of the Apocalypse military organization is like comparing gold to brass, the difference was just too vast for both of them to be compared.

He felt excited. When he thought he was already swimming in money, he had to win another mind-blowing amount through just training at the convenience of his mansion.

God bless Professor Granits family, your ancestor did me a good deed.

During the past week of training, he already mastered the plethora of weapons that he ordered to be custom-created for him by Monkey Hands.

Before now, he always thought that fighting with one weapon was the best fighting technique but after trying a new style, his love for multiple weapons experienced quantum leaps of expansion.

After training and grinding relentlessly, he finally decided to check his attributes again.

Uther, show me my attributes list.

[Ding!! Initiating Masters request immediately.]

Name: Clark Pendragon

Country of allegiance: Spartan republic

Soldier rank: 3rd rank high-grade soldier

Military rank: Captain

Weapon mastery: Spear- 68%, Sword- 51%, Gun- 73%, Daggers- 53%, Axe- 44%, Throwing knives- 62%

[Any weapon mastery with proficiency below 50% cannot be displayed directly on masters status. You can ask specifically about any weapon, and its mastery will be displayed separately.]

[Ding! Masters Attributes!]

Attack Power: 63%/ Attack speed: 48%/ Endurance: 58%

Decision Making: 81%/ Stamina: 31/100

Health: 100%

[Masters Abilities!]

Battle arts: The bullet encyclopedia & The frenzied maneuver.

Self-created technique: Dragon breaks the ranks & The Deitys Fists.

Minor technique: Maelstrom Counter-attack.

[Evaluation: Master is a genius that despite being a newly ascended 3rd rank high-grade soldier, is already at the higher levels of strength among those of the same rank. Your strength is a one in millennium find!]

Seeing such a luxurious list, Clark could not help but break out into a wide smile. From the first day that he graduated as a soldier till now, hes experienced a lot and they were currently reflecting in his strength.

This list was one of the main reasons why he proposed the conjecture that new limits open up after high-grade soldiers breakthrough to a new rank.

In his previous rank, his attributes all breached the legendary 100 which is a mind-blowing stat but despite all that, as soon as he broke through, they all reduced to below 55.

It was through unrelenting training that he succeeded in improving them to their current state, and as expected they were proving harder to improve further.

Overall, he was very satisfied with his current strength.

Hauling his body up from the nutrition cabin, he went to the corner of the training chamber to rest and recover his spent mental reserves. As he rested, he gave a mental order for his long-drawn blueprint to be shown.

It was already long since he last looked at this blueprint, he just wanted to check it out to see how far hes gone.


1. Find a way to break through to the next rank- Completed.

2. Complete 50 mercenary missions- Completed.

3. Complete 50 Spartan army missions- Pending [39/50]

4. Invest money and resources to look for trails left by Sonia- Pending.

5. Revolutionize and develop Vatican City- Pending [18/100]

Looking through the blueprint, he sighed. Hes already grown a lot since he drafted it, but most of the plans were still pending.

He was not pressured though; he knew that everything would slowly fall back into order one day. Then, hell have the perfect blueprint with all plans marked as completed.

After taking some time to rest properly, he finally stood up again.

He already trained for today, he had other things to do. And today was a special one for him, he had someone special in mind that he wanted to visit.

He wanted to visit the person that through him, he was able to get his ticket to graduate and become a soldier. Its been long, years already, he didnt know if the man still remembered him but he did remember him.

He smirked thinking of the expression that would be on the mans face when he saw him. Sorry bro, fate destined us to meet again.

It was remaining only a week till the date of his plan, he had to finalize things now and this visit was the priority.

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