The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 315: a night of vengeance

Chapter 315: a night of vengeance

What is happening?

I dont know, sir. We suddenly lost contact with all our spies; we dont know what is going on. The executioner replied his commander as he visibly shook fearfully in his boots under his leaders rage.

A few days ago, they already noticed that something was stirring in the city. After wasting a lot of time speculating, they finally decided to send out spies yesterday to check the situation out.

The situation was indeed tense according to the spies, but they did not know what was causing it. Everything was fine, and the city was normal.

This eased their hearts a lot, making them feel that they were panicking because of something inexistent. That was what they thought, but surprisingly they suddenly lost contact with all their spies a few hours ago.

Losing contact with their spies was suspicious but something reasonable may have caused it, but the whole terrorist base also losing communication to the outside world was clearly abnormal.

It was already deep into the night, but because of this abnormal occurrence, the Commander of this terrorist base could not sleep.

The frustrated executioner, who was his second in command just kept shaking fearfully at the corner, trying every means that came available to him to appease his boss.

Should I make a joke? He questioned himself.

Unlike most of the big terrorist bases that were outside the main city, mostly being in the nearby forest or any other outskirts of the city, this certain terrorist base was built in the city.

Though it was in the city, the officials did not know about it. The main building was underground, what was at the surface was an uncompleted building.

You, I want you to


The Commanders outstretched hand wobbled and shook in the air from the vibration power that accompanied the sound. He felt a spike of pain in his ear before every sound became static to him, making buzzing noises.

Unlike him who was able to keep his feet, his second in command was directly picked from the ground before being thrown at the wall by the force.

As this happened, their exotic armors detected the tremor and automatically activated, protecting them from the aftermaths of the force. Everywhere suddenly quietened down again, but they were both spooked.

The Commander turned to face his executioner. What just happened?

I dont know.

Go and


This time he was much more prepared for the impact, but he confirmed something. They were under attack, and for the enemy to have come this close meant that they brought serious business.

Go out and mobilize the bastards!

As his executioner ran out to fulfill the order, he ran in the direction of his room to get himself equipped with his battle equipment and weapons.

As soon as he got himself equipped with his weapons, he finally relaxed and started feeling rage at the people that dared to attack his base. Did they think that he was an easy pick?

Grabbing his huge halberd tightly, he felt his security and feeling of superiority come back to him in waves.

With anger visibly emanating from him, he turned around before storming off from his room to confront the people who dared to attack him.

He was pretty sure that it was not Vatican City, the city did not have the guts to oppose his organization completely. That was the belief that was ingrained in him, and besides, some big Spartan higher-ups secretly supported them.

Where are they?

As soon as he burst out of the underground and got outside though, his question got stuck back into his throat. This was the night; his vision was not exactly the best but his ears were still functioning perfectly.

The first thing that came into his vision was a blue energy shield that towered into the skies, seeming like the flag of one of the big 5. Then the next thing was

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

He jumped to the side before ducking but a few dozen bullets still raked through his armor in this short time frame, shocking the hell out of him. He cursed at himself for not taking a night vision google along.


All over the uncompleted building, despite the dark frame of the night, he could still see the blood of his subordinates dying everywhere red. Painful roars kept on reverberating into his ears as bullets repeatedly hit flesh without restraint.

Originally, most of the normal terrorists didnt have exotic armors. Even if they had, the sheer number of bullets could render it useless in less than a minute.

Because of this, the terrorist lives were practically being harvested with a sharp broad tipped sickle.

The Commander became anxious immediately as the hand holding the halberd became sweaty. Who are these?

He could see no flag; he could not even see the uniform of the enemies not to talk of their face. All he could see was the blue energy shield screen and the sparks of dozens of gun muzzles shooting out bullets.

Everywhere, he could see his subordinates dying at a shocking frequency. Though he felt nothing for these guys, having so many of them die at once in a single attack left him anxious. He had to do something.

Titus! He yelled his second-in-commands name.

Yes, commander.

He heaved a sigh of relief on seeing that the executioner was close to him. As soon as the fellow got close to him, he ordered him to go back inside and bring a sound amplifying machine.

He needed to organize his subordinates. But till the machine was brought, he had to fight.

As soon as his executioner ran back inside the underground base, he erupted from his position with his halberd swinging wildly at the bullets.

Most of the bullets still hit his armor repeatedly while the others hit his halberd, making clanking sounds as he burst forward at the shield formation with ferocious and wild abandon.

Seeing their Commander charge out, morale spiked among the terrorists as they started chanting his name.

This only made him more emboldened as his determination to cut this naughty energy shield apart grew. When he was only a few meters from its position with his halberd raised high, an opening suddenly widened in the shield.

A heavy broad sword stabbed in his direction at an abnormally fast speed as his eyes narrowed immediately in alarm. He jumped to the side but the sword followed him.

A sound like that of striking thunder reverberated as the sword clashed with his armor. The armor did its job as the energy film absorbed the blow, though the shock affected him a bit.

He was shocked. Who are you?

Your father.

The soldier with the sword smirked before turning his head back to the shield formation behind him. Switch to phase 2.

The next thing, the combined shield formation broke up into individual shields. Dozens of energy tower shields stood domineeringly in the middle, protecting a group of ranged soldiers with undivided focus at the terrorists.

Through the slight opening made from the space between the tower shields, a group of soldiers wielding different types of melee weapons charged out with ferocious expressions on their faces.

Seeing their uniforms, a lightbulb lit in the Commanders head. The Dragon military division, you have the guts?

Hmph, you still have the guts to say that!

The Sergeant who led the charge swung his enormous broad sword horizontally as he quickly clashed with the terrorist commander. They both began a bloody melee battle immediately.

As the 2 leaders fought, the subordinates quickly got entangled with themselves.

Something that the terrorist Commander observed which made him despair as he fought was that all the soldiers who came after his subordinates had exotic armors which were abnormal.

For this war, Clark did not exaggerate when he told his friend that his goal was a scenario where after the battle no soldier from his side died.

He made a lot of investment in the soldiers that all their weapons were state of the art, and they all had access to exotic armor.

From their numbers, the terrorist Commander quickly deduced that it was just a platoon of soldiers with an approximate number of 50 soldiers. They were smaller than his subordinates, but his subordinates were being crushed completely.

As soon as the melee soldiers of the military division clashed with the terrorists, it seemed like a situation of stones being thrown at a crate of eggs. They burst into pulps.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground shook from the vibrations of the battle like an earthquake was imminent. With no civilians around to disrupt them, they unleashed their all in this battle to wipe out their opponents.

As their melee counterparts fought heroically at the frontline, the ranged soldiers maintained their concentration at above 105% as bullet after bullet kept on coming out of their gun muzzles.

The elite snipers among them focused on helping their Sergeant. With a few well-placed shots here and there, they kept on disrupting the battling tempo of the terrorist commander.

The battle seemed chaotic, but it was completely in the hands of the soldiers of the military division. The outcome was decided even before the battle started.

In just a few minutes, the hastily set up defense perimeter of the terrorists was breached. Taking advantage of their panic and fear, they stormed into the uncompleted building to pull them out of their hideouts.

The terrorists without exotic armors could not take a single blow from them. Every blow led to a death, increasing their efficiency to an outrageous degree.

As they penetrated the terrorists ranks like a hot knife cutting through butter, it did not take much longer before they arrived at the heart of the underground base.

The terrorists tried to wrath mischief down there, but the prepared soldiers nullified their efforts like a big brother ruthlessly taking the only ice cream from his younger brothers presence and licking it completely.

The terrorists were completely spanked and trashed in their backyards without mercy, it was a tragic sight.

After a hard-fought battle with frequent help from his subordinates, the Sergeant finally took the head of the terrorist Commander. Bellowing out a victorious cry, he jumped back into battle.

Seeing their Commander lose his head, the morale of the terrorists directly dropped to rock bottom. Most of them immediately turned tail and ran for their lives.

Unfortunately for them, they ran only for a few meters before they met a blockade. Before starting the battle, the soldiers already sealed this area in an air-tight manner. No terrorist was to be allowed to escape.

After a desperate effort from the terrorists, they were finally wiped off from the face of the earth. Not a single one of them survived, it was completely bloody and tyrannical.

The uncompleted building was completely razed to the ground from the battle. Blood littered the floor, body parts lay carelessly on the floor, making this place suddenly seem like a forbidden ground.

It was a perfect victory, every terrorist died but no soldier died.

In other parts of Vatican City, battles like this one were ongoing as the soldiers ducked it out with the terrorist bases that were located directly in the middle of the city.

Tonight, these gutsy bastards would pay for their crimes.

The night was a special one that was dominated by blood, death, and a yearning for revenge. The Vatican soldiers attacked with vengeance.

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