The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 317: clark smash

Chapter 317: clark smash

Almost just a second after the first energy beam raked at the erected shield, rendering its humongous energy reserves to naught, the terrorist base reacted without any delay.

Rated as the biggest and best terrorist base among the ones located in the city, it was miles more developed than the others.

The system of operation here was already mature, they may have been ambushed in the night but they were not caught off-guard. The terrorist base reacted appropriately like a well-oiled machine.

Defensive structures quickly started emerging out of the ground as soon as the Black Dragon soldiers started storming in.

The next moment, sand was sucked into something like a black hole as large tunnels were quickly formed through which tanks, turrets, and different special machines such as electricity transmission vehicles starting emerging out of the underground.

Some military vehicles looking like bulldozers followed and emerged as the first set of machines that emerged started erecting the perfect defense.

With a visible eruption of energy, they spread vibrations through the earth as the ground began transforming itself immediately. In just a few moments, the originally leveled ground became uneven and rough.

The battle had not even started in earnest, but the meticulous arrangements of the terrorists already turned the situation in their favor.

Transforming the earth around you before a battle began was a herculean effort that required the use of machines with top-notch technology. Not only that but a great mathematician that is good with statistics and calculation too.

As soon as all these transformations were complete, forming the perfect defense formation with technological gadgets and machines alone, smaller tunnels started opening up in strategically defensive parts of the newly formed battlefield.

Then from these tunnels came the real deal, terrorist soldiers that were dressed neatly in brown military uniforms with a giant flaming tiger head in the middle of the uniform as their emblem.

Unlike normal terrorist soldiers, these guys looked far more menacing, and they were a million times more organized which was a frightening realization.

Seeing all these changes that were made before the main battle even started, the elite Black Dragon soldiers already detected danger through their extremely sharp intuition so they slowed down a little.

Turning from all aggressive and offensive to all defensive, they all simultaneously formed a giant turtle-shell formation. A basic battle formation, but it was very effective in military sieges.

Despite taking such precautions, they were not dismayed. They prepared for this for weeks while the terrorists did not, if their momentum was squashed so easily it would be embarrassing.

They all turned to their Captain, though he didnt reveal anything to them in the last meeting before the attack he told them that he had a surprise package for the terrorists in the case of a scenario like this.

As soon as they rushed out, the terrorists noticed an anomaly. They as the defenders that were ambushed already brought out their gadgets, military vehicles, and machines.

If they could do this so naturally, the ambushers were not so foolish to attack them with soldiers alone right? Something was fishy.

And now seeing all the attackers form a defensive formation while only the one with the exotic car still rode towards them, the fishiness of the situation became evident.


They deduced it fast but it was too late. As Clarks exotic car drew closer, it drilled a hole into the ground at a swift pace which it fell on immediately.

Before it disappeared completely into the ground, Clark poked his head out of the hole and threw something that looked like a bomb out.

Ducking his head back, he muttered. King, I hope your bomb is as effective as you hyped.


It was soundless but the air visibly squeezed all of a sudden, rendering every single soldiers perception of the battlefield useless. As they tried to recover and keep track of their surroundings, they felt a ripple spreading across the air.

Its movement trajectory was just like a sonic bomb. As soon as it released its load, blue energy with electricity snaking through it flashed through the battlefield in just one-quarter of a second.

The next moment, to the terrorists shock, all their active machines that were making sounds a moment ago jerked before coming to a halt. They were spooked!

Before having the courage to bring their military vehicles out into battle, they already installed exotics that could render emp bombs mostly useless. So what concoction from hell was this?

Before the sound of their machines could even die down completely, other ones replaced them as hundreds of headlights lit up from the distance, precisely the nearby forest.

Their machines and military vehicles were down, but that of their attackers was just making their debut. A perfect scenario of a backside beatdown.

Like a group of drug addicts that just received their daily dose of medication, the eager Black Dragon soldiers pounced out again like a pack of hungry lions with juicy food placed before them.

Boom! Boom!

Energy beams and cannon shots momentously emerged from the back as they fell upon the group of still stunned terrorists.

Their energy shield was gone, their defensive and offensive machines were rendered useless, resisting such weapons of destruction with their armors alone was suicide. The impact resulted in a massacre.

Melee Black Dragon soldiers rapidly closed the distance to the stunned terrorists, as they unleashed the skills that brought them fame and made them eligible to join the Black Dragon Battalion.

Swish and slash sounds reverberated on the battlefield as swords slashed, spears stabbed, axes hacked, the different weapons being used could induce a headache in any enemy.

The battalion took advantage of all their enemys slip-ups and weaknesses, killing over a hundred soldiers in less than a minute.

Not willing to let the terrorists recover from this blow, Clark finally decided to enter the middle of the battle and make it close and personal.

He loved shooting from the range with guns, but crushing your opponent up close was always the most exciting. His adrenaline levels were highest when he fought up-close.

Before he left though, he turned to attend to his exotic car. He gave a mental order which made 2 ports open from the cars side, he inserted his dual 2-form guns on them.

He brought a chip out of his trousers pockets next, crosschecked to confirm that it was the real deal before inserting it into a hidden hole at the front of the car.

[Ding! Master, neural connection is being established, neural connection established. Now, you can control the car remotely through me.]

He grinned on hearing this. This technique was a unique fighting method of 3rd rank high-grade soldiers. Because of their enormous mental power coupled with their implants, they could afford to divide their attention in battles.

Now, as a 3rd rank high-grade soldier, he could do it too. And besides, his implant was created to the standards of the big 5, he was the perfect individual to do this.

He patted the cars frame. Lily, dont disappoint me.

As soon as he did this, his expression became fierce. Turning back to the raging battlefield, he spread his legs to form a pretty exaggerative aggressive stance before pulling out his 2 swords from his back the next moment.

Tonight, all terrorists shall know pain!

Swinging the 2 swords effortlessly, he lumbered forward before jumping into the raging battlefield.

With 2 swift barely visible swipes of his custom-made swords, 2 terrorists lost their heads. They all wore exotic armor compared to other terrorist bases, but before his outrageous weapons, it was just naught.


The sound of the air moving kept batting at his ears, but his armors did much to lessen it as he moved around the battlefield like a phantom. A casual blow equaled a kill, a heavy blow equaled 2-3 kills, a well-timed blow equaled 3-5 kills.

This terrorist base felt the terror of the Stranded dragon for the first time. For the first time in their lives, they felt the horror of being terrorized.

As the battle continued, about 15 minutes later, the dead vehicles and machines of the terrorists started coming back to life but this didnt do much as they already lost hundreds of comrades.

Even if they could not do much, they could still put out damage so Clark directed a little special attention to the machines.

Bulldozing through the ranks of the terrorists like an old alpha lion rushing through a pack of hyenas, he diffused all their efforts to deter him from getting close to their machines that were slowly coming back to life.

As soon as he arrived before the first tank, he sliced the 3 operators that were before it into bits and pieces before raising the dual swords for a heavy slash.

The loud sound of a metal grating against metal reverberated as the 2 swords cut a few inches in, but the metallic armor of the tank proved tougher than expected as it held strong after only being cut in about a meter.

Clark only inclined his head slightly on seeing this before slightly throwing both swords up. With a soft click sound, they quickly fell back into his uniform and into the slot that was allocated for them.

Before the terrorists could rejoice, with another movement he retrieved his custom-made exotic ax for the first time since the battle started.

Raising it up high, energy started spreading from its sharp edge, making it sharper as hot steam started rising from its metallic edge.

Due to his previous heroics in the battle, the terrorists already identified him as their number 1 nemesis, and practically every eye was focused on him. Before their eyes, he hacked down.


The ground vibrated like an earthquake was imminent, all soldiers and terrorists that were close-by staggered due to this sudden vibration of energy through the ground.

When they looked back at the scene, the exotic ax dug a few inches into the ground and its edge was still smoking hot and bringing out steam.

Clark held the ax with both hands, and his body was slightly bent to support it in an iconic position. Only black ashes and metallic parts were what remained of the previous glorious military tank.

Both soldiers and terrorists alike felt goosebumps crawling through their skins. The soldiers felt their blood burn hot as their adrenaline levels tipped higher, while the terrorists only felt despair.

Which monster is this?

Clark stayed like that for less than a second before he moved again. More terrorists tried to stop him but they only became more meat and blood for his ax, he bulldozed through them like a truck passing through a row of bikes.

Just like the hulk, he singlehandedly started smashing all the military vehicles and machines of the terrorists to bits and pieces. The more time passed, the more anxious they became.

If they did not introduce anything new, then the battle was over before it even started.

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