The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 329: surrounded

Chapter 329: surrounded


Clark was slammed to the ground again like a rag doll, but his reactions were like those of a cheetah. Quickly shifting his body to the side, he dodged the old terrorist Commanders stab before entangling his leg into his.

He grunted before bending his legs, the old mans legs let out cracking bone sounds as they bent a bit from the applied force.

The old mans face did not change despite this maneuver. He only squatted a bit to lower his center of gravity, raised his legs with Clark accompanying it before stumping it back on the ground.

Even before Clark hit the ground, the Commanders enormous shield was already coming down mightily.


Booming sounds quickly reverberated following the mighty impact as Clark was embedded deep under the ground, the shockwave ravaged the ground in a distance of a few kilometers like the effects of an earthquake.

He let out groaned painfully but he did not stay in one place. Not waiting for the aftereffects of the strike to subside, he jumped out of the hole in the ground and hauled himself at the Commander again.

They were the only ones in that area, all of the terrorists and soldiers surrounding them made sure to keep a sizeable distance away from the 2 monster leaders.

The surrounding area of their battlefield already turned to a desolate area. Cracked earth, rising flames, destroyed buildings, and a lot more were the dominant normal there which showed the intensity of their battle.

They were already battling for some minutes, and though there was no clear winner yet it was completely one-sided.

If it was the other female terrorist Commander, Clark was confident that he could trash her, but this old Commander was the real definition of old age is just a number. He was a complete monster.

At times, he felt like he was fighting against a super optimized mechanical robot than a human soldier.

All his attacks were precise and they had a purpose, they always ended up inflicting crippling damage to his armor. If his armor was not of the standard of the big 5, he was sure he would have become toasted meat to the Commander already.

Attacking, retreating, defending, he was a maestro at them all.

He hardly made mistakes in the battle, and even if he made one, he improvised so impeccably that Clark found no opportunities to retaliate at all. Without a doubt, this was his strongest opponent to date.

He had no words to describe him, the Commander was inevitable.

In terms of power, technique, battle plan, and improvision, the old terrorist Commander best him in every category.

Perhaps, the only advantage he had was his decision making which was probably induced by his fusion with the enhancer but that meant fart here when his opponent could just crush him with pure power alone.

For now, their battle was not about to have a winner anytime soon.

As he fought him, his subordinate soldiers and the ordinary terrorists were also ducking it out in a bloody battle.

Led by their female main Commander and the other minor commanders, they already breached the defense perimeter being held by the Autumn Leaves and The New-era Vatican Battalion.

The Battalions already lost a lot of soldiers during the siege battle, but they were still holding their ground as they made a steady and organized withdrawal.

Compared to the comrades that they lost, the terrorists lost a lot more but the death ratio was not as outrageously wide as the one of the previous night where they practically massacred them.

The terrorists were puzzled by the actions of their opponents but they hardly gave a damn.

Under the leadership of their female Commander, their momentum was already unstoppable. As they pushed forward, the Vatican soldiers gradually retreated while still holding their ground.

The vicious thing about them was that they didnt just fight the soldiers, as they pushed them backward, the buildings and other resources that were left behind were not spared.

The loud sounds of buildings collapsing kept on reverberating round the battlefield as house after house sank under the hooves of the terrorists, the weird thing was that the Vatican soldiers did not react.

The losses from the buildings alone were already in the tens of millions of Spartan credits, but the Vatican soldiers continued their retreat like it did not concern them.

Well, if it didnt concern the owners, they didnt give a damn also.

With such a mentality, they carried on with their attack. After entering the city, the huge defense wall was no longer hindering them as much so they had all the room in the world to roam around, wreaking mischief.

As he battled with Clark, despite being astonished by the level of competence revealed by the young Captain, the terrorist Commander did not put his mind on that at the moment as he contemplated in silence.

After battling Clark for so long, he already resigned to the fact that the captains outrageous armor meant that the battle would be a long one.

He already stopped putting in all his effort long ago, now he just kept on smacking Clark to keep him in check.

Clark was too dangerous to be left to roam about, so he was content with keeping him occupied like this until everything was over.

The only problem was that Clark was too calm.

From the direction of the battle, though Vatican City was still holding on, it was clear that they were the losing side.

As he thought, his eyes suddenly sharpened as he felt an exaggerated exclamative reaction from Clark. Turning his head, he saw the enormous wall shake a bit before falling back into the ground.

Seeing this happen, his eyes gleamed sharply.

Every single Vatican soldier on the battlefield was shocked on seeing this, even the terrorist subordinates were shocked.

This did not prevent them from taking advantage of it though. They didnt need any reminder from their Commanders, the other terrorists that were originally still outside the wall swarmed out in numbers into the city.

For a moment, the soldiers were caught off-guard as the sudden increase in offensive overwhelmed them.

This did not last though as Corporal Damn quickly gave new orders. As soon as they heard the orders, a change quickly rippled through the atmosphere.

Just like a train that hit the automatic breaks, they stopped their retreat. With organized movements, every Battalion and unit on the battlefield rearranged themselves to form the turtle shell battle formation.

Soldiers wielding shields came to the front and formed a blockade, the others stayed behind and supported.

The terrorists who were elated about the sudden withdrawal of the wall which was a great hindrance to them jerked a bit, they didnt know why they felt anxious all of a sudden.

Like the others, Clark was shocked on seeing the wall withdraw back but after understanding what happened, he only sighed before recovering.

He noticed the old man taunting him but he paid him no attention. Blocking another blow from him, he stood stubbornly, blocked, and held the shield before looking straight into his eyes.

He shook his head. Sorry old man, but not today!

With a sudden maneuver, he tried to leave their small battlefield but the old commander quickly reacted intending to block his path.

He turned around immediately as his spear suddenly started shining brighter, executing his first self-created technique he rammed his spear straight into the armor of the Commander.

The old man reacted with shock on noticing the power behind the strike. He dodged to the side in the nick of time but unknowing to him, an ax was coming at his head.

As soon as the Commander dodged his first one, Clark activated his second self-created technique and rammed the huge ax into the commanders face.

The Deitys Fists empowered the ax so much that it directly breached the defense of the Commanders armor, he reacted quickly again but the ax still took a small chunk of flesh from his face as blood flowed.


Shocked, the commander retreated quickly before touching his injured face with his hands.

When he raised his head, Clark already retreated, and surprisingly, he was quickly surrounded protectively by the soldiers of the Black Dragon Battalion.

He felt a bad premonition on seeing this, he finally looked closer.

This was when he noticed that he and his forces seemed to have been surrounded. They were the ones pursuing the Vatican soldiers, but unknowingly to them, they were already surrounded by soldiers from all sides.

Retreat! He trusted his gut feeling, he wanted to order a retreat but what he feared happened first.

Raising his hands, Clark shot a flare into the air as it quickly scattered into colorful lights the next moment. When the lights faded, the city was surrounded in a bright blue glow, forming a dome shape.

Seeing this, the Commanders heart skipped a beat.

His eyes widened in realization. Vatican City planned all this from the beginning, but these are all their forces.

He was puzzled. What other card do they have?

He was answered not in words, but with real action.

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