The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 337: the birth of a legend luitenant colonel clark pendragon

Chapter 337: the birth of a legend luitenant colonel clark pendragon

On the 1st of September, 2178, the greatest event in the history of Vatican City happened. The event that would always be remembered by Vatican citizens for the next generations- The Day of Purging.

The Day of Purging; as compiled by the Vatican library historians.

Legends always spoke of geniuses that arise when nations need them the most; myths seldom spoke of superhero gods who arose at the time when their Empire needed them the most.

These geniuses and superhero gods were always portrayed to stand up in the time of danger to face the danger with a calm face of conviction while letting their Empire see their firm backs only.

They brave through trials, temptations, and tribulations just to make sure that their Empire and future generations experience that thorough sense of peace that weve always craved since the 1st era of humanity.

Sometimes, they even die

Its sad, but thats the way such geniuses and superhero gods were portrayed to us when we were still toddlers.

Then, we believed everything that was told us. After we grew up, we started doubting it as we came into contact with the horrors and unpredictability of the world.

By the time we became middle-aged, we were convinced that those stories were just tales and that they were not real.

Now, were old, and it is at these our ripe age that we experienced the birth of a legend of our own making. A genius that was born of the land, a superhero god that was bred of the essence of all Vatican citizens.

Captain Clark Pendragon

Yes, he is our hero, our only beacon of hope at the time when we see only darkness. Our pathfinder, hes the one that sees danger ahead of us and warns us in time so that none of us dies.

He is the one that forfeits having a harem like other superhero gods portrayed in our childhood stories, he is the one who forfeits even having a wife in his tender years just to make sure that we are safe.

He is the one who stays with us always, who braves storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes with us just to make sure that we are safe.

Who has not heard of the Persian tigers organization? No one.

Who has not felt dread for them from their childhood? Which Spartan citizen has not heard of the horrifying things that they do to victims who fall under their tentacles? No one.

Yes, we fell out of favor with them. We didnt have their favor in the first place, but we angered them and fell out with them completely.

Every Spartan citizen knew that this means, complete doom!

Vatican City was doomed!

Our allies abandoned us, our neighbors abandoned us, even those that we put our hopes on failed at this crucial time that we needed their help the most.

When we thought that all hope was lost, we found a new hope in the form of our leader. Our superhero god, our genius, Clark Pendragon stood as a gap for us.

We didnt have enough military forces, but he went the extra mile and rallied around. Friends, one-time acquaintances, even enemies, he rallied all shamelessly just for the survival of our beloved city.

He had sleepless nights and restless days just to draft out the perfect attack plan, the plan that would lead us into a better tomorrow.

A few years ago, he came back with a nickname of the Stranded Dragon after conquering all conquerable foes while stranded in the Mediterranean Sea.

We didnt understand the symbolism then, but now we do. He is our alpha Dragon, was stranded but now found, was young but now matured, was sour but now ripe. He is our leader.

In the night, that was when he personally led the raid.

3000 Vatican soldiers, 4000 soldiers of the Dragon military division, 1123 soldiers of the Pendragon military division, these were the forces that followed our leader to commence the underground raid.

With that force, our leader wiped out approximately 12,000 terrorists of the dreaded Persian tigers organization who were originally residing in the city with civilians.

He didnt rest, the next morning the main force of the terrorists came to have revenge for the loss of their soldiers.

Never caught off guard, our leader already anticipated it and was prepared. When the terrorists thought they were the ones controlling the game, our leader told them that they were never even playing the game.

Amassing all the military forces and reinforcements that he set aside for this clash, which amounted to over 10,000 soldiers, he attacked the terrorists who had the edge with over 15,000 terrorists.

With the help of other notable heroes like Captain King, Captain Josh, Captain Briggs, and Corporal Dickson, our leader clinched the victory that was seen by spectators as impossible.

Today, Vatican City set a new precedence, a new record that the Persian tigers organization is not inevitable.

With such overwhelming odds that were against us, our leader broke all records and defeated the terrorists.

Over 27,000 normal terrorist soldiers died, fifteen 1st rank high-grade terrorists died, eight 2nd rank high-grade terrorists died, and two 3rd rank high-grade Commanders died.

At our side, 576 normal soldiers died, and one 1st rank high-grade soldier died. The rest of our military forces survived the attack.

The maths is before you, Vatican City set a legend!

We experienced the birth of a legend today, the birth of a Dragon genius whose name will be remembered for generations to come, Captain Clark Pendragon.

Before we originally told stories of other geniuses and superhero gods to our children, but from today we will have a new song in our mouths. Well have a new tale to tell.

The tale of our leader, that is what we will tell from today.

Just 2 days after the great purge, delegates from the Spartan army headquarters came to Vatican City to execute the orders of Commander Rashford, the leader of the army.

After performing a survey to confirm that everything documented by the city was correct, Captain Clark Pendragon was awarded the region-wide legend badge.

On the same day, he was promoted to the rank of a Lieutenant Colonel.

Long live Vatican City! Long live Luietenant Colonel Clark!

Author: Great Historian Professor George.

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