The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 339: what goes around comes around

Chapter 339: what goes around comes around

Good morning, Lieutenant Colonel. This is a rare surprise, its an honor for my city to host your august presence sir.

Im flattered.

Clark smiled as he playfully shook the glass cup that was given to him before gently sipping a little from the contents in it the next moment.

After doing that, he kept quiet and began to casually look around the hall that he was currently seated in. Compared to other halls that hes seen; this was shabby but it was still better than Vatican City that didnt have any yet.

He casually made a mental note that when he got back, he would place this among the development projects that the city should embark on.

In his ongoing project to transform Vatican City into a heaven-on-earth city, he was not content with drafting all the ideas from his head and from the heads of his architects.

Throughout his many journeys, one thing that he learned was that if you found doing it hard, just look and steal it from others. What you know, others may not know. But what you dont know, there are surely others who know it.

He was currently in Savannah City, the city that bordered Vatican City from the east direction. And he was currently seated in their visitors hall with the 3 commissioners of the city.

Yes, hes come to settle some old debts that he heard about when he just came back from his last mission to the Everest.

He was currently dressed in a blue polo shirt, a dark green pair of jean trousers, and a casual cowboy hat to top it off. His shoes were just a casual pair of slippers also, a weird combination but it was what he liked.

When he just came to the city, he didnt come here immediately, he first went on a tour around the whole city.

During the tour, he saw a lot of things that enlightened his eyes. He saw how developed the city was economical, technological, military, and industrial. It was fairly good, but Vatican City was better.

Perhaps, the only category that he could give them the plus was that they were better than Vatican City in the political sector.

They didnt have a unified leader here the way he was in Vatican City, but these 3 commissioners were still doing such a nice job for their city to make it as prosperous as possible.

He admired their work etiquette and their discipline, but unfortunately for them, that was not going to sway his reason for coming here today.

When he just came to their government building, the soldiers tried to bundle him and throw him outside. He told them his identity but they refused to believe, so sigh, he had to resort to some spanking.

By the time that he left over a hundred soldiers on the floor barehanded without breaking a sweat, they finally recognized his identity.

Almost immediately, all 3 commissioners left what they were doing and came to welcome him. On seeing him, they gave him weird glances due to his dress code but he just smiled back. And now, here they were.

Sir, umm, Im sorry, but please can I know what brought you to our city?

Clark smiled. Cant I visit?

No, sir, its not that, it's, Im just

Clark waved his hand nonchalantly. You know why Im here. I dont have much time to spend, so go to the point and start the conversation.

Are you not the one whos supposed to start it? Despite lamenting this inwardly, the head commissioner did not dare say it out loud.

In the end, after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to be frank. Clark was not someone that he could play games with.

He knelt down. Im sorry sir. When Vatican City was in danger, instead of helping, we rather saw it as an opportunity to take advantage of our neighbor city. On behalf of my city, sir, I apologize for my foolish decisions.

So, you admit to having aided the terrorists to attack my city?

No, it's

Taking advantage of us at such a time is indirectly aiding the terrorists.

But, Ok, I admit sir. The head commissioner drooped his head.

Good, now write a contract that Vatican City is owing to you no money. And, for the next 4 months, your city is to pay 10% of the amount my commissioners borrowed from you.

Sir, this is a fraud, I

Clark stood up. You have no choice here, old man. Unless you want me to take drastic measures, sign the contract now.

I, ok sir.

10 minutes later, Clark adjusted his cowboy hat properly before walking out of the government diplomatic hall with a swagger in his steps. In his bag was a newly signed contract paper.

Getting to the busy road, he casually stopped a taxi driver on the way and smoothly entered the taxi. The taxi took him to the nearby airport, and from there he boarded a plane out of the city.

Throughout his movements, since he left the hall till he took the plane and left the city, all 5 commissioners of Savannah City secretly watched him.

As soon as they confirmed that the plane was gone, they finally heaved sighs of relief while wiping away the sweat that was on their faces.

Phew! The head commissioner sighed. We really ate more than we could swallow this time, we should be grateful that he only asked for that as compensation for losses.

Yes, were lucky. The other 2 commissioners commented.

That same day, that same morning, almost the same scenario happened across the other 3 cities that were bordering Vatican City from the West, North, and South.

After Clark was done with his tour around all 4 cities, he sent a message to his commissioners to inform them about the outcome.

Taking in the morning sun greedily and enjoying the feeling of taking in free Vitamin D, he turned around and started going in a direction that would not lead him to Vatican City.

He was not going back to his city yet, he wanted to visit someone today.

He was going to Mexican city, the capital city of Southern Sparta. After such a long time, he wanted to visit the first General that he saw physically in his life, General Vincent.

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