The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 350: the 2nd deep

Chapter 350: the 2nd deep


A metal door slammed shut as a black car drove inside a barely noticeable basement. Inside the corridor was pitch black, only the dim lights of the car illuminated the surrounding a bit as it drove in.

At the front, a circular shape was drawn on the floor, indicating where the car should be parked. As soon as the car got there, it stopped but the engine was not switched off.

A dull thudding sound reverberated this time as the circular platform shook a bit before detaching from the other parts of the floor. At a slow speed, it started descending, taking the car with it.

As soon as they touched ground again, lights automatically started switching on, bringing the overall outlook of this military-like bunker.

A simple but fairly big hall, 2 bathrooms, a reinforced door and walls, a secret exit door, this was everything that was in this bunker. It was not too big; it was just the perfect compact that any secret agent would like.

Clark nodded in satisfaction. This is what I want.

He gestured at Albert to take the car to the garage while he came down to get a personal exploration experience of the secret bunker. As his student drove away, he walked to the deeper parts of the underground bunker to survey.

His eyes were not enough though, as he explored, he also brought out his scanning devices for a thorough search of the bunker to detect if any mischievous things were left behind.

During the search, he found 3 secret cameras which he destroyed without hesitation. After confirming that there was nothing else, he finally sat down.

Albert soon left to the surface again to install the solar panels. After installing them and camouflaging them in a way that would make them less recognizable, he finally came down.

Clark discovered and bought this underground bunker after searching on the internet. Of course, he didnt get it through legitimate means, he got it after hacking the security of an underground virtual market.

With his implant, a lot of impossible things were made possible to him. After paying 1.2 million Radan credits, he finally got this bunker for himself to facilitate his activities here.

As soon as Albert came down, Clark gestured for him to come closer as a small device that was in his hand started blinking.

He pressed a button at the side of the palm-sized device, it made a click sound before rotating the next moment. It rotated for 2 seconds before stopping, then a holographic screen was projected from it.

Seeing this, Clark crossed his legs and found a more comfortable place on the chair to rest his back in preparation for the reveal.

Team leader, who do you think he was? A male voice asked all of a sudden. Hes clearly not a Radan citizen, and I think this is my first time seeing him around here also.

A female voice butted in the next moment. I think he didnt lie.

My gut feeling tells me that hes really a mercenary. And he let us go, that is enough to show that he either doesnt have any resentment towards us, or he just came to the country.

Getting no response from their team leader despite waiting for some time already, both assassins stopped as they turned to face their team leader.

Feeling their gazes, the female assassin did not stop. His identity is not of concern to us. All we have to do is tell the leaders about him, theyll know how to tackle him and find out his identity.

Ok, team leader. Hearing the stern tone in which she replied to them, both assassins also became serious and answered her.

Beside them was a large waterfall. They were currently climbing a cliff, after spending a lot of time going in circles to confirm that they were not being followed, they finally came here.

They were the 3 assassins who had an encounter with Clark a few minutes ago. After being released by Clark, despite being wary of him, they still returned to their lair after trying all their methods to shake off any stalker.

They still didnt know Clarks identity, and the previous encounter left them all horrified of his strength. All they wanted now was to report this new variable to their leader as fast as possible.

The 3 of them were 1st rank high-grade soldiers. Being among the best warriors of the club, they were given another assassination mission, and that was what they just completed.

With the help of their climbing equipment, they didnt have to spend much time in the cliff before they arrived at a barely noticeable opening.

Confirming again that no one saw them, they finally crawled inside the hole. They went inside the rock a few meters before they saw the familiar door.

Welcome back, assassin warriors. The 2 guards standing before the door saluted before bringing out some devices to scan them.

The 3 of them nodded back in acknowledgment before opening the door to enter inside the secret base. Inside was as boisterous as always, with soldiers moving back and forth to fulfill the orders of the higher-ups.

The 2nd deep was the code name of their base. Across the whole country, theirs was the second strongest base only behind the primordial camp- codenamed the 1st deep.

With no intentions to waste time, the 3 of them quickly exchanged greetings with their colleague before going straight in the direction of their base leader.

A guard blocked them when they got to the leaders door. Your motive?

With a stern face, the female team leader answered. We just completed our mission, and I have a level 3 clearance complication report to make to the leader.

The guard looked down at his wrist, seeing the special wristwatch blink green, he nodded at her before moving out of the way.

Good evening, leader. The 3 of them knelt down.

The leader who was currently reading a virtual newspaper turned his attention to them. Estela, youre back? How was it?

The commissioner is now dead.

Good. The leader smiled at her gently. You can go take your reward from the bases armory, and your contribution points will be sent to your warrior account in a moment.

Turning around to his newspaper and noticing that they were not leaving yet, the leader frowned and turned back. Did something happen?

Estela gritted her teeth. There was a complication, sir.

The leaders face became serious immediately. What level of complication?

I classified it as a level 3 clearance complication sir.

Hearing that made the leaders expression relax a bit but he still took precautions. Opening his desk, he brought a special device out before clicking on a yellow button to activate it.

He turned back to face her. Ok, tell me.

We encountered a man, a stranger when completing the mission. He was far stronger than us, he took the 3 of us as captives. From his actions, we couldnt know his real motive but

As the leader listened with rapt attention, he heard a beep sound but his brain did not pay attention to it at first. A minute later, his brain finally clicked and he abruptly stood up from his chair.

Looking at the small device that he put at his side, it was no longer glowing yellow, but red color.

His expression darkened immediately. Estela, what did you come in with?

Surprised by his leaders sudden reaction, a shocked Estela stammered while hastily checking herself. She checked everywhere but couldnt see it, when she felt her breasts again, her face darkened as she felt something hard there.

Bringing it out, she recognized it as a camera.


She broke it immediately but she could not hold herself as she trembled in anger and fear from the implication of what just happened. She started pleading for mercy immediately.

The leader finally calmed down after raging for 2 minutes. Go and sound the level 3 alert, were expecting an intruder!

Yes, sir.


Clark clicked his tongue as soon as the projection got cut off from the other side. He was surprised that they had a device that could detect the camera, he suddenly felt like hes underestimated them a bit.

He didnt care much about it though as he stood up the next moment. Albert, wait here for me, I want to go stretch my muscles a bit.

Master, you told me to remind you that as soon as we get here, well be going to visit Mr. Calibri.

Clark was stunned. About that, lets postpone it till Im back.

Taking hold of his bag, he quickly strapped it to his back before walking out of the underground bunker the next moment.

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