The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 357: a dream

Chapter 357: a dream


Clarks eyes flickered up and down like flickering candlelight in the darkness before finally clearing up to survey the surroundings, but a sense of confusion diffused him as he saw himself in an unfamiliar environment.

He was no longer in the familiar room that he had grown to like after just one day of staying in it, rather he felt like he was in the clouds.

Feeling a little curious and apprehensive about his situation, he turned his head and surveyed his surroundings more properly. He didnt see Albert, he didnt see any house, he just saw the boundless sky and the occasional clouds.

Seeing nothing, he frowned a bit before looking down at his body. He almost screamed in shock because of what he saw.

He was familiar with this scene, his body was transparent just like a ghost, looking almost the same way that he looked and felt when he dreamt of the primordial exobeast during his mission in the Mediterranean Sea.

That was his second time in a dream where he saw himself in such an ethereal form. He could not help but frown a bit. What connection does this have with that dream?

Then his eyes slowly widened. Im in a dream!

He quickly frowned again the next moment, this was just too unique. In all his previous dreams, he always felt like it was a movie where he watched just like a zombie spectator without any influence on it.

But surprisingly, this time, even while in a dream he could reason and think like he was in reality. He could calculate, he could organize his thoughts, he felt horrified.

How is this possible?

He found it incredulous because hes not seen or heard of anything like this before. Subconsciously, he began to associate what was happening with the lessons that he learned from his master.

Special abilities!

Yes, thats it.

In his mind, he was already convinced. According to his master, every high-grade soldier already unlocked their special abilities, it was if and how much they could wield it that was the difference in grades.

And according to his master, high-grade soldiers would have more control of their special abilities after they cross the 3rd rank.

Perhaps, I have more control over my special abilities now, and that is what is now manifesting in my dream.

He had no other reasonable explanation for this phenomenon than this, it was the best and most logical that he could settle on.

He could only guess that his special abilities were related to the dream domain and that during his dream of the primordial exobeast, he was just beginning to grasp his special abilities.

But he was sure that dreams were still fixed revelations, so he guessed that his current uniqueness was that he could observe more details in his dreams and could even manipulate it a bit.

Thinking of this, he suddenly imagined accelerated time.

Nothing happened for about a minute, but after the minute mark was breached, Clark suddenly felt dizzy like he abruptly started moving at 3 the normal speed.

The clouds moved faster like they were being fast-forwarded, before Clark could react, he suddenly saw himself rapidly falling from the clouds, making his heart directly leap to his throat.

Stop! Stop!

Shouting in a flustered tone, he heaved a sigh of relief as his descent speed slowed down significantly. Still spooked by what just happened, he removed his hands from his face and peeked.

He was surprised by the scenery that was unveiled before his eyes, there was a huge and boisterous city before him and he recognized the city as Kings City, where he was currently in reality.

Because hes only stayed in the city for a day, he didnt see a lot of landmarks that he could recognize but his intuition still told him that this was undoubtedly the Dakran republic.

He was shocked as he suddenly saw someone coming out of a restaurant.

Is that, me?

Watching himself in a 3rd person perspective was something so weird to him that he felt like the world has been turned upside down. He was with Albert, and Pinky too, the extrovert neighbor.

Driven by instinct, his incorporeal form followed his body as he entered a cab in the direction of Mr. Woods Calibris estate.

He was shocked again, despite the speed of the cab and the super smooth roads of the city, he was still able to fly in pursuit and keep up with the cab.

How does this work really? It looks cool though.

Forcing himself to put such thoughts aside, he followed his dream self until they arrived at the extremely large estate of the billionaire. Seeing as his dream self was about to enter the estate confidently, he suddenly felt nervous on his behalf.

Slowly following him in, he tried to hide from the security, but he soon found that it was useless as they didnt even pay attention to him when he tried standing before one.

Tsk! Blind soldiers.

Clicking his tongue, he followed his body inside. Then the long wait started, he grew more irritated as the time went on. It took a full 4 hours before the billionaire finally created time in his schedule to see him.

Entering inside Mr. Calibris luxurious office, Clark finally laid his eyes before his girlfriends dad physically for the first time. Looking to the side, he was surprised to see Sonias mother also seated there.

As his dream body went into a conversation with the billionaire couple, incorporeal Clark hovered at the side while listening intently.

1 hour, that was the time that it took before the conversation came to an end. The information that he got was so clear that Clark felt dizzy for a moment.

Leaving the estate, he was surprised that the dream still didnt come to an end. Having practiced with it the other time before now, he calmly tried to fast-forward the time again.

It worked again; the scenes flashed past like movie scenes rolling past.

Clark suddenly paused it and narrowed his eyes as he arrived at a scene. His dream body went to the headquarters of the Mercenary alliance, and there he took on a mission that was trending.

The Red Eagle- Stolen Pistol.

Grade 4 and above mercenary mission.

Client: Unknown.

Number of Mercenaries who have taken the mission: 21.

Danger level:

Clark frowned as this part of the dream suddenly cut off from the rest. He tried all he could but still couldnt restore it, so he rather diverted his attention to fast-forwarding again as the dream did not end yet.

His eyes widened as he suddenly appeared in a new region entirely. Dust filled the atmosphere, and the weather temperature was extremely hot.

A Desert!

Clark felt annoyed a bit after waking up, he wanted to know more about the desert but the dream suddenly ended. Grumbling a bit, he tried to analyze the peculiarity of this dream compared to his previous ones.

As he sat down on his bed, he suddenly started feeling dizzy like he was drained of all strength. He tried to force himself awake, but his eyelids became too heavy for him to bear.

He was stunned. Did I, exhaust my special ability?

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