The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 376: entering the laboratory building

Chapter 376: entering the laboratory building

In one of the numerous-story buildings surrounding the public development headquarters, as soon as the first sniper shot was discovered, all the lights inside the building were switched off.

A blue glowing shield surrounded the building from outside, then activities immediately began inside the building.

All the soldiers secretly inside already had night vision goggles beforehand, so they were not blinded after the lights were switched off.

As soon as the doppelganger robot shattered into pieces, the real minister of finance who was hiding here quickly dropped the virtual helmet that he wore over his head.

Sir, this way.

Without batting an eyelid, he took the night vision goggles from the soldier and put them on. At this moment, an ugly irritated expression was on his face, his veins heaved up and down like they would snap from anger the next moment.

Sir, we need to go underground. The soldier stressed again.

The minister suddenly grabbed the soldier who talked on the collar, his expression vicious. Find them, find them, or take off your head as compensation.

Yes, sir.

Without hesitation, he obeyed the soldiers suggestion and started going out of the room, all the other soldiers in the room followed him immediately. When he got to the door, he paused for a moment.

I give you the authority, blow this place up with a bomb if that is what is required to find them.

For the dead civilians. He grinned crazily, a rare sight for an old man of his age. We can always blame them for the bomb, and it's not like anybody can challenge our claim.

Yes, sir. The soldier nodded again.

The minister finally turned around, and the group of soldiers who were in the room with him surrounded him tightly before they began escorting him underground.

Seeing that the minister left, the soldier who was addressed heaved a sigh of relief. With a complicated look on his face, he started barking orders into his comm.

Hello! This is your leader speaking; the headquarters is now in a Grade- 4 alert lockdown.

Find the intruders by all means, and shoot on sight.

Sir, do we have clearance to use bombs? A voice suddenly asked.

The soldier clenched his fists as his face contorted, then he finally controlled himself and spoke through gritted teeth. No, not until I say so.

Yes, sir.

Immediately after he shot and discovered that the minister speaking was just a doppelganger robot, Clark reacted immediately. He dismantled his sniper rifle at superhuman speed before rapidly stuffing the parts back into his bag.

Laboratory building.

Captain Drakes voice suddenly rang out from his comm as he did this.

Almost immediately, Albert already ran ahead of him and broke through the window outside. In the air, he brought out something that looked like a bomb, bit the lid open, and threw it into the air.

The soldiers that were in the process of running towards this building stopped and jumped for cover immediately on seeing this, but the expected explosion of the bomb did not come.

They were in the process of raising their heads but they immediately fell back down as loud sounds reverberated through the air, like a machine gun was being fired at them.

When they raised their heads up again, their faces burned as they saw the bomb-like object explode to form fireworks in the air while simulating machine gun sounds.

Wheres the assassin?

By the time that they noticed him again, Albert already dropped into their midst. With one hand he retrieved his thin spear, then his battle began.

Bam! Bam!

He didnt stab nor did he slash at the 2 soldiers to kill them, but the force that accompanied the spear to slam at the 2 soldiers with its blunt side made them faint immediately in shock.

Albert rolled forward the next moment as numerous bullets destroyed his previous location. They tried to retrace and shoot at him, but his agility left them in the dust.

Only the sound of his spear spanking asses reverberated in the battlefield, mixing with the gunshots to form a confusing cacophony of noise that was grating to the ears.

In just a few seconds to a minute, he stole all the attention to himself, successfully drawing all the attention away from his master.

A few meters away at the back of the building.


Clark dropped from the building and landed lightly on the floor. Without even sparing a glance at the soldiers all pouring in the direction of his student, he brought out a scanning device.


In just 2 seconds he locked onto the laboratory building. Without hesitation, he broke into a sprint while keeping the scanning device back into his bag.

As he ran, his multi-purpose boots calculated the vibrations on the ground and revealed the number of soldiers that were currently coming in his direction. With a calm face, he pulled his 2-form guns out.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

Immediately as the first soldier revealed himself from the corner, he pressed the trigger. The bullets flew out orderly in trickish manners, the soldiers didnt even understand what happened before they fell down.

Bullet after bullet dug into the legs of the soldiers, it would not kill them immediately but it was more than enough to incapacitate them.

Clark moved like a phantom, the few soldiers with guns among the soldiers could not even pinpoint his position. As he ran, he kept on revolving his guns, putting down any obstacle that appeared in his path.

Like a hot knife cutting through butter, so did he cut his way through the disorganized ranks of the soldiers who were trying to apprehend him.

Going a few more meters forward, he finally saw the laboratory building. He saw that inside the building was pitch black, but the energy shield surrounding the building made him confirm that this was it.

Dozens of artillery turrets and machine guns turned in his direction immediately as soon as he appeared, but he was not deterred by this.

Keeping his 2-form guns back, he unsheathed his 2 swords, rolled forward a bit to dodge the initial bullets before restarting his sprint and at a completely different speed.

His swords rotated beside him, swinging like a windmill as he cut the bullets trying to hunt him down into parts and pieces.

He didnt even look before cutting the bullets, all his attention was focused on the energy shield before him. After closing the distance enough, he ignored the bullets and jumped at the shield.

Both his swords stabbed down at the same time.


The shield flickered before dissipating into blue light, the resultant force from his sword shattered the door, granting him unrestricted access inside the building.

He rolled inside immediately through the door.

[I want to apologize for the late release today and the probable upcoming releases. My phone was stolen today, so a lot of things just became harder for me.]

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