The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 407: back to the spartan republic

Chapter 407: back to the spartan republic

Clark already finished every matter that he had in the Radan republic, so he immediately left by plane with his student after leaving the Oliver mansion. For his mech and his other valuables, he already moved them before now.

For the secret underground base that he built, he originally wanted to take everything from it, abandon it, and leave it bare. But when he thought deeper into it, he decided to keep it.

This was his first underground base, and it may be the first of many to come.

He couldnt predict the future, there may be a situation that needed him to take refuge here in the future, so keeping it was justified.

As he looked down at the Radan republic from the window of the airplane, he thought about the snowballing effects caused by the feat that they achieved.

The effect on other low-grade countries as described by Captain Drake was the most exaggerated, but there was also an effect in the Mercenary world.

Though the Pendragon Mercenary group already grew a lot with mercenaries numbering in the thousands, it was still a relatively small mercenary group when compared to the giants of the game.

But because of the feat that was achieved in the previous battle, it directly skyrocketed in fame to the heights of the big mercenary groups.

In every country, both the big 5 organizations, 4th rank high-grade soldiers were revered. A soldier of that caliber dying was such a shocking and amazing feat that the whole world would pay attention to it.

Even if the mercenary group was not the one who killed the General, the fact that they participated in the attack alone was enough to make them soar high in terms of fame.

For the past few days, an overly-excited Emily was already calling him repeatedly to notify him about the huge spike in the number of mercenaries coming to be recruited.

According to her estimate, if the trend continued, the mercenary group had a tendency of crossing the 10,000 mercenaries cap in a month.

At that level, it would finally stabilize itself as a big mercenary group.

Thinking of that, Clark chuckled. I guess Im not as awful of a mercenary Commander as I thought. Even if Im a rare sight, I still work behind the scenes to make things easier for them.

Hes always felt a little guilty about his inactivity in the mercenary group while still being its Commander, but this achievement alone wiped away his guilt.

Feeling his mode improve, he hummed a nice song while sipping on his soft drink happily.

Immediately after the plane touched down on the Spartan republic, Clark entered his car and cruised away. This time, he was lucky enough to get a plane that directly landed in Vatican City, making things a lot easier for him.

Arriving back in his city, Clark breath in the fresh breath of a flourishing world. Optimism filled the air.

Seeing this, he smiled. After the battle against the Persian tigers organization that destroyed a significant part of the city, the city was now on a trend of speedy recovery and development.

Though everything has not been recovered yet, it was now hard for a visitor to know that the city once suffered the effects of such a fierce battle.

He was originally afraid that the lunatics of the Persian tigers organization will retaliate after such a humiliating loss or even plan an assassination attempt against him, but he saw none of that.

Of course, he was left surprised but he didnt think too much about it. As a perfectly sane man, he could not understand what thoughts go through the minds of lunatics.

In his exotic car, he immediately started navigating the familiar roads of the city to the location of his mansion.

In a normal situation, he originally wanted to head over to the location described by the Calibri intelligence agency and get the relevant information that he needed.

But thinking about the warning that they gave, he could only give up in depression. He knew that he was definitely not ready to move out to an extreme region like the Sahara Desert now.

For a frontier like the said desert, he knew that he could not underestimate it. His experience in the Everest Mountain was still fresh in his mind.

Thinking of the fact that Sonia was now in such an environment left his heart aching even more. He felt a sense of urgency, his bottom line was to be ready in a week and leave.

As these thoughts went through his mind, it did not take him long before he arrived at his familiar mansion.

As soon as his car drove closer, the electronic gate detected it and slowly opened on its own. He already informed Rose of his coming, so the workers in the mansion were not startled by the sudden arrival.

They lined up, welcomed, and greeted Clark respectfully before going back to their daily works.

After parking the exotic car at the garage, Clark came down with his student. Walking through the mansion left him nodding in approvement, everything was still more or less the same as he left.

The mansion was still super magnificent and well maintained.

Welcome, boss.

Rose welcomed him cheerfully at the door. She welcomed Albert also in a tone of familiarity before she led the both of them inside the building.

Going inside, Clark felt like complementing Rose once again. Not only was a sumptuous meal already prepared for them, but a nice hot bath was also waiting for the both of them to relax their nerves.

After all the stress of the past month, the rigorous training, the battle, and the flight back, such a setting was the best to release tension.

Rose didnt bother the 2 men; she knew that they needed rest.

After eating to their fill and having a nice bath, Clark and his student went to their various rooms. Entering his familiar room, Clark felt like he finally returned to his life of luxury.

While feeling relieved and happy, he plopped down on his king-sized bed before falling into a deep sleep like someone who just experienced an extremely interesting adventure.

[I'm really sorry for the release problem on my part, I had some power outage and other issues. I'm really sorry, I'll make up for it.]

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