The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 413: warships the megalodon

Chapter 413: warships the megalodon

The battle becoming a siege battle meant that the Helicopters and Fighter jets in the sky had more room to roam and deal damage, and it also meant that the soldiers were more secure.

As the counterattack began, the now unrestrained soldiers of Vatican City threw everything they had at their enemies in vengeance.

This group of foreign soldiers were the archenemy of every Spartan citizen, getting to meet them now, and having gotten the upper hand after a series of actions, they could no longer hold themselves back.

The Fighter jets and Helicopters became even more unrestrained, rapidly shuttling shells and machine-gun fire bombardment at the enemies.

The field soldiers piloting the heavy artillery vehicles and exotic grenade launchers finally had room to debut properly on the battlefield.

Every shot from them sent vibrations through the earth, perfect evidence of the enormous power packed behind every shot.

All across the city, extremely loud booming sounds reverberated.

The Dome Shield was made in a way that attacks from outside are blocked, while those from inside going outside are allowed unrestrained access.

This was a perk of it that warranted its expensive usage every time.

Facing such a rapid change of situation and counterattack, the Mocan soldiers suffered severely from it but they quickly improvised not long after.

The regular field soldiers immediately brought out their batch of exotic shields. Stacking them all together, they interconnected with their comrades and were able to form a sturdy shield that spanned kilometers.

With this, both sides got their reliable defense. Then, a proper siege battle started where only the hardest puncher would emerge victoriously.

The battle continued intensely for 5 hours. And in this time, among the thousands of soldiers involved, hundreds already died among the Mocan soldiers due to the unrestrained attacks from their opponents.

Apart from the first initial losses, Vatican City soldiers were fairly solid.

An hour later, the intensity of the battle slowly reduced, this meant that the most difficult phase was already passed by the city.

This did not mean that the battle ended though, it simply meant that they would cruise through the rest parts in unrelenting defense siege battles like this.

In history, every main invasion attempt lasted at least a week with millions dying in the process. And clearly, this one was not going to be an exception.

Despite the number of them that died to the Vatican soldiers, the Mocan superiors leading this offensive did not demand backup forces or even a 3rd rank high-grade soldier to restrain Clark which was strange.

Clark suspected that a deep ploy was in play here, but he did not have the luxury to go deeper into it.

As soon as the intensity of the battle lessened, leaving both sides in a stalemate, he left the main battlefield to go rest and confirm some things.

In Savannah City, the city bordering Vatican City from the east direction.

The main invasion attempt of the Mocan republic was so abrupt that it caught the city officials off-guard. The Mocans came, they saw, they fought, and they hit hard at them.

Immediately after the leaders of the city confirmed that it was the main invasion attempt, they immediately ordered an evacuation of the civilians to the underground shelters, and they mobilized all the military forces of the city.

They reacted fast, but the only problem was that they did not react fast enough which was fatal in such a country-wide war.

By the time that the Mantis military division completely mobilized, the Mocan soldiers already molested the city completely for minutes.

In this process, over 35,000 civilians died to the inhumane slaughter, and a lot of important anchor buildings and structures in the city were wantonly destroyed which was a significant loss to the city.

Not only this, the Mocan soldiers already penetrated deep into the city during this time, enabling them to have a firm grasp over the city.

They already discovered and occupied most strategic battle points in the city, which directly translated to more danger for the Mantis military division and all other military forces in the city.

This became evident immediately after both sides clashed. The Savannah City soldiers died at such a frightening rate that it was enough to induce a heart attack to any commissioner in charge of the city.

Slowly but surely, the Mocan soldiers penetrated deeper, posing even more of a threat to the existence of the city.

The frantic city commissioners already sent for help from the Spartan army, but they were yet to get a response.

Filled with despair already, they watched the city that they grew up in slowly fall into the hands of their archenemies.

As the Mocan soldiers advanced, they also ruthlessly invaded the underground shelters, slaughtering every civilian hiding there.

In less than an hour, the city began flowing with blood.

Wails of despair and loss, blank looks of disbelief, these were the dominant sight in the city as the Mocan soldiers ravaged through them like a lion rushing into a pack of sheep.

In most cities of the Spartan republic, this was the same situation. Only the big, rich, and powerful cities reacted and adapted as fast, or even better than Vatican City.

Even as the war continued, more Mocan soldiers trooped into the country.

In the capital city of Southern Sparta, Mexican City.

This extremely prosperous city in Southern Sparta was already thrown into chaos. Though they reacted swiftly and appropriately to the invasion attempt, the Mocan soldiers attacking a strategic city like this were on a whole other level.

Mocan soldiers continuously rushed into the city like a colony of ants, spreading destruction wherever they went.

The Thunder military division was one of the most elite military divisions in the whole Spartan republic, but they were currently under a lot of pressure facing the unrelenting attacks of their archenemies.

For the attack against Mexican City, not only did the Mocans mobilize dozens of Helicopters, Fighter jets, and other heavy field machines and weapons, they also mobilized a powerful warship for this attack.

At this moment, the Megalodon was already mobilized also.

Unlike the safe manner that it looked when it helped in Clarks graduation missions, this warship finally revealed its fearsome war state.

It had exotic metals like spikes jutting out of its sides, its enormous cannons, and numerous other weapons extended out, aiming and shooting rapidly as the earth and air vibrated from every shot from it.

Both warships were the undisputed ruler of the skies, and at this moment, they were already engaged in an aerial supremacy war of fire.

Below their battlefield was like a black hole, pure destruction lingered below them as they engaged fiercely while still providing help to their allies.

Every shot from them dealt damage in epic proportions, almost seeming like they could destroy the world if they battled long enough.

At this moment, under the leadership of the head of Southern Sparta himself, General Vincent, Mexican City was mounting a great defensive battle against the mighty force of the Mocan republic.

The General already experienced such battles before, not once, not twice, not thrice, so he was a veteran in the act.

Paired with his exotic halberd, he was a ravaging Lion in the battlefield looking for the next victim to devour.

The war continued raging on.

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