The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 415: into savannah city

Chapter 415: into savannah city

Southern Sparta, Savannah City.

After 2 days of the harrowing and constantly deteriorating battle encounters that the mostly unprepared city had with the Mocan soldiers, it was already on the verge of falling apart.

Every few minutes, and every hour, bombshells shuttled across the air, raining down into various parts of the city, destroying property and lives altogether in the process.

Encouraged by their unchallenged advantage since the country-wide war started, the Mocan forces became bolder here as they started engaging in even more deep infiltration attacks.

In one of these attack raids, they succeeded in killing one of the three diplomatic commissioners who governed the city, successfully lowering the city's morale even further.

As they swept across, like usual, they took no prisoners.

For the past 2 days, they already swept past and took over dozens of underground shelters, and these takeovers resulted in deaths ranging from thousands to tens of thousands.

Over 70% of the enormous city was already taken by them, cornering the remaining forces of the city to one region.

They ruled when it came to air supremacy, so also did they rule when it came to field supremacy. They marched through the city like they were the owners, while their opponents were the invaders.

The only reason why they haven't taken over the city yet was that the remaining forces of the city were cornered in one region, indirectly increasing the defense of that remaining region.

At this moment, both sides were engaged in a siege battle where the invaders attacked in an unrestrained manner, leaving the owners of the city to defend pathetically.

The situation was not looking good.


Inside the government building, the remaining 2 commissioners and all the other diplomatic higher-ups of Savannah City converged here as they lived their possibly last days on earth.

The main hall of the government building had a tense atmosphere to it, the diplomatic leaders were anxious and feared for their lives as the battle continued raging outside.

The head commissioner of the city had a blank look on his face, his original authoritative and imposing vibe of being a citys higher-up was gone, his body looked lifeless as he sat on his chair.

Right now, only despair and hopelessness could be seen on his face.

He didn't know how many times he had sent distress signals for reinforcements already to the Spartan army, but since then, he didn't receive even one reply. It was like he and his city was abandoned.

At this moment, he could not help but rage against the Spartan army. Though he knew that the army was probably occupied by other battles already, he still felt anger fill his heart.

Every few hours, the statistical reports of the battle came to him, and the dead civilians recorded in the city already rose to over 60,000. He felt numb each time he saw the statistics.


He heard another sound of a bomb being dropped in their last line of defense, doing a good job of shattering his last hope even more.

As he looked blankly in despair, he jumped up, startled and alarmed as a figure suddenly jumped into the government building through the window.

He looked on with wariness and hopelessness, thinking that the enemies were already here and he was about to die but when he looked closer, he found the face familiar.

"Lieutenant Colonel". He hurriedly ran forward to meet Clark.

Hearing what he said, the other higher-ups who already stiffened like the sword of Damocles was above their heads finally jolted awake. They hurriedly looked up with joy like their savior was finally here.

Clark had a stern look on his face. To be sincere, when he came, he hardly recognized this city that he visited some time ago.

He found it shocking that so much damage was already done by the Mocan soldiers in 2 days, which made him rage even more.

He rapidly calmed himself down as he knew that getting angry would not help his situation.

He looked straight at the head commissioner. He didnt give an explanation of why he was here or what he was here to do, even a fool could guess that he was working under orders.

"I want control over all the forces of your city right now, and I mean now!"

He was about to leave but he stopped at the last moment. "An enemy strike force has already infiltrated this government building to assassinate you, we'll start from there".

Without waiting for the head commissioner's input or his reply, Clark turned around and left the hall.

As he left, he looked at his time.



As the battle between both armies raged on, a group of Mocan soldiers led by a Corporal smoothly infiltrated the Savannah City's government building.

Taking advantage of the unstable state of the soldiers fighting for the city, they were able to see a lot of loopholes to infiltrate, enabling them smooth passage into the city.

At this moment, they could already see themselves doing the glorious feat of assassinating the enemy commissioner.

They could already see themselves receiving medals of honor after the war. Their Major already achieved a lot, having almost taken over the city in just 2 days, and this huge achievement would surely spill over to them.

At this moment, they were already contemplating which city to go to and join to attack next after they ended their massacre here.

"Wait!" The Corporal suddenly frowned. "Something is wrong, my scanner just had a strange pulse which..."


Before he could finish, a spear struck out from the shadows and slammed hard at his face. Despite the protection from his armor, he lost a few teeth from the force.

Still in the process of reacting to this sudden attack, the hand in the darkness was inclined, turning the spear to its sharp edge in the process as it forcefully swiped to the right.

The spear easily cut through his head. In just less than 3 seconds, the leader of this operation, a 2nd rank high-grade soldier was killed.

The other soldiers finally reacted in shock, trying to retaliate with various means but their fate was already sealed immediately after Clark arrived in this city.

With less than 2 complicated moves and 8 simple moves, all the 8 assassins who participated in this assassination attempt were killed.

It took Clark less than 10 seconds to do it.

[Continuation into next chapter]

As soon as Clark finished eliminating all 8 soldiers sent to act as assassins, he left the scene as he was quickly led to the headquarters of the Mantis military division without alerting the Mocan soldiers.

Getting there, he finally got control over all the soldiers in the city.

Before going to the government building, he already surveyed the city and the damage done so he was able to come up with a plan shortly after.

Without hesitation, he laid down his plans before the soldiers. The main point was that all the soldiers were supporting, while he was the main anchor and attacker in the plan.

The current condition of the city already showed the incompetence of the military division, he had no thoughts of giving them complicated tasks.

After confirming that they understood his plans, they finally moved.


In the new main camp of the Mocan forces which was boldly in the middle of the city after their recent exploits, the Major who was leading this operation looked into the distance like he was expecting something.

A minute turned to 2 minutes, 2 minutes turned to 5 minutes, yet he still couldn't see the commotion that he was anticipating. He frowned as his intuition told him that something went wrong.

As he was about to order another of his subordinates to go check out what was wrong, a red flare was suddenly shot into the sky.

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