The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 420: 004723

Chapter 420: 004723

Delhi City, Python military division base.


Amid explosive sounds of bombs and gunshots, the soldiers of the military division moved back and forth with serious expressions, mobilizing more weapons of war to aid the frontline soldiers.

Delhi City was one of the few cities in the Spartan republic that repelled the invasion attempt properly, keeping the rabid soldiers of the Mocan republic at bay.

As one of the bigger cities in the country, not only did it have a well-developed emergency response unit and proper military forces, the Python military division was renowned in the country.

As soon as the invasion was confirmed, Captain Daniel did not hesitate to lead his soldiers out to clash with the Mocan forces.

He was a soldier who already lived through 2 Mocan invasion attempts, hes lost a lot of comrades and friends during both wars so he did not even contemplate wasting any time.

As a 3rd rank high-grade soldier, under his leadership, Delhi City mounted a firm defense against the invasion attempt.

Up in the skies, the Fighter jets and other aerial machines of both sides hovered, battling for that important dominance of air supremacy that could turn situations around.

There was no significant damage done to the city, the soldiers of the military division fought the Mocan forces to a stalemate at the border of the city.

Captain Daniel fought in an unrestrained manner, a luxury that he didnt have the opportunity for in years serving as the leader of the Python military division.

His spear was like a reaper of death, penetrating through the ranks of the enemies in an extremely aggressive manner.

His aggressive battle style meant that the opponents revealed a lot of clumsy mistakes, and his subordinates did not hesitate to capitalize on these mistakes.

Despite fighting the battle without a 3rd rank high-grade soldier leading them, the Mocan forces were able to hold the military forces of Delhi City to a stalemate which showed how much they researched about the Captain.

As this stalemate continued with war resources and money being depleted like water, with the occasional deaths from both sides, Leo led a special unit of soldiers as they fought aggressively at a corner of the battlefield.

With his current rank, he was no longer the nave Leo of yesteryear, he was now a veteran soldier who could lead other soldiers to war.

Just like his Captain, as a soldier who was mainly a melee specialist, he had an extremely aggressive battle style.

The name of his special unit was the Bull Chargers!

All the soldiers in the unit wielded swords as their main weapons, but like the name of their unit suggested, they specialized at aggressive battle charges which were more of a specialty of lancer-wielding units.

Though the Mocan soldiers did well to tone down their lethality in the battle, each of their charges was still plentiful dangerous.

And with a leader like Leo, the charges were even more potent.

Right now, Leo retreated with his unit again as they started hovering at the edge of the battlefield, reorienting themselves for another charge.

At such a moment, the Mocan soldiers were supposed to rush attack them to disrupt their tempo but they were not alone, other elite units of the Python military division helped them.

In such a manner, they were able to engage in seamless cooperative charges, dealing astronomical damage to the enemy in the process.

After organizing themselves properly, Leo yelled a battle cry as they charged into the enemy ranks again. With eyes as sharp as an eagle, he dodged the initial attacks and dove in with his sword.

Mid-movement, he activated his battle art, enabling him to apply even more force and technique in his charge.


He dodged the nearest enemy soldiers attack, then he swiped with his sword to the side, cutting into the soldiers abdomen which his exotic armor blocked.

Before the fellow could react and retaliate against his actions, he elbowed him, turned around, and threw him to the floor before striking 2 consecutive blows at the same location.

The armor was finally breached through, then another Mocan soldier died.

With his subordinates holding the other Mocan soldiers down, he was able to move from his first target to the second. He killed 2 ranged soldiers in the process before arriving at his targets position.

He clashed aggressively with the leader of this Mocan military unit.


Both of them quickly got embroiled in a heated melee battle. As they were both 1st rank high-grade soldiers, it was difficult to see who had an obvious advantage, leaving them in a stalemate.

As this stalemate continued, even though he was slowly being surrounded by Mocan soldiers already, Leo did not retreat to regroup with his soldiers.

A few seconds later, he suddenly pulled a strange move, making his body stagger forward as he head-butted the Mocan high-grade soldier.

During the brief moment of dizziness, he suddenly ducked. A soldier who was standing a few meters away from his battlefield aimed and pulled the trigger.


Before the Mocan soldier could react, he felt something sharp drill into his brain, then blood blossomed. The bullet directly penetrated his armor whose energy reserves were already being depleted.

He didnt die immediately, but Leo who ducked to evade the shot finished the job. As soon as he killed the high-grade soldier, amid chants from his subordinates, he smoothly retreated.

After retreating, he turned to see the soldier who shot the bullet, Smart man, flashing him a thump up.

Seeing this, he smiled, regrouped with his soldiers before preparing for another charge into the Mocan ranks.


After adding another Mocan soldier to the thousands of casualties that already suffered under his sword, Captain Daniel finally retreated into the city like he was about to rest.

But as soon as he entered the city, he used a device to cut off the opponents surveillance of him. Then, he handed authority to his second in command before stealthily leaving the city.

In just 2 minutes, he was out of the city.

Danika City, the outskirts of the city.

After another fierce battle that spanned 2 and a half hours, during which he helped the city forces to repel the Mocan soldiers and stabilize the situation, Clark finally retreated.

To others, he was going to rest but he secretly left the city. As he drove away, he looked at his time.


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