The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 428: beastmode

Chapter 428: beastmode

This is Sparta

The old man stood in a daze as the word of the President reverberated in his mind. He wanted to speak again but when he focused, he saw no one, the President was gone.


Outside in the battlefield, thunder seemed to streak through the skies as another shot from the main canon of the Leviathan bore a deep hole through the already weakened defense of the dome structure.

As the Spartan soldiers frantically rushed to cover up the opening revealed in their formation by this breach, a figure suddenly flew out through the hole.

The battle continued, but thousands of eyes looked up to see this figure.


At the location of the battlefield where the 2 Mocan Commanders fought, their eyes constricted in slight trepidation and fear as soon as they saw this figure.

Commander Rashford and Commander Arthur did not show much of a surprise on seeing the President. From the proceedings of the battle, they already more or less confirmed that he would participate at some point in time.

And now, he really participated.

Seeing the President which theyve heard legends of and always adored since their childhood days, the Spartan soldiers revealed frenzied looks of aggressiveness and fearlessness.

As soon as he stepped into the battlefield, a strange change seemed to spread through the air that affected both armies in different ways.

Immediately, the Mocan army started adjusting their battle formations.

In the air, President Leonidas hovered with the help of his exotic war boots as he looked down at the ongoing battlefield without much of an expression on his face. Then, he turned to look at the air.

At some point in time, 2 of the Mocan warships already pointed their main weapon armaments at this dangerous man but they did not shoot immediately.

President Leonidas nonchalantly ignored these enormous weapon muzzles facing him, then he turned to look at the 2 Mocan Commanders who had held Rashford and Arthur down for 5 days.

As he looked, his eyes shimmered as a strange bright golden energy force slowly started seeping from his body like it was an embodiment of his existence.

Feeling his gaze, the 2 Commanders inclined their heads to look at him. They were stunned and alarmed on seeing the golden energy force and his stern gaze on them, then they focused and read his lips.

This is Sparta!


The air clapped loudly like howling thunders and raging tsunamis as soon as the word was said, then Leonidas disappeared from his position in the air amid a spiking flare of the golden energy force surrounding him.

Having been informed beforehand, Commander Rashford and Commander Arthur dodged out of the way before the President moved.

Before the Mocan Commanders could react, Leonidas already appeared before Commander Ash. Covered with the golden energy force, his armored leg slammed down with force.

Bam! Crack!

The sounds of breaking bones reverberated as the leg pushed a visible depression on the Mocan Commanders shoulders, his face contorted immediately in pain as he tried to retaliate with his weapon.

Leonidas used his free left hand to grab his opponents weapon, holding it firm to a halt as his right hand propelled his sword straight through the Commanders abdomen.

Amid gasps from the Mocan Commander, Leonidas elbowed him, grabbed his head before head-butting him viciously.

Throughout all the chained moves, the Mocan Commander was not able to render an effective counterattack as he was thrashed completely like a lower-graded soldier.

Amid his coughing blood, when his eyes finally cleared up, he looked at his opponents face in shock and terror.

The Leonidass face that was presented to him widely dwarfed his imagination. The Presidents face was frighteningly cold, and his eyes glowed a bright golden color like he was an alien and not a human.

Seeing this, the Mocan Commander felt horror grip his heart. Youve grasped the uniqueness?


President Leonidas did not answer him, his sword did the answering as they stabbed viciously into his chest. He did not stop there, he pulled out and stabbed again at the same location.

With a warping sound reverberating, the shocked Commander Naga finally reacted and came to help her counterpart as her spear stabbed rapidly, leaving afterimages behind.

Leonidass golden energy force only flared wilder.

Clang! Clang! Boom!

He blocked the first 2 frenzied strikes from the female Commander, then he struck faster than her the 3rd time, twisting and stabbing viciously into her abdomen without mercy.

In just seconds, the 2 Commanders suffered staggering damage as they coughed blood in mid-air but the Spartan President was not done.

Leonidas chained 6 strikes consecutively, giving them 3 each without bias as they were both battered in mid-air without any chances of retaliation. At the 7th strike, he aimed for Commander Ashs head.

Seeing the sword rapidly advancing towards his head, Commander Ash suppressed the pain already dominating every part of his body as he activated a gadget through his implant.

With a poof sound, the Commander dissipated into thin air at the last moment, escaping a few meters away in the air.

Commander Naga intended to do the same and slowly reorganize themselves, but Leonidas reacted faster than she did. Head-butting her, she became dazed for a moment which was all the President needed.

Bam! Bam!

In 2 strikes, the female Mocan Commander lost a leg and a hand. Her quick reactions were the only conditions that saved her from immediate death.

Without hesitation, she activated a gadget and teleported a few meters away. Before they could even get a hold of their nerves, horror filled their faces again as the golden-eyed President arrived before them again.


With his sword in hand, Leonidas was like a beast without a leash as he battered the 2 Commanders to pathetic states in just a minute.

As he wreaked both Commanders, Rashford and Arthur were already free as they also wreaked havoc among the other forces of the Mocan army.

The 2 Mocan Commanders tried hard to escape from his controlled wreaking, but they could not. They felt like kids dancing at the hands of their more experienced and stronger brother.

After suffering another strike that almost resulted in his death, Commander Ash decisively activated a device and teleported out of the battlefield directly.

Commander Naga did the same but she suffered worse. She lost 2 legs, an arm, and suffered numerous sword injuries before she left the battlefield.

In just 2 minutes, Leonidas wreaked the 2 aces of the Mocan army.

He was on beast mode!

After doing this, his blazing golden eyes turned and focused on the 5 warships ruling the skies and spreading destruction.

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