The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 453: exotic gold cup

Chapter 453: exotic gold cup

Thud! Thud!

Amid the screeching sounds being made by the countless mutated desert scorpions, prominent thudding sounds reverberated as the lady mercenary and Mr. Sandstorm led the pack.

In moments, the tunnel was already filled to the brim with the desert scorpions. Their numbers were staggering, virtually uncountable to the tourists which only served to induce more despair in them.

Their fragile bodies moved savagely like rabid dogs, their poisonous tails stung repeatedly at the air, producing crisp swiping sounds all for the objective of getting that juicy human flesh.

Despite their current numbers and the fact that more of them were appearing, none of the tourists dared to hesitate as they followed behind the 2 individuals leading the team.

Mr. Sandstorm had a strange spiked weapon as his main weapon compared to other mercenaries, and it was frighteningly effective against the scorpions.

Each swing of the weapon from him left desert scorpions bleeding severely. The spikes attached to the weapon stung like a bee, and his heavy swing made them as heavy as a full-powered strike from an exobeast Silverback Gorilla.

The number of the desert scorpions was despair-inducing, but his eyes were so focused at the front like every other thing was simply background colors to him.

Beside him, the lady mercenary was an even more terrifying monster to the creatures. She moved like a train and fought like a real monster, even more so than the desert scorpions.

Her legs never stopped stumping viciously at the beasts, her whip never stopped spanking the life out of them, and her sword never rested from the job of cutting their tail and life away.

Despite the unintelligence of the scorpions, her presence alone was enough to leave a psychological trauma in them.

As the both of them took the front, clearing a path through the death horde, the other tourists followed them closely like a dog to its owner.

The locals and the bodyguards in the expedition team never rested. While attacking the desert scorpions, they diverted a percentage of their attention to monitoring and protecting the tourists.

For the bodyguards, most of their attention was focused on their employers.

Due to the tightness of the battle, they couldnt form a complete circular formation around the non-combatant tourists to protect them. They could only form a semi-circular formation, focusing on the most important tourists.

At the back of the tourists, only one person volunteered to stay behind and watch their backs- the petite lady who participated in the treasure hunt.

Her identity as a 2nd rank high-grade mercenary was already verified long ago after she participated in the treasure hunt, but her real competence was only shown after the long week moving through the danger-infested underground.

At this moment, she held 2 short daggers as her main weapons.


Another scorpion tail shot at her back, but she simply somersaulted in mid-air, curling around the poisonous tail without making contact with it as her daggers did some anatomical dissections.

The desert scorpion who aimed at her shrieked in pain while trying to retract its tail but it was too late. The poisonous tail fell apart into fragments, the daggers tore simple cuts through it that completely dissected it.

The problem was that not only one desert scorpion was behind her, they were many but to her, this was not much of a problem.

The sound of the air rapidly moving reverberated again as a dozen scorpion tails shot at her. While making sure that the other tourists were not affected, she started an acrobatic display.

She jumped slightly as her body started rotating and flipping through the air, enabling her to dodge all the initial strikes.

By the time she landed, other scorpions attacked but she was prepared. She jumped, ducked, rolled, squatted in one place, back-flipped, and front-lipped, dodging all the attacks while retaliating with her pair of daggers in the process.

She moved as flexibly as a leaf floating in the air.

With her astonishing display, she was able to keep herself safe while granting enormous help to the non-combatting tourists at the same time.

For the past week, apart from the lady mercenary and Mr. Sandstorm, she was undoubtedly the strongest expert whos contributed most to the progress and safety of the expedition team.

More team members surviving was always a good thing as it meant more people with means to solve different problems, so she was not stingy with rendering her services which the other tourists highly appreciated.

For Clark, while hiding in the middle with the other non-combatant tourists, he was also wielding a small exotic pistol and was shooting randomly at the desert scorpions.

After staying for a few days in the expedition team, he decided to act like other tourists, pretending to be a non-combatant adventurer who underwent little military training and could handle a pistol.

Amidst the battle and the rush through the desert scorpions, the petite lady mercenary who protected the back suddenly revealed an anomaly.

It was not a glaring anomaly, it was something that Clark was able to notice only due to his sharp insight as a 3rd rank high-grade soldier.

After dodging another scorpion tail stab, the petite lady paused for a fraction of a second as a slight look of excitement flashed through her face. The next moment, she rolled back into the ranks of the desert scorpions.

She did it so impeccably in such a way that made it seem to the others that she made a mistake which proved fatal to her safety, but Clark saw everything.

Amid panicked exclamations from the other escaping tourists, the lady was submerged by the ravaging desert scorpions.

Seeing this, the almost invisible eye lenses on Clarks eyes flickered. The next moment, his vision was restored and he saw the petite lady fending off the desert scorpions while digging out a cup-shaped object from the sand.

A deep scan was immediately performed on the object.

[Ding! Object Identified: Exotic Gold Cup.]

[Type: Exotic Gold.]

[Size: Medium Cup Size.]

[Value: Approximately 2 million Spartan credits.]

Moraless eyes flickered on seeing this, but he calmly retracted his gaze and pulled the trigger at the ravaging desert scorpions.

For the past 1 week, this was already like an occurrence that happened every 3 days. Originally, the lady mercenary got all the previous ones that were encountered but this petite lady got lucky this time around.

He was not impatient to act at all, he was as patient as an oriole stalking the mantis that was stalking the cicada.

Though the tourists were worried about their teammate that was submerged in the ranks of the beasts, they could not stop so the escape continued.

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