The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 62: raiding the traitors company

Chapter 62: raiding the traitors company

Of the loot Clark gained, he surprisingly discovered a bunch of exotic explosives which excited him to no end. My luck is simply off this world for even getting such stuff from a random 1st rank high-grade soldier, he muttered excitedly while rubbing his hands together.

Clark thanked his lucky stars that the Mocan soldier refused to use these gadgets of mass destruction. He probably thought he could escape without using them. He was probably sent on a crucial mission, Clark thought as he carefully kept his new goodies.

Any of these lethal explosives Clark got is enough to down the durability of his armor with one explosion and the bunch contained a total of 20 explosives. The cost of this alone is more than 500,000 Spartan credits, looters are winners, Clark cheered in joy as he relaxed.

The explosives were made to be very portable, it looked just like a mobile phone battery when comparing in terms of shape but it was as dangerous if not more dangerous than a full powered shot from his newly acquired car.

Clark finally returned to the military division base in the evening, he quickly filled in his time of returning and he narrated the happenings of the day. The captain asked to see him directly when he heard that Clark was back.

On arriving Clark described the whole encounter to the captain before showing him the picture of the Mocan soldier. The captain fell silent after Clark showed him the picture. Clark, you did well this time. This particular soldier has proved very difficult to kill to various checkpoints of our Python military division.

Check your military achievement points later, youll receive a surprise soon if things go according to plan. Clark stood up as he saluted the captain before going to his room.

Leo and Benny already heard about Clarks encounter as the news already circulated around the military division. They bombarded him with different questions when he returned, they were astonished after listening to the full story.

Fighting and killing a high-grade soldier of the same rank in a direct battle was simply an incredible achievement to a new high-grade soldier like Clark. The high-grade soldiers they killed in their graduation training was not through a direct battle. It was a sabotage, an ambush, that was what it was. An ambush is a different thing entirely in comparison to a direct battle. Their admiration for Clark shot up another notch again after this as they chatted casually.

The next day Clark and his squad didnt go to their checkpoint as the military division discovered the identity of the Mocan soldiers helpers. It was a pretty big company owned by a man called Tim Haaland. His company deals in providing security to people, its just like a mercenary company.

The captain ordered him to raid the organization, he was ordered to capture them alive if possible but if not possible, he could kill them.

That morning Clark took his car with his soldiers for the first time. He already started developing a bond with one of the soldiers, he was now his second in command. He was the only one who had the opportunity to stay with Clark in his 10 million credits car as the other vehicles trailed behind them.

Leo during all this time at his checkpoint, he only encountered small bandits attacks which were easily nullified by his soldiers so he havent really fought any battle for the whole week. But despite this, his mind was elsewhere as he thought of what Clark revealed to them yesterday.

During their casual talks yesterday, Clark dropped another bomb which frightened the hell out of him and Benny. They stared at him in horror when he revealed that he performed his battle art during the battle.

Till now, the both of them were still bashing their heads against the wall as they couldnt perform a tiny part of the battle art they bought. Their expressions no longer remained the same after the confession, they now looked at him like he was a monster.

Even the captain of the division was shocked when he learnt that Clark could already perform a battle art after only one week of practicing it. He already started sorting out a position to give Clark as one of the leaders of the division. This speed of improvement was simply mind blowing.

Clark didnt know the waves his actions already created as he led his soldiers to arrest the people of the said company. They rode for over 30 minutes before they finally reached the huge compound housing the company. A huge sign board hung facing the highway reading, Haalands security company.

They stopped 2 kilometers away from the company as Clark instructed his soldiers to surround the building before, they continue. After all the preparations, he drove alone in his car closer to the huge company.

Clark stopped and parked at the front of the company; his cars glasses were tinted so people could not see inside the car. He directly announced as his voice spread through the voice amplifiers installed in the car.

TIM HAALAND, this is the Delhi military division. I am sergeant Clark of the military division; we have evidence that points that this company secretly helps the Mocan republic. If you are a worker here and you are innocent, kindly come out with your hands raised above your heads. We are arresting every worker in this company and Tim Haaland himself today.

Do not try to resist, you will regret it, one shot from my cars main cannon can obliterate a section of this company so be obedient and comply to avoid casualties. Make your decisions quickly, in 10 minutes if you are not out, well storm in ourselves. After saying this Clark kept silent as he kept note of the time.

On hearing Clarks last words, this spurred the workers on as they all started walking out in panic, some were confused but it was wiser to avoid death now and ask questions later. The company security thugs were also confused but they obediently complied as the ferocious looking cannon of Clarks car faced the companys gate.

Clark didnt have to wait for 10 minutes before his scanners confirmed that everybody was out of the building.

But things got complicated as Tim Haaland and his personal high-grade soldier bodyguard were nowhere to be found.

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