The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 96: the roman empire team vs the lagoons team

Chapter 96: the roman empire team vs the lagoons team

Despite the Seafarers alliance not lacking high-grade soldiers, this high-grade soldier tournament is still extremely popular. Clarks team left in the morning, as their first virtual battle was scheduled today, to start at 9:00 am. The alliance built a huge stadium, uniquely for this tournament.

The Camelotian Captain drove them to the stadium, as Mark did his work as a team captain, giving them a few words of advice. Well, to them, all he was saying was just a load of crap. He was also inexperienced in the gladiator tournament; they just didnt criticize him to give him face.

As soon as they entered the room prepared for their team, they were all shocked as they stared at the projection on the side of the room. Clark knew this tournament was popular, but not in his wildest dreams did he expect this. As big as the stadium was, it was filled to the brim with people.

The stadiums size is easily 5 times bigger than a football stadium; they forcefully suppressed their shock as the Captain called at them.

I admit it, the 5 of you are very strong as a team. But dont even contemplate getting complacent and underestimating your opponent. The Captain advised, at the same time admonishing them.

They nodded seriously to his advice, as they quickly went to the nutrition cabins in the room. They still had 30 minutes before the battle begins, so they familiarized themselves with the nutrition cabins while doing small virtual battle training. They did this to get immersed, in the battle mode quickly.

Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day youve all anticipated and have been waiting for. Today the gladiator tournament begins, today, the team virtual battle begins. As the commentator talked, the spectators were already cheering wildly in excitement.

Lots of high-grade soldiers, battle-hardened veterans have come to fight for this ultimate price. They came from all corners of the earth, converging here to duke it out in team battles, and the most important individual battle.

The first team battle of the day is between the Roman empire team, and the lagoons team. Mark came outside, as soon as they were called.

The rest of the team followed after him, as the opposing team gladiators also came out. The format for the tournament was already released.

In the team battles, out of the thousands of teams that applied, only 100 teams were selected to participate. The selection was made after their battle training results were compared.

Shit, Clark cursed subconsciously, as the Sabertooth he thought was an adorable A.I, was a spy. Revealing their battle results, without any feeling of remorse.

Well, A. Is dont have feelings and emotions, he thought in resignation. Unlike the team battle, the individual battles, only 10 individuals were selected from the millions of individuals who applied. This selection was also from their training results.

Through this method, the organizers could ensure that only the cream of the top teams and individuals will battle, making the battle more intense and exciting.

The tournament was only for one month, forget about how the spectators are cheering wildly like brainless fans, they are still bonafide members of one of the big 5 organizations. They dont have the time to spend more than a month, on this tournament.

To them, this is just one of their numerous sources of entertainment. Most of them spectate this tournament just for the excitement, the bloodlust, and maybe for the surge of adrenaline that flows through them when a gladiator beheads another gladiator.

Mark led his teammates, as they went over to exchange handshakes and pleasantries with the opposing team gladiators. They didnt waste any more time, as they went to rest on the nutrition cabins in rows, opposite each other.

As they went to the nutritious cabin, the Team Captain of the lagoons made a sign with his finger cutting across his neck. This was a plain provocation, as it meant you are all dead.

The camera captured this scene, so the audience saw it. This increased the excitement in the air, the smell of gunpowder was already lingering ominously.

Kill them, kill them, the spectators yelled with vigor. Clarks team were unfazed despite the taunt, as they calmly entered their allocated nutrition cabins. They were not kids, that they would react to such a lame provocation attempt.

At least, even Clark himself was no more a kid. He was over 20 years, and most especially his years of experience in the sea made him mature far faster than normal. He was still the same Clark, but he was not blind, the happenings around him were already changing his view of the world significantly.

As soon as both teams entered their nutrition cabins, a shield slowly rose from the ground, as they became sealed completely from the audience. Everywhere became eerily silent to them, as all the cheers and noise from the audience was completely blocked.

They immersed themselves, as their implants quickly connected to the A.I, specially made for the tournament. A simulated gladiator arena appeared as they materialized in the arena.

Outside, 4 screens were projected in the air. The projected screens were very huge, so it was enough for every single spectator to see clearly. The gladiators materialized on the screen, as they appeared on opposite ends of the simulated arena.

Formation!! Mark did not get carried away as he announced immediately, as soon as they appeared. His teammates moved very fast, as they quickly formed a formation, that they were already familiar with.

Arthur stood imposingly with his spear at the front of their formation, Emily and Aurora positioned themselves at the right and left sides respectively.

Clark stood in the middle of the formation, while Mark was positioned slightly behind him. On the projection, a Captain tag was attached to Marks head, while vice-captain was Clarks tag.

As soon as their formation was complete, they all charged forward in tacit understanding. They advanced at a steady pace, as they got ready to confront their opponent. They were not underestimating their opponents, but they were confident of their strength.

Seeing Romans teams straightforward charge, the spectators grew excited, as they started cheering them on. Forgetting that they were cheering their opponents, just a minute ago.

Unfortunately for them, Clark and his teammates didnt care as they could not even hear them. The distance between both teams was not too long, as they quickly sighted their opponents.

The opposing team positioned themselves in a bow and arrow formation. The Captain followed his teammates from the back with his broad sword, as he acted as the arrow. While his teammates acted as the bow, lining in his front.

Boom!! Arthur pointed his spear forward, as he charged forward, gradually increasing his speed. His spear hit, making a huge sound as his opponent blocked with his shield while retaliating with his sword. Whoosh!! He ducked, as his opponents sword struck past his head.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! His spear retaliated back with force fiercely, as his opponent blocked composedly.

After the first strike, his opponent staggered back. On the second strike, he almost fell, as he hurriedly tried to balance his step. The last destroyed his strongest reliance, as his shield broke into fragments with a bang.

The opponents left their shield wielder to their first opponent before. But when they saw the situation, they reacted fast in a slight panic as they turned back, trying to surround him.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! Arthurs hand speed erupted, as he parried all the strikes aimed at him. Bam!! He ended his wild parrying strikes with a slash. He circled in one place, so the slash reached all his opponents.

They all fell back from the force of the blow; this display of strength finally opened their eyes as they looked on in horror. All this back-and-forth maneuver happened in less than a minute.

His teammates finally arrived, as Emily quickly picked her opponent. Clark and Mark focused on another opponent, while Aurora boldly charged forward as she confronted the opposing teams captain. Arthur could now finally focus, as he charged at the remaining 2 opponents.

The opposing gladiators didnt even have time to stabilize themselves from their fall back before they were swarmed by their opponents.

Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Auroras daggers danced around like a viper, as the opposing team Captain tried his best to keep up with her tempo. Boom!! He finally got a chance to attack, as his broad sword struck down with force.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! She exploded with a burst of speed, as she dodged to the right. Before the Captains sword could even touch the ground, she already moved again to the left as she held her dagger in a slanted position.

The spectators were shocked, as the Captain didnt respond, nor did he move again. The blood dripping from her dagger explained what happened.

So, they could only watch wide-eyed, as their brain could not comprehend what just happened yet. The first person who died was surprisingly the opposing teams Captain.

The projection quickly left that side of the arena, as it focused on Arthurs battle. His 2 opponents stood no chance against him, as his spear moved with momentum, like a lions pounce. His 2 opponents died shortly after, as he beheaded them after fighting a bloody and extremely fast-paced battle with them.

The projection switched to Clark and Marks battle. But they were too late, as the battle, there was already over. They quickly switched perspective again to Emilys battle, but they met the same outcome, they were too late.

Shit man, the spectators could not help but curse. Are you sure that this is a battle between high-grade soldiers?

The battle started and ended swiftly, it was just too damn fast, but it also felt more exciting as a replay of the battle was shown.

2 minutes later, the gladiators came out of their nutrition cabins. The spectators erupted with thunderous applause, as the wild cheering became a stepping stone, heralding the rising of one of the best teams in the tournament.

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