The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Besides being wrong, the chef constellation’s approach was also inefficient. If Choi Yeonseung were to attack and slaughter everyone in the realms on Earth currently dominated by the Master of Slowness and Silence, how would the people in that area react?

Even the people who previously didn’t believe in the Master of Slowness and Silence would develop some faith in him.

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ says that the situation is more dangerous than you think.]

[The evil god constellations feed on the fear emitted by souls. If left alone, he will become even stronger.]

“I know.” Choi Yeonseung nodded. Still, he still had no intention of going with the chef constellation’s idea. Even if the opponent’s power was outstanding, letting his judgment be clouded by that would inevitably lead to defeat.

‘It’s going the way I originally thought.’

-I also think you’re right, Successor.

The goddess of sloth cheered from the side.


Tardus, the household member of the Master of Slowness and Silence, didn’t only wield a whip. There still were many constellations on Earth and many humans with fighting power. Besides, humans hadn’t surrendered during the first, nor the second invasion. They were more persistent than constellations thought.

In the kingdoms of the Abyss, if the leader kneeled, the subjects under him would also kneel. Meanwhile, humans would remain on their feet and fight even if some of their leaders disappeared. They sometimes ran or hid, but they didn’t surrender.

Therefore, from the start, Tardus didn’t intend to subdue them only using force. He, too, had learned a lot from his long reign over humans on Earth.



The captured high-ranking officials of the Chinese party looked around with fearful expressions. The Master of Slowness and Silence wasn’t going to stop at spreading this pestilence of slowness around the world. Naturally, the previous invasion was resumed as well.

The invasion of the Master of Slowness and Silence was so overwhelming that the entire planet was plunged into chaos, with news spreading like wildfire. If the situation weren’t so hectic, all eyes would be on this side.

“Do you... understand...?”

At Tardus’ words, one of the senior executives gulped nervously.

“I-is that so? If we cooperate, you will guarantee our status... Right?”

“That’s... right...”

The giant snail’s slow voice felt bizarre and eerie. However, the senior executives overcame their fear with greed and desire.

Tardus’ suggestion was very unexpected. If they cooperated with the Master of Slowness and Silence, they would be able to maintain their current status, position, and wealth. For the executives who were shaking with fear at the prospect of being captured by the evil god constellations, this proposal was incredibly tempting.

“Are you really going to accept his offer?”

One of the captured executives glared at the people around him as if it was ridiculous. As a former member of the party’s Standing Committee, located at the top of China’s power pyramid, such a proposal, made by an enemy, was unacceptable.

It wasn’t a matter of diminishing the power they had, but a matter of changing the world itself!

“Think carefully! What kind of evil deeds and suffering will occur if an evil god constellation rules over Earth? Have you forgotten why we have been serving the people?”

A few senior executives were stunned by the words of the Standing Committee member, and the rest were positively perplexed.

‘He’s talking like he hasn’t taken bribes himself.’

‘I could make a separate division just out of the party members who have bribed him.’

The same thing had a different meaning depending on the person who said it. If someone like Choi Yeonseung came out and said, “What have we been fighting for so long, everyone?! Let’s fight together!” even someone with a heart of lead would be moved...

However, if someone like this member of the Standing Committee came out and said the exact same thing, everyone would stare at him in confusion and wonder, ‘What the hell is this guy talking about...?’

Tardus, with no change in his expression, merely asked, “What evil deeds and suffering...? I don’t understand...”

“Of course you don’t understand! You worship an evil god constellation! What are you spreading on the land ruled by your evil god constellation? Hunger, slaughter, destruction and pollution! Aren’t you turning that rich land into ashes?”

“Where Master governs... none of what you just said is applicable...?” Tardus replied emotionlessly.

The senior executives flinched, as they knew better than anyone else that Tardus was telling the truth.

Naturally, as a hostile force bordering his territory, all types of negative rumors spread about the Master of Slowness and Silence within China.

-In the realm of the Master of Slowness and Silence, they eat people!

-They drink blood and snack on crushed bones...

-In comparison, how happily are we living?

However, in an era where the flow of information was unstoppable, regardless of how much people tried to suppress it, not many people believed such rumors. Besides, the senior executives were well aware of what was going on in the realm of the Master of Slowness and Silence.

Naturally, it was slow and quiet.

The noisy factories had been closed, no cars were seen on the road, planes and ships had all been destroyed... Unexpectedly, the Master of Slowness and Silence had one of the most habitable realms among all the evil god constellations.

Except for the fact that everything was awfully slow and quiet, everything was perfect—food for the hungry, clothes for the naked, aid for the injured and the sick.

The Chinese government kept it a secret, but most people who had come to China from the realm of the slowness constellation found it hard to adapt. In fact, most of them argued that the area of the constellation was better and asked to go back.

“In comparison... in your land where there is no constellation... souls die... the land is polluted... there are all types of loud and painful screams... I can hear them from the realm of my master...”

The member of the Standing Committee was dazed as his argument was refuted with facts. He had never imagined that a household member of an evil god constellation would rebuke him for failing to run the country.

“N-nonsense! Our people are happy! Of course, there are problems, but... they will be resolved soon! I won’t be lectured by someone like you, who serves an evil god constellation!”

“They are dying... how can they be happy...?”

Tardus’ piercing gaze left the committee member speechless.

“If you don’t want to serve Master... you can just disappear.”

And just like that, the committee member vanished in the blink of an eye, causing everyone else to tremble in fear.


“Is there anyone else... who doesn’t want to serve?”


“I’ve always wanted to eradicate the contradictions and absurdities of the party! The Master of Slowness and Silence is our savior! What complaints could I possibly have?”

“If we join the Master of Slowness and Silence, the future will be ours!”

“Hooray! The Master of Slowness and Silence! Hooray! Hooray!”

“Shut up... You speak too fast...”

“I-I’m sorry.”

Tardus nodded once he finished persuading the senior executives and made them step down.

The carrot and the stick—the other evil god constellations had failed so far because they didn’t know about the carrot, but Tardus was different. He instilled overwhelming fear into humans through displays of power, then forced them to cooperate one by one.

There was no need to take down every last human on Earth. At some point, they would be completely paralyzed by fear, and millions of them would join the Master of Slowness and Silence for various reasons...

If that happened, Earth would belong to the Master of Slowness and Silence.

“Let in... the ambassadors...”

Next, Tardus summoned diplomats from all over the world to come in. By now, they had to be astonished by the power of the Master of Slowness and Silence, each making their own calculations.

Once negotiations began, everything would proceed smoothly.



Tardus seemed unusually distressed.

Surprisingly, most of the diplomats had politely declined the offer. Initially, he had thought that even if they refused at first, some of them would contact him in secrecy...

But most of the diplomats had flat out rejected Tardus’ offer. He couldn’t believe it.

However, the negotiations hadn’t been a complete failure. Although many people had turned down his offer, some had been eager to accept it.

“What should I dedicate to the Master of Slowness and Silence?”

“Please leave some power only to our company’s factories!”

Various CEOs came, each of them blinded by greed. Even if the evil god constellation destroyed the world tomorrow, today they would plant an apple tree!

A crisis was an opportunity. The companies that generally struggled against Dragon Industry were especially motivated to collude with this constellation.

In the end, the refusal of the diplomats was meaningless.

‘That human... what a pity...’

Tardus felt a bit sorry for Choi Yeonseung. He was definitely a great opponent. As a human, he had defeated many of the Abyss’ household members and shattered the constellations’ conspiracy.

If he had come from the Abyss, he would’ve already established a new kingdom under his name, which would remain legendary even thousands of years later. He would’ve been favored by the constellations and given immortal glory.

However, being a human on Earth was Choi Yeonseung’s limit.

Unlike Abyssal beings, the humans of Earth were extremely selfish, greedy, and rebellious. In fact, Tardus had convinced quite a few humans so far to betray humanity.

Moreover, no matter how firmly Choi Yeonseung gave them orders, humans simply wouldn’t listen to him. He was the prophet whom no one listened to, despite telling the truth—a harsh fate indeed.

The human hero would soon fall, cursing the selfishness of his race with his dying words.

Many countries were monitoring the crisis and trying their best to hold out, but could they keep going after seeing those greedy people gaining power?

‘Soon, more and more humans will break away... Then, the kingdom of the Master of Slowness and Silence will arrive...’


“Choi Yeonseung, some companies are secretly negotiating with the Master of Slowness and Silence...”

“I knew it.” Choi Yeonseung wasn’t surprised, which was why he didn’t curse at them. It had been painfully obvious. If anything, he was actually surprised that so few people were doing it.

“Wait... Is this the only contact there was? Didn’t some people do it secretly?”

“That would be difficult. I think all constellations are keeping their eyes on the realm of the Master of Slowness and Silence.”

Choi Yeonseung nodded at Adaquaniel’s words.

“Send them a warning not to join the slowness constellation. If they don’t listen, you can send household members to smash them.”

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ asks if you are angry with those traitors.]

-Angry...? I knew this would happen.

Tardus was mistaken. Choi Yeonseung wasn’t disappointed by the betrayal, as he hadn’t had any expectations in the first place. Moreover, he wasn’t trying to save Earth from constellations because he had faith in humanity or because he considered it a noble act.

‘...I’m doing it because I have to.’

What was he supposed to do if someone fell down on the railroad tracks and no one else was around? Clearly, he ought to step up.

There was no point in cursing others here.

-What’s with that analogy...?


A deep resonance escaped from Choi Yeonseung’s lips. It was a voice infused with power of existence, one that couldn’t be produced by a mortal.

In China, the video equipment prepared by Dragon Industry hovered in the sky, all focused on Choi Yeonseung.

That day, the Master of Slowness and Silence and the people of Earth would learn about the new constellation!

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